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PREPARING STUDENTS TO TEACH PSYCHOLOGY IN RUSSIA Victor Karandashev, Leningrad State University, Russia and Grand Valley State University, USA.

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Presentation on theme: "PREPARING STUDENTS TO TEACH PSYCHOLOGY IN RUSSIA Victor Karandashev, Leningrad State University, Russia and Grand Valley State University, USA."— Presentation transcript:

1 PREPARING STUDENTS TO TEACH PSYCHOLOGY IN RUSSIA Victor Karandashev, Leningrad State University, Russia and Grand Valley State University, USA

2 Outline 1. Who can and should teach Psychology: psychologists or teachers? 2. What is preparation of students in Russia to teach psychology? 3. Textbook on the Teaching of Psychology

3 The teaching of psychology is a crossing area where psychology and pedagogy meet

4 The two major aspects of psychology teaching are: Curriculum and the course content:  WHAT should we teach Teaching methods and skills:  HOW should we teach

5 Who can and should teach Psychology: psychologists or teachers? The field of psychology teaching is at the crossing of psychology and pedagogy in many aspects. Psychologists are more interested in the course contents  (what psychology should be taught to students). Teachers (educators) are more interested in the course methods and skills to deliver that knowledge  (how the psychology should be taught to students).

6 Psychologists are the better experts in psychology as science and profession, much less in teaching skills The deficit of pedagogical knowledge and skills of psychologists may lead to deficiency of psychology teaching despite of being very knowledgeable in psychology as science and profession

7 Teachers are the better experts in the methods of psychology knowledge delivery and skills that are needed for teaching, much less in science Similarly, the deficit of scientific psychology knowledge of teachers may lead to deficiency of psychology teaching despite of being very knowledgeable in pedagogy

8 So, should we delegate the duties of teaching psychology to psychologists or teachers? Who (hypothetically) would become the better teachers of psychology: psychologists or teachers?

9 I think that… pedagogically educated psychologists  and/or psychologically educated teachers

10 This is in theory. What is in reality? The reality is as follows: In schools (at pre-degree education) - the people with pedagogical educational background typically teach Psychology. In colleges and university (at undergraduate and graduate education) – the people with psychological educational background typically teach Psychology.

11 How to enhance the quality of psychology teaching in such circumstances? Along the theory presented above, on the one hand we should enhance pedagogical qualification of psychologists.  That is just what universities administration try to do establishing teaching support service within university. On another hand, we should enhance psychological qualification of teachers.  That is just what psychological associations try to do organizing conference and seminars for school teachers of psychology. That is reality on how to help the “adult teachers” (faculty) to become effective teachers of psychology. And what should we do to preparing students to become effective teachers of psychology?

12 How to prepare students for the teaching of psychology? Generally saying, it depends on educational settings where to teach:  in high school or  college.

13 What is the reality of Russia in these issues?

14 In Russia there are two types of programs where students learn to teach psychology:  undergraduate and  graduate

15 Undergraduate psychology degree program Undergraduate psychology degree program is a five- year specialist program intended to give students both scientific and professional education and training. The qualification, which students receive upon graduation from such psychology degree programs, has double title “Psychologist, Teacher of Psychology.” Upon graduation the students should:  be scientifically educated,  be able for professional work in psychology  be able for teaching psychology in schools and colleges.

16 So, among many courses in psychology all students of five-year specialist program in psychology have to take  some mandatory courses in Pedagogy and  one-semester course in the Teaching of Psychology.  practice where students get the first-hand experience of teaching psychology in schools and colleges.

17 Graduate psychology program (aspirantura) Graduate psychology program (aspirantura) is a doctoral program (PhD) intended to give students  advanced knowledge of psychology science  experience of scientific research  pedagogical preparation to teach psychology at the college level.

18 So, some universities have the course such as Psychology and Pedagogy of Higher Education for students of all graduate programs  (intended to prepare them to teach their subject at the college level). Typically there is no special course in Teaching Psychology for PhD psychology students. However, practice in the teaching of psychology is a mandatory part of PhD psychology program that complements research experience of doctoral students.  They have to give several lectures, seminars, and practice classes.

19 Textbook on the Teaching of Psychology

20 No special textbook for the courses on the Teaching of Psychology had been published for many years.  There were only books covering some important, but patchy aspects of teaching psychology in certain educational settings (schools, pedagogical colleges etc). Peter Press (St. Petersburg) recently published the first comprehensive textbook on the topic for university students prepared by Victor Karandashev (2005).

21 It covers various aspects of psychology curriculum and methods of psychology teaching in high schools and colleges: 1. History and current status of psychology teaching in Russia and other countries. 2. Official documents, directions and guidelines for teaching psychology in schools, undergraduate and graduate programs. 3. Goals and objectives of teaching psychology in different educational programs. 4. Description of psychology curriculum in different educational programs.

22 5. Types of activities in psychology classes (lectures, seminars, exercises, papers, research projects, practice) and how to prepare these. 6. Methods and techniques of teaching psychology 7. Methods of evaluation, assessment and grading 8. Preparing a psychology course: step by step 9. Psychology teacher education and training 10. Professional and personality characteristics and teaching abilities of successful teacher of psychology

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