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Mexico, Central America and South America

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1 Mexico, Central America and South America
Latin america Mexico, Central America and South America

2 Landforms – mountains are prominent in many parts of latin america
Middle America The Caribbean South America Mexico and Central America make up Middle America. Central America is an isthmus – a narrow piece of land that links to larger pieces of land. There are active volcanoes in Middle America. There are many mountains ranges in the sub-region. There are 3 groups of islands in the Caribbean, also known as the West Indies. They are the Greater Antilles, the Lesser Antilles, and the Bahamas. The Greater Antilles are the bigger islands, the Lesser Antilles are an archipelago or a group of islands. The Andes mountain range and the Amazon Basin are South America’s major landforms. The Andes are the world’s longest mountain system and stretch 5,500 miles and some of the mountain peaks reach 20,000 feet.

3 Amazon basin – This low area covers 2.7 million square miles
Brazilian Highlands Llanos Pampas The Brazilian Highlands are so vast (large) that they cover several climate zones. They end in escarpment, a series of steep cliffs that drop to the Atlantic coastal plain. These are tropical grasslands that are found north and south of the Amazon Basin. They stretch through eastern Colombia and Venezuela. The Pampas covers much of Argentina and Uruguay and like the Great Plains in North America, is used for cattle herding and grain farming.

4 Latin America’s waterways provide important transportation routes
Amazon River Estuary Orinoco River This is the longest river in Latin America and is 4000 miles long. It begins in Peru, in the Andes Mountains and eventually flows to the Atlantic Ocean. There are many tributaries, a small river that empties into a bigger river, along the Amazon. An estuary is an area where river currents and ocean tides meet. The Rio de la Plata (River of Silver) is where 3 large rivers meet in South America. This river flows through Venezuela to the Caribbean Sea. It carries fertile soil into the Llanos region.

5 Other Waterways Lake Titicaca lies between Bolivia and Peru and is about 12,500 feet about sea level. This lake is used by large ships The Panama Canal is a human-made waterway that stretches across the narrow Isthmus of Panama. This canal shortens the trip between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

6 Latin America natural resources
Brazil Oil & Natural Gas Reserves Other Resources 55% of Brazil is covered in forests Rainforests provide timber and other products like rubber, palm oil and Brazil nuts Mineral Wealth: bauxite, gold, iron ore, tin, and manganese Limited oil and natural gas reserves Brazil uses “gasohol” for cars, this is an alcohol produced from sugar cane and gasoline Regions largest oil and natural gas reserves are in Venezuela Mexico has large reserves as well along the Gulf of Mexico. Bolivia and Ecuador have large oil and natural gas reserves Silver – Mexico and Peru Iron Ore – Venezuela Emeralds – Colombia Copper – Chile Bauxite – Jamaica Nickel – Cuba Gold and Silver – Dominican Republic Gold – Nicaragua and Guatemala

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