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+ Shelf Logic Chris Jordan, Evelyn Loomis, Malisa *****, Alyssa ****

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Presentation on theme: "+ Shelf Logic Chris Jordan, Evelyn Loomis, Malisa *****, Alyssa ****"— Presentation transcript:

1 + Shelf Logic Chris Jordan, Evelyn Loomis, Malisa *****, Alyssa ****

2 + Planograms Matter Plan and Analyze Visual Merchandising Space Management Creativity Increased Profitability

3 + Visual Merchandising Presenting products in an aesthetically appealing manner HOW product is displayed affects brand positioning

4 + Space Management Maximize efficiency of retail shelf space Win-Win for supplier and retailer if executed well Increased Profitability for all

5 + Shelf Logic Services Planogram creation with reports Product photography Photo Post-Processing Product Measurement Shelf Logic Database Creation

6 + Product Lifecycle Closely linked with Category Management How product should be marketed depends on the product’s stage in lifecycle Related to how consumer perceives products’ value Requires sales data and research

7 + Why Shelf Logic? Necessary software for Category Management Easy to use—focus solely on Planogramming Free Lifetime Technical Support Good value ($479-$1000 software)

8 + Trial Verson

9 + Shelf Logic Software Features Software allows drag and drop of products on display Image POG—Can view aesthetic appeal Schematic POG-Helps stock clerks implement design Analysis POG-Map performance metrics and assess results Standard Reports—Analyze and look at sales results

10 + Pro vs. Master Edition Shelf Logic Pro Price: $750 Space and Financial Analysis reports Shelf Logic Master Edition Price: $1,000 Training videos and custom report writer RIP Proccessor allows plan building with one click Scan gun interface to copy existing physical plans Overall planogram automation

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