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Giant Panda VPN A VPN service for Australian’s doing business travel in China.

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Presentation on theme: "Giant Panda VPN A VPN service for Australian’s doing business travel in China."— Presentation transcript:

1 Giant Panda VPN A VPN service for Australian’s doing business travel in China

2 Why

3 People I want to speak to Businesses owners already in China What challenges IT challenges did they face starting a business in China What cultural challenges do they face doing business in China What language challenges do they face doing business in China What geographic challenges back to their primary place of business do they face How do they overcome these challenges Where did they seek about advice to overcome these challenges What new challenges do they face today Business owners looking to business in Are you aware of the challenges you will face in China Whose help are you going to seek out to overcome these challenges

4 How I can help Primarily I am offering a VPN service so people can access the websites they need to get business done. But I am also valuable to them because

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