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Quadratic Expressions and Equations Expanding quadratic expressions using the grid method (C)

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Presentation on theme: "Quadratic Expressions and Equations Expanding quadratic expressions using the grid method (C)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quadratic Expressions and Equations Expanding quadratic expressions using the grid method (C)

2 Expanding using the Grid Method (x + 4)(x + 3) x² + 4x + 3x + 12 x² + 7x + 12 Examples x+ 4 x + 3 x² + 4x + 3x+ 12 A really common mistake here is adding 4 and 3 instead of multiplying them. Multiply each term (just like normal grid multiplication) Then add together the terms inside the grid. Finally, simplify your answer by collecting like terms.

3 Then add together the terms inside the grid. Finally, simplify your answer by collecting like terms. Expanding using the Grid Method (x + 2)(x - 5) x² + 2x - 5x - 10 x² - 3x - 10 Examples x+ 2 x - 5 x² + 2x - 5x- 10 + × - = - Multiply each term (just like normal grid multiplication)

4 Add together. Simplify. Expanding using the Grid Method (4x + 3)(2x + 4) 8x² + 6x + 16x + 12 8x² +24x + 12 Examples 4x+ 3 2x + 4 8x² + 6x + 16x+ 12 4x × 2x = 8x² (multiply) Multiply each term.

5 Add together. Simplify. Expanding using the Grid Method (6x + 2)(4x - 3) 24x² + 8x - 18x - 6 24x² - 10x - 6 Examples 6x+ 2 4x - 3 24x² + 8x - 18x- 6 Multiply each term.

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