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Peace According to the section heading for D&C 88, this revelation was designated by the Prophet as “the Lord’s message of peace to us.” As you search.

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Presentation on theme: "Peace According to the section heading for D&C 88, this revelation was designated by the Prophet as “the Lord’s message of peace to us.” As you search."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peace According to the section heading for D&C 88, this revelation was designated by the Prophet as “the Lord’s message of peace to us.” As you search each set of passages, identify the Lord’s teachings that bring peace. Then answer the accompanying questions. THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE

2 1. D&C 88:3–4 Peace THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE Search the passage and identify the Lord’s teaching that bring peace.

3 1. D&C 88:3–4 How can the teachings in these verses bring you peace? How has the Comforter blessed your life? Peace THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE Search the passage and identify the Lord’s teaching that bring peace.

4 2. D&C 88:11–13 Peace THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE Search the passage and identify the Lord’s teaching that bring peace.

5 2. D&C 88:11–13 What words in these verses are used to describe the Light of Christ? How does His light provide comfort? Peace THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE Search the passage and identify the Lord’s teaching that bring peace.

6 3. D&C 88:15–18 Peace THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE Search the passage and identify the Lord’s teaching that bring peace.

7 3. D&C 88:15–18 What trials could the knowledge that we will be resurrected help us endure? How can knowing that the earth will be sanctified inspire a sense of peace? Peace THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE Search the passage and identify the Lord’s teaching that bring peace.

8 4. D&C 88:21–24 Peace THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE Search the passage and identify the Lord’s teaching that bring peace.

9 4. D&C 88:21–24 What do these verses suggest we must do to receive peace? According to verses 32–33, what prevents those “who remain” from receiving peace and glory? Peace THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE Search the passage and identify the Lord’s teaching that bring peace.

10 5. D&C 88:46–61 Peace THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE Search the passage and identify the Lord’s teaching that bring peace.

11 5. D&C 88:46–61 According to verse 47, all creation testifies of God. How does receiving a testimony of God bring peace? What comfort can we find in the parable in verses 51–61? Peace THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE Search the passage and identify the Lord’s teaching that bring peace.

12 6. D&C 88:80–84 Peace THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE Search the passage and identify the Lord’s teaching that bring peace.

13 6. D&C 88:80–84 How can being prepared bring us peace? (see D&C 38:30). What counsel is found in these verses that can help us prepare to meet the Lord? Peace THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE Search the passage and identify the Lord’s teaching that bring peace.

14 7. D&C 88:92, 96–97, 110 Peace THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE Search the passage and identify the Lord’s teaching that bring peace.

15 7. D&C 88:92, 96–97, 110 Which future events will bring comfort to the faithful? How does knowing that Satan will lose his power over the earth bring peace? Christ will return, the dead will be resurrected, and Satan will lose power over the Saints. Peace THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE Search the passage and identify the Lord’s teaching that bring peace.

16 8. D&C 88:117–19, 137 Peace THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE Search the passage and identify the Lord’s teaching that bring peace.

17 8. D&C 88:117–19, 137 What can we do to have a measure of peace before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? What instructions does the Lord give in these verses? Peace THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE Search the passage and identify the Lord’s teaching that bring peace.

18 “In the scriptures, peace means either freedom from strife, contention, conflict, or war, or an inner calm and comfort born of the Spirit that is a gift of God to all of his children, an assurance and serenity within a person’s heart” (Joseph B. Wirthlin, “Peace Within,” Ensign, May 1991, 36). Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin THE LORD’S MESSAGE OF PEACE

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