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 To see if there is any correlation between the childhood obesity epidemic, and the roles that television advertisements play on influencing food choices.

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Presentation on theme: " To see if there is any correlation between the childhood obesity epidemic, and the roles that television advertisements play on influencing food choices."— Presentation transcript:


2  To see if there is any correlation between the childhood obesity epidemic, and the roles that television advertisements play on influencing food choices. Basically: If a child sits around and watches television all day, will the food commercials they see make them buy that product?

3  Does the media play a big role in influencing childhood obesity?

4  Throughout the U.S. childhood obesity has become a widely significant problem that NEEDS more attention and action. Schools are attempting to teach students proper eating habits However, while outside of school they’re eating habits and physical activity are inadequate  The media constantly places messages to children promoting unhealthy foods

5  The total number of students surveyed was 100  From Pine Hill Middle school 6 th graders Students were asked a total 9 questions  2 were personal questions  5 dealt with eating habits, and the influence of the media  2 were personal opinions

6  39 students were male, 61 were female 39 were Caucasian 30 were African Americans 27 were Hispanic 4 considered themselves in the “other” category

7  20% of the students watch less than 1 hours of TV a day  45% watch 1-2 hours  25% watch 2-3 hours  10% watch 3+ hours  80% of students watch more than an hour of TV a day

8  How many days a week do students eat 3 full meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) 10 students feel they never eat 3 full meals in a week 10 also feel that they eat 3 full meals 1-2 times a week 55 students responded that they have 3 full meals 3-4 times a week 20 felt that they had 3 full meals 5-6 times a week 5 said they had 3 full meals 6 or more times a week

9  How many times a week do students eat fast food? 15 responded that they don’t visit fast food restaurants during a typical week 35 visit fast food places 1-2 times a week 35 go 3-4 times a week 10 visit 5-6 times a week 5 go to a fast food restaurant 7+ times a week

10  Have students ever ate fast food directly as the result of seeing a fast food commercial of TV?  40 students responded that they have gone to a fast food restaurant as a result of seeing one of their advertisements  60 students said that they don’t eat fast food as a result of seeing their commercials

11  Do you find yourselves eating at McDonald’s more when the Monopoly game is going on? 30 students responded YES 70 responded NO

12  Which fast food restaurant do you prefer? McDonald’s 15% Burger King 25% Taco Bell 45% Wendy’s 15% In your opinion is fast food healthy?  100% NO  0% YES

13  Out of the 100 students we surveyed there was not enough evidence to show that the media had a strong correlation within the influence on the childhood obesity rates  It seemed that the media did have effects on some of the students, but the evidence wasn’t conclusive enough to state that these 2 issues were linked together

14  We generally believe that students understand that fast food places can be unhealthy. However they are still at times subjected to this food and some more days than others.  Only 25 % of the students are eating 3 full meals on all or most days of the week.

15  80% of students watch more than 1 hour of television per day  40% said they have ate fast food directly caused by seeing their advertisement Do you think that the Fast Food Chains are getting through to their target market?

16  Food Choices  Unhealthy Snacking  High amount of food advertisements during TV viewing hours Childhood Obesity:  Also caused by: Sedentary lifestyles Eating habits Parental behaviors /schedules

17  UQpu9k&feature=related UQpu9k&feature=related Association of success Humor Tradition Images opposite of the effect Normalize abnormal behavior CONTEST/SPECIAL PROMOTIONS

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