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 Step one in the diagnosis of autism or Asperger's is an evaluation of the person, including developmental history and observations.  In order to be.

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2  Step one in the diagnosis of autism or Asperger's is an evaluation of the person, including developmental history and observations.  In order to be diagnosed with Asperger's the child must have normal intelligence and a normal language development.  A few characteristics of people with Asperger's are a lack of “common sense”, obsessions with complex things such as music or patterns, and a somewhat awkward social interactions

3  Autism comes in many forms and what is good for one child, may not be the best for another.  Every child is different and also has unique learning styles.  Kids who are high functioning often do better in mainstream classes because they are able to learn how to interact with other students and pick up social cues. On the other hand, it is better for other autistic kids to be in self-contained classrooms because they are able to learn at their own pace.  Many parents find that giving the teachers instructions on how to handle things helps their children perform better in school.  Parents often feel that traditional schools do not have the resources to care for their children or to train the teachers. Because of this some parents try to send their children to special schools that deal specifically with children who have ASD.  Every school is required to fill out an individualized education plan. The IEP is a form that includes what educational programs will be given to their child. It also states therapies that will be provided to help the student.

4 OOften self absorbed, private world DDifficulties communicating and understanding (verbal/nonverbal) - varies - tone - rhythm SSpecific focuses/interests, WWII RRigid Language - Echolalia SSavant syndrome UUneven Development - memory, no comprehension TTrouble developing relationships

5  Structure and Routine-Very Important  In-home therapists/helpers are very useful -sets parents at ease, gives them time to focus on other children  How the family handles it -most are focused on the child with autism, do not spend quality time together as a couple -siblings may feel like they are being treated unfairly or all the focus is on the child with autism -important to focus not on the autism itself, but just helping child be him/herself  Vacations/Non –routine Outings -require a lot of planning, new place, surroundings, etc. -parents must research to plan for child’s special dietary needs, medical needs, and so forth

6  Special Diet -Learn the foods your child is allergic to and avoid them. -Increase your child’s intake of Omega 3 fats it will help stabilize their behavior. -Balance your child’s energy by controlling the amount of sugar they intake, avoid refined carbohydrates they have been known to cause irrational behaviors in autistic children.  Calming methods -Use an assortment of textures and fabrics to discover what calms your child and rub that against them in order to relax them. -Find a way for your child to have pressure put on them when they have a tantrum in order to compensate for human touch.  Behavior -Give your child deliberate instructions and guidelines. -Use repetition to enforce rules into your child, this will help him or her to understand your routine. -Make a schedule to stick to this will help stabilize your child and give him a sense of constancy and prevent wild behavior.

7  32\ 32\  children-on-the-autistic-spectrum/ children-on-the-autistic-spectrum/  Autistic_Kids~6 Autistic_Kids~6  the-classroom the-classroom  day-raising-autistic-child/?rb=Y#page=1 day-raising-autistic-child/?rb=Y#page=1   municationProblemsInChildrenWithAutism.pdf municationProblemsInChildrenWithAutism.pdf

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