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C FAQ’S Collected from the students who attended technical round in TCS recruitment.

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Presentation on theme: "C FAQ’S Collected from the students who attended technical round in TCS recruitment."— Presentation transcript:

1 C FAQ’S Collected from the students who attended technical round in TCS recruitment

2 How much you rate yourself in C out of 10 Difference between Compiler and Interpreter What is the basic structure of C program

3 What is the use of define section in C Program. Purpose of macros What is the difference between defining a variable and declaring a variable. What is the size of int in different operating systems.

4 Difference between scanf() and printf() Difference between %s and %c Program for Swapping without 3rd variable What is Type casting

5 Some programs using if else statements Program to find the factorial of a given number and using recursion also Program to print Fibonacci numbers up to 100 Program to print prime numbers from 1 to 100 Program to find nth prime number

6 Program for perfect number Program to find the reverse of the given number Program to convert numbers into words Program to generate household current bill

7 Some questions on Operator precedence What is the difference between void main() and int main() Is void a data type Program to print 24-hour Digital Clock Write a program using Define keyword

8 Program to read an array and print it Different types of storing a string into a variable There are three words – Ramesh, suresh, raghav. Print these words in dictionary order Program for string palindrome Concatenation of strings What is the difference between strcpy() and memcpy()

9 What is a pointer Uses of pointers Can we add or multiply pointers How to pass pointers as arguments to functions How do you print an address

10 Definitions of functions Different parameter passing mechanisms Difference between Call by Value and Call by reference Swapping using call by reference

11 What is function overloading Some programs on recursion ex: factorial of the given number sum of all digits in the given number Fibonacci series gcd of given 2 numbers Some questions on Storage classes

12 Difference between static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation Different Memory allocation functions Difference between malloc() and calloc() Difference between malloc and new

13 What is Structure. Difference between structure and Union. Difference between Arrays and structures Tell something about Bit fields Difference between structure and class What is the purpose of using typedef

14 Types of Sorting and Searching techniques Write a program for Bubble sort What is Heap Explain Heap sort with an example Write quick sort algorithm Program for Binay search

15 What is Stack. Why it is called LIFO Difference between Stack and Queue Give the structure which represents a Node in the linked list Write code to create a SLL.

16 Differentiate between C and C++ Explain in detail about Compilation phases For greater productivity what would you prefer C or C++ What are the differences between Procedure oriented and object oriented languages Can we create a function in place of SCANF Types of errors you have experienced in your Project

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