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Introducing a revolution in waste recycling COW COW ™ Composting Organic Waste National Waste Recycler Systems, Inc. Presents.

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1 Introducing a revolution in waste recycling COW COW ™ Composting Organic Waste National Waste Recycler Systems, Inc. Presents

2 COW ™ Within the next decade, about 47% of U.S. landfills are expected to close The U.S. generates approximately 220 million tons of municipal waste each day Average store trash removal costs range around $40-50k annually, and are rising An average supermarket generates 8-10 tons of trash weekly (after recycling paper and plastic) Most states now favor composting as a preferred disposal alternative More and more composting facilities are becoming licensed to process supermarket organic waste 80%+ of supermarket trash is biodegradable and can be composted

3 COW ™ Options Continue traditional compactor-method collection and disposal –No control over sharply rising tip and hauling fees –Costly repair and maintenance –Environmentally outdated Compost limited amounts using toters/bins –Allows minimum diversion –Marginal, if any, savings –Transportation logistics problematic Bring in a COW ™ ! –80%+ recycling of waste stream –Attractive long term savings –Environmentally a win-win

4 COW ™ ….a revolution in recycling organics COW ™ is a revolutionary new waste disposal system designed specifically to reduce dependence on very costly compactors COMPOSTING ORGANIC WASTE in a COW ™ will: –Dramatically reduce waste disposal costs long- term –Significantly reduce impact on local landfills –Deliver a competitive advantage

5 COW ™ COW ™ ….. Designed and built especially for you The COW ™ was developed to address the flaws in compactors and other traditional waste collection containers Compactors are more costly to empty at disposal sites, as fees rise yearly Waste hauling industry thrives on frequent hauling of compactors Constant leaking issues High maintenance cost

6 COW ™ COW ™ …… COMPOSTING ORGANIC WASTE…a better solution COW ™ (Composting Organic Waste) system is an on-site, in-vessel aerobic technology designed to minimize waste disposal costs The COW ™ makes compost 24/7 – reducing waste volume 70-80+% –Composting on-site cuts trash disposal costs dramatically Trash compactor hauls reduced by 75% –Offers attractive savings opportunity The COW ™ is designed to function in extreme weather –No freezing –Self-regulating temperatures –Silently, safely-operating in all weather conditions

7 COW ™ COW ™ …accelerated composting on-site How the machine works As biodegradable wastes (food residuals, contaminated and non-recyclable paper & cardboard and other degradable materials) are “fed” into the shredder, through a user-friendly door, the patented rotating “mixer” and computer- controlled internal environment actually compost the “recipe” at optimum temperatures continuously every day – 365 days a year. On-site composting efficiently reduces waste volume to the lowest possible volume – leading to lowest waste disposal costs The patented technology safely, quietly, and cost- effectively solves the waste disposal dilemma

8 Waste Goes In Shredding Processing Compost Comes Out COW ™ COW ™ COW ™ ……A simple process

9 Where biodegradable waste goes in Where composted mulch-like material comes out

10 COW ™ …. COW ™ ….Advantages Significantly lowers waste disposal costs Reduces reliance on compactors Minimizes compactor maintenance Preserves local landfills Enhances environmental leadership Competitive advantage

11 National Waste Recycler Systems, Inc.

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