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PHOTO EFFECTS EXAMPLES Special Effects that can be found in almost any online or PC-based photo editing program.

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Presentation on theme: "PHOTO EFFECTS EXAMPLES Special Effects that can be found in almost any online or PC-based photo editing program."— Presentation transcript:

1 PHOTO EFFECTS EXAMPLES Special Effects that can be found in almost any online or PC-based photo editing program

2 VIGNETTE  This effect places a dark edging around the photo. It gives it a feeling of depth and refinement.

3 LOMO-ISH  Color is intensified and very vibrant! Often looks good paired with the Vignette effect like this photo is…  This effect is meant to imitate the effect of taking a photo with an old plastic toy camera.

4 HOLGA-ISH  Just like Lomo-ish, this effect adds a vignette style to outside edges, but unlike Lomo-ish, a Holga-ish photo is black and white.

5 SEPIA  Colors are replaced with shades of brown-to-black. This gives a photo a very nostalgic or old-fashioned feel

6 COLOR FOCAL POINT  Color is intense around a specific focal point (which can be moved) and then colors fade as they get farther away from the focal point

7 SOFT FOCAL POINT  A focal point is chosen (and can usually be moved) where the picture is very sharp. The farther away from the focal point the picture is, the softer or blurrier it gets.

8 SOFT FOCUS  This gives the photo an overall soft blur. This is not used as often, because it also blurs hair, eyes, lips and other features that we normally want sharply in focus.

9 SHARING ONLINE  Below is a link to a website that shows you a snapshot of the services that people currently use to share their photos online:  comparing-the-services-infographic/ comparing-the-services-infographic/

10  There are many websites that offer free online photo editing! EDITING ONLINE     Google+ Albums (upload a photo to your Google+ Albums and then click on the photo. This will bring up editing options, like the Creative Kit)

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