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1 Risk-Taking Mission & Service. 2 Mission and Service refers to the projects, efforts, and work people do to make a positive difference in the lives.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Risk-Taking Mission & Service. 2 Mission and Service refers to the projects, efforts, and work people do to make a positive difference in the lives."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Risk-Taking Mission & Service

2 2 Mission and Service refers to the projects, efforts, and work people do to make a positive difference in the lives of others for the purposes of Christ, whether or not they will ever become part of the community of faith. Risk-taking pushes us out of our comfort zone, stretching us beyond service to people we already know, exposing us to people, situations, and needs that we would never ordinarily encounter apart from our deliberate intention to serve Christ. Risk-Taking Mission and Service

3 3 Congregations who practice Risk- taking Mission and Service offer endless opportunities for people to make a difference in lives of others through service projects, volunteer opportunities, and mission initiatives. Risk-Taking Mission and Service

4 4 The personal practice of Risk-Taking Mission and Service involves offering ourselves in purposeful service to others in need, making a positive difference even at significant personal cost and inconvenience to our own lives. We offer ourselves, our gifts and abilities and passions, to God so God can use us to transform the world by relieving suffering. We serve. Risk-Taking Mission and Service

5 5 Never underestimate the transforming power of small actions. Risk-Taking Mission and Service

6 6 Service: internal to congregation Mission: external to congregation Risk-Taking Mission and Service

7 7 Scriptures about God Lover of justice (Psalm 99:4) Loves righteousness and justice (Psalm 33:5) People of God to do justice for orphan and oppressed (Psalms 10:18)

8 8 Scriptures about God Give justice to weak and orphan (Psalm 82:3) Do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with God. (Micah 6:8)

9 9 Scriptures about God “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” (James 1:27)

10 10 Jesus Spirit sent me to proclaim release to captives, recovery of sight to the blind, let the oppressed go free, let opposed go free. (Luke 4:18-19) Who are captives? Oppressed? Opposed?

11 11 Jesus Ministers to Lepers Risks violence of mob to intervene with woman caught in adultery Good Samaritan Last Judgment

12 12 Why Risk-Taking? Greater uncertainty Higher possibility of discomfort Sacrifice Extraordinary opportunities for life- changing engagement with people

13 13 Starting Risk-taking Mission & Service See a need - Fill a need Matches Your passion with Ministry Doesn’t have to last FOREVER Robot’s Principle of Missions

14 14 Starting Risk-taking Mission & Service Individuals Men’s groups Classes Committees Bible studies Women’s groups Life Transformation Groups

15 15 Questions What outreach ministries push people out of their comfort zones? How has a mission initiative changed your church? List your church’s outreach program that changed lives.

16 16 Jesus ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ Matthew 25:40


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