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Copernicus Publications Innovative Open Access Publishing and Public Peer-Review Dr. Xenia van Edig Copernicus Publications | October 2013.

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2 Copernicus Publications Innovative Open Access Publishing and Public Peer-Review Dr. Xenia van Edig Copernicus Publications | October 2013

3  Open Access Publishing – A Short Overview  Copernicus Publications at a Glance  Copernicus Publications’ Multiple Open Access Strartegy Overview

4 Open Access Publishing A Short Overview

5 What is Gold OA?  Green OA is free access to pre- or postprints  Gold OA provides free access to the article source (e.g. journal)  Gold OA includes the financing of peer-review, publication & archiving  Investigation of content from 1.66 Mio. articles in 2011 (Scopus)  17% gold OA content  5% delayed – 12% immediate (Laakso and Björk, BMC Medicine 2012, 10:124)

6 Financing  Author-pay model  Page vs. article charges  Submission vs. publication charges  Hybrid model  Subscription journal with OA to articles  extra fee  Springer Open Choice 2,000 €  double payment?  Community-fee model  Institutional ownership/sponsorship  70% OA journals without fees (Suber 2006, Hooker 2007, Shieber 2009)

7 Copernicus Publications at a Glance

8 History of Copernicus Publications  Founding of Copernicus in 1988 as a spin-off of the Max-Planck- Institute for Solar System Research  Organization of scientific meetings & conferencessince 1988  1994 Start of Copernicus Publications  2001 Start of the first Open Access journal, followed by the move of the other journals towards OA  2013 Copernicus Publications publishes 32 peer-reviewed Open Access journals and 15 access-reviewed scientific discussion forums  50 Staff members, offices in Göttingen/Germany  Co-founder of OASPA, member of stm  Member of ORCID

9 Publication Facts  136,900 pages published in 2012  5,300 papers published in 2012  Submissions from >70 countries  1,500 Editors  47 Journals and scientific discussion forums

10 Multiple OA strategy

11 3 2 1 Triple OA Strategy OA 1 – Open Access to the Manufacture OA 2 – Open Access to the Review OA 3 – Open Access to the Publications

12 From Acceptance… …to Publication From Submission… …to Acceptance OA 1 – Open Access to the Manufacture Review Process  1-2 personal contacts for Editors, Referees & Authors  Online Review System with extended personal support Publication Production  1 personal contact for Authors from acceptance to publication  Project teams of 2-3 permanent staff members  No limitation on proof-readings  Open Access Library + Alert Service  (e)Archiving worldwide  Indexing in databases and search engines

13 Publication Delivery Typesetting Online Review System Insourcing Strategy Online Review System Editorial Support Typesetting Copy Editing Publication Delivery Web Development Software & Hardware Infrastructure We know our Product… …we Listen to the Communities

14 Copernicus License Model Leave it to the Scientists  Partner with scientific associations  Let societies own titles and let them control the editorial policy  Listen to scientists and tailor your services Licensing and Start up Phase  Agreement on service allowance for Copernicus  Societies determine the APCs – from waivers to surplus  Business is run by Copernicus, societies earn license fee

15 OA has the Potential to Enhance the Quality!  Submitted manuscripts can be OA  Reviewer reports can be OA  Manuscripts can be discussed OA  The accepted publication can be OA OA 2 – Open Access to the Review

16 Author Author Comments 5 Public Peer-Review & Interactive Public Discussion Editor Scientific Community Short Comments 5 1 st Stage (Discussion Forum) Author 1 1. Submission Referees 2 2. Access Review 3 3. Technical Corrections Discussion Paper 4 4. Publication as D-paper 5 Referee Comments 5. Discussion Comments 6 6. Revision 7 Editor 7. Revised Submission 8 8. Peer-Review Completion 9 Final Revised Paper 2 nd Stage (Journal) 9. Final Revised Publication

17 Author Author Comments 5 Public Peer-Review & Interactive Public Discussion Editor Scientific Community Short Comments 5 1 st Stage (Discussion Forum) Author 1 1. Submission Referees 2 2. Access Review 3 3. Technical Corrections Discussion Paper 4 4. Publication as D-paper 5 Referee Comments 5. Discussion Comments 6 6. Revision 7 Editor 7. Revised Submission 8 8. Peer-Review Completion 9 Final Revised Paper 2 nd Stage (Journal) 9. Final Revised Publication

18 Public Peer-Review & Interactive Public Discussion  Rapid access-review → publication as discussion paper  Interactive public discussion: published referee comments, author comments & comments of the scientific community  Paper revision & final acceptance → publication as final revised paper Designed to  Foster scientific discussion;  Maximize the effectiveness and transparency of scientific quality assurance;  Enable rapid publication of new scientific results;  Make scientific publications freely accessible. Innovative Approach for the Review Process (Optional)

19 Advantages of Public Peer-Review & Discussion Rapid AND Thorough  Rapid publication as discussion paper  Thorough peer-review by discussion & revision Win for Authors, Reviewers & Readers  Direct feedback & public recognition for authors;  Higher quality submissions save reviewer capacities;  Documentation of the review for readers.

20 OA 3 – Open Access to the Publications Anyone is free: to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work to Remix — to adapt the work Under the following conditions: Attribution. The original authors must be given credit.

21 Distribution and Preservation Archiving  eArchives: Portico, CLOCKSS  Libraries: LOC, Bodleian, DNB, NLB Indexing  Thomson Reuters, Scopus  ADS, CAS, CSA, DOAJ, GeoBase, GeoRef, J-Gate  Google Scholar  Any other discipline-specific information source

22 Article Level Metrics  Usage (downloads, views)  Impact (citations)  Saved (bookmarks)  Discussion (social media)

23 Thank you very much for your attention!

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