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Presentation on theme: "This Time is Different MARK ZANDI, CHIEF ECONOMIST FROM MOODY’S ECONOMY.COM."— Presentation transcript:


2 Fiscal Headwinds Are Blowing Hard… Real GDP growth impact of fiscal austerity, percentage points Source: Moody’s Analytics

3 …But Will Fade Next Year… Source: Moody’s Analytics Contribution to real GDP growth, %

4 …Leaving a High, But Stable Debt Load Debt held by the public, % GDP Sources: CBO, Moody’s Analytics

5 Businesses Have Never Been as Profitable… Sources: BEA, Moody’s Analytics After-tax corporate profit margin, %

6 …And Their Balance Sheets Are Strong Nonfinancial corporate businesses Sources: Federal Reserve, Moody’s Analytics

7 Households Rapidly Deleverage… % of disposable income Sources: Federal Reserve, BEA, Moody’s Analytics

8 30-90 Day Delinquency Rate, % of $, SA Sources: Equifax, Moody’s Analytics …And Right the Wrongs

9 Banks are Well Capitalized and More Profitable… Commercial banks Source: FDIC

10 …And Opening the Credit Spigot Source: Federal Reserve Senior Loan Officer Survey Net % of senior loan officers… Willing to make a consumer loan (L) Tightening standards for C&I loans to small businesses (R)

11 Housing Is Fairly Valued… Sources: PPR, BEA, Census Bureau, Fiserv, Moody’s Analytics % over- or undervalued

12 Sources: Census, Moody’s Analytics Vacant homes for sale, for rent and held off market, ths …And Will Soon Be Undersupplied…

13 …Fueling a Big Turn in Housing’s Contribution… Source: Moody’s Analytics Contribution to real GDP growth, %

14 …And More Job Growth Source: Wall Street Journal, Moody’s Analytics Millions of jobs

15 Sources: BEA, Moody’s Analytics Light vehicle sales, mil Pent-Up Demand Mounts Trend sales

16 Sources: Bloomberg, Moody’s Analytics Spanish 10-yr sovereign yields Euro Zone Struggles To Hang Together ECB Extraordinary Actions: SMP = Securities market program LTRO = Long-term refinancing operation OTM = Outright monetary transaction

17 Fed Will Have a Tricky Exit… Composition of Federal Reserve’s balance sheet, $ bil Sources: Fed, Moody’s Analytics

18 …Given the Overvalued Bond Market… Source: Treasury, BEA, Moody’s Analytics Difference between 10-yr Treasury yield and potential GDP growth Undervalued Overvalued

19 …As Higher Rates Exposses Excesses… Sources: Treasury, BEA, Moody’s Analytics Federal funds rate S&L Crisis Orange County Mexican Peso Tech Bust Housing Bubble Busts

20 …But Businesses and Households Lock In % of liabilities that adjust within 1 year Sources: Federal Reserve, BEA, Moody’s Analytics

21 Sources: EIA, Moody’s Analytics Energy Independence is a Real Possibility… U.S. crude oil, millions of barrels per day

22 …Making the U.S. Less Recession Prone West Texas Intermediate crude oil price, % change year ago Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Moody’s Analytics

23 121 North Walnut Street Suite 500 West Chester, PA 19380 610.235.5299

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