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 Congratulations on Your Tawjihi success  Welcome to English  Wish you the best success in both lives.

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Presentation on theme: " Congratulations on Your Tawjihi success  Welcome to English  Wish you the best success in both lives."— Presentation transcript:

1  Congratulations on Your Tawjihi success  Welcome to English Department @IUG  Wish you the best success in both lives

2 Dr Nazmi Abdel-Salam Al-Masri Sept 2014 IUG Academic Reading

3 How do you feel about joining IUG?

4 Why?


6 Dr. Nazmi Abd Al-Salam Al-Masri Office location: Community Service & Continuing Education Building 1st floor Email: Office Hours: SNMTW - 11.00 – 15.00 Phone: Direct 26 41 419 26 444 00 Ext 1181 Homepage: Note: Feel free to contact me in office, by email-, or phone if you have any questions.

7 Course description It will use a variety of texts to develop 1 st year students’ academic reading skills. The texts cover topics related to different fields: education, religion, politics and media, health and medicine, business and literature. It provides training & practice in reading college level texts; opportunities for reading & sharing of information; & the chance to select & read authentic & imaginative materials for pleasure & increased self-confidence as skilled & critical readers Emphasis will be placed on the development & application of reading skills in the interpretation, analysis, criticism, and advocacy of ideas encountered in academic reading.

8 Course Goal To develop students’ strategies to read academic texts, to expand vocabulary and to enhance thinking and critical reading skills.

9 Objectives & Intended learning Outcomes 1) To enhance students’ active reading strategies to comprehend academic and literary texts efficiently by previewing and predicting activating prior knowledge questioning recognizing main ideas, key supporting points, and organizational patterns exploring purposes

10 Objectives & Intended learning Outcomes 2) To developing vocabulary learning skills through expanding vocabulary repertoire using linguistic, contextual and visual clues to make meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary used in a variety of academic and literary texts using word parts (suffixes) and word association (synonyms & antonyms)

11 Objectives & Intended learning Outcomes 3) To improve students’ ability to become active, thinking readers through. applying critical reading and thinking skills to evaluate & revise arguments, opinions, & claims; applying critical thinking skills to interpretation and analysis of ideas encountered in academic reading.

12 Methods & Techniques  read, think, pair and share.  guided reading comprehension approach  self-learning & learner-centred approach  interactive tasks and discussions  active participation: individual, pair and small group work,  exercises in and out of class  assignments, and testing  regular in-class timed readings and group exercises.  learners independence and cooperation

13 Assessment  Surprise quizzes (6) in class: only highest 5 to be considered 20%  Unit-related Assignments (5) 15%  Extensive reading assignments - long texts - (2) 10%  Mid-term exam 20%  Final exam 35%  5 marks bonus for Reading selection practice available

14 Academic honesty The principles of truth and honesty are fundamental to a community of learners. All students are expected to honor these principles. Examples of academic dishonesty (violations) include, Cheating in any form partial or complete. Plagiarism or false representation of another’s work as one’s own At the discretion of the instructor, a student who violates this code may receive any or all of the following: Failing grade for the assignment. Failing grade for the course.

15 Required Materials Compiled selected texts available in print and electronic form on Moodle. (You must have the print in class). Additional reading selections (to be announced) Access to Internet, word processing, Moodle, and printing A paperback or electronic English-English dictionary

16 Course Policy & Class Rules Prepare all daily reading assignments before coming to class. Daily preparation and doing the assignments will increase your achievement. Attendance is a university policy and mandatory. Failure to attend class will lower your final grade. You cannot expect to improve your English if you do not come to class. A low level of attendance may result in a student failing the course. Classwork and attendance are vital for at least 20% of your grade. Credit is given for quizzes taken in class. If you miss a class, you miss 4 marks.

17 Course Policy & Class Rules If you miss a class, do see another student or me for info about what we had focused on. Phone: switch your mobile off or turn it to silent if you want to use it as a dictionary, no texting/messaging. Chatting: No chatting when teacher or others are talking. Punctuality: Students are expected to arrive on time, be prepared, and remain until the end of class.

18 Course Policy & Class Rules Homework: late homework WILL NOT be accepted. I always conduct quizzes at the beginning of the session. Anything after that (even 5 minutes) will not be accepted. No make-ups or extensions for exam will be given for any reason except a documented medical emergency. Advice: Improving your academic reading and critical thinking skills depends on how much you prepare at home, participate and ask questions in class. You are strongly encouraged to see me whenever you encounter any difficulties or have questions about the class or a specific assignment.

19 Useful links Using English for Academic Purposes: A Guide for Students in Higher Education: Reading Skills for Academic Study RHL School: ESL/EFL Teaching/Learning Resources Reading: ramazani/Links/esl_reading.htm#Reading-Comprehension-Exercises ramazani/Links/esl_reading.htm#Reading-Comprehension-Exercises ESL/EFL Teaching/Learning Resources Reading:

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