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CIRCLE Assessment System

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1 CIRCLE Assessment System

2 The Teaching and Learning Cycle
Why Do Teachers Assess? In the cycle of effective teaching and learning, assessment is key. Assessment: assessing the concepts or skills to determine each individual child’s level of understanding. Evaluation: analysis of the assessment results to determine the next step in the instruction. Planning: plan the next step and decide which approach to use and the resources needed. Teaching: implement the plan by introducing a concept to the children or reteaching, guiding their understanding through practice and feedback. The Teaching and Learning Cycle ASSESSMENT Collect Data. Administration guidelines TEACHING Supports students learning EVALUATION Determine next learning step. So why do teachers need to assess their students? Allow 5 minutes for responses. Review and discuss the Teaching and Learning Cycle PLANNING Choose resources and approach.

3 Administration guidelines
Circle assessment The CIRCLE Assessment System are divided into 6 measurement sections: Rapid Letter Naming Rapid Vocabulary Naming Phonological Awareness Math Screener Book and Print Observables: Early Writing Social Emotional Administration guidelines So why do teachers need to assess their students? Allow 5 minutes for responses. Review and discuss the Teaching and Learning Cycle

4 Do’s and don’s of assessment administration
Praise efforts, not success. Read all instructions exactly as written. Read the instructions again if a child is uncertain about them. Be comfortable about the pace. Some assessments are timed. Maintain and regain the child’s focus. Say things like, “Listen carefully.” Remain calm and steady for children; especially with those who are emotional. Minimize distractions. Try to assess during a time when other students are not around, and limit distractions. Model the practice activity for the students. Don’t Do not give hints (i.e. nodding, clapping, tapping, yes/no responses) when administering the assessment. Do not try to give additional information (i.e. we covered this last week, this letter makes this sound, this number comes after). Do not change the instructions. Do not assess while a child is sick, distraught, or in a fowl mood. Do not try to delete the assessment and change the answers. True results are more effective. Do not continuously click the keys when administering a timed test. Do not model a skill for a child once you have begun the assessment. The practice time is the only time. Administration guidelines So why do teachers need to assess their students? Allow 5 minutes for responses. Review and discuss the Teaching and Learning Cycle

5 How often is the assessment given?
The assessment is given three times a year. BOY – Beginning of the Year MOY – Middle of the Year EOY – End of the Year Administration guidelines So why do teachers need to assess their students? Allow 5 minutes for responses. Review and discuss the Teaching and Learning Cycle

6 Administering the assessment
It is a good idea to not give the entire assessment at one time. Break the assessment into parts: Week One: Phonological Awareness Week Two: Rapid Letter Naming/Rapid Vocabulary Week Three: Math Screener Week Four: Observable By administering the assessment this way you are able to complete an entire class within a month’s time. Administration guidelines So why do teachers need to assess their students? Allow 5 minutes for responses. Review and discuss the Teaching and Learning Cycle

7 CIRCLE Assessments Rapid Letter Naming Rapid Vocabulary
Phonological Awareness Book and Print CIRCLE Assessments Math Screener CIRCLE Assessments Book and Print Observable: Early Writing Checklist Observable: Social and Emotional Development

8 CIRCLE Assessments Rapid Letter Naming Rapid Vocabulary
Phonological Awareness Book and Print CIRCLE Assessments Math Screener CIRCLE Assessments Book and Print Observable: Early Writing Checklist Observable: Social and Emotional Development

9 instructions Rapid Letter Naming
These assessments are given to evaluate a students ability to identify the alphabet. The Rapid Letter Naming assessments are timed assessments. The students will be given a total of 60 seconds to respond to the letters and pictures that appear on the screen. Students must respond within 3 seconds. If 3 seconds elapse without a response it is automatically scored as incorrect. When to Record the Response: If the child correctly names the letter If the child says “I don’t know” If the child provides an incorrect response

10 Assess the Student Rapid Letter Naming
We are going to look at some letters and see if you know them. Don’t worry if you don’t know the letters; it is okay to guess. Some of these letters are uppercase and some are lowercase. Are you ready? Okay, let’s begin. The teacher prompts are given on the screen and will guide the teacher through the assessment. Child views assessment item on the screen.

11 See a Teacher give this assessment
Rapid Letter Naming See a Teacher give this assessment Rapid-Letter-Naming

12 instructions Rapid Vocabulary
These assessments are given to evaluate a students ability to identify vocabulary. The Rapid Vocabulary assessments are timed assessments. The students will be given a total of 60 seconds to respond to the letters and pictures that appear on the screen. Students must respond within 3 seconds. If 3 seconds elapse without a response it is automatically scored as incorrect. When to Record the Response: If the child correctly names the picture If the child says “I don’t know” If the child provides an incorrect response

13 CIRCLE Assessments Rapid Letter Naming Rapid Vocabulary
Phonological Awareness Book and Print CIRCLE Assessments Math Screener CIRCLE Assessments Book and Print Observable: Early Writing Checklist Observable: Social and Emotional Development

14 Rapid Vocabulary practice We are going to look at some pages with pictures on them. I want you to tell me the name of the pictures as quickly as you can. Let’s look at the first one. What is the name of this picture? Conduct a practice session and give feedback for both practice items: Correct response: “Good job.” Incorrect response: “That was a good try, but this is a ball. Let’s try some more. You say ‘ball.’ NOTE: Even if the child is unable to label the sample pictures, proceed to administer the measure.

15 Assess the Child Rapid Vocabulary
We are going to look at some pages with pictures on them. I want you to tell me the name of the pictures as quickly as you can. Let’s look at the first one. What is the name of this picture? The teacher prompts are given on the screen and will guide the teacher through the assessment. Child views assessment item on the screen.

16 See a Teacher give this assessment
Rapid Vocabulary See a Teacher give this assessment Rapid-Vocab-Naming

17 CIRCLE Assessments Rapid Letter Naming Rapid Vocabulary
Phonological Awareness Book and Print CIRCLE Assessments Math Screener CIRCLE Assessments Book and Print Observable: Early Writing Checklist Observable: Social and Emotional Development

18 Phonological Awareness
instructions Phonological Awareness screener is evaluating the student’s ability to detect and produce sounds. The Phonological Awareness assessments are not timed assessments. The child does not look at the screen. This is an auditory only assessment. There are seven subtests Note: It’s very important when scoring that the teacher be aware of what the correct answer from the child is. Sometimes the correct answer will be “no” and sometimes the correct answer will be “yes”.

19 Phonological Awareness
The Seven Subtests Listening: Ability to screen out other noises and selectively focus attention on a specific sound Rhyming – Part 1: Ability to distinguish if two words rhyme when spoken Rhyming – Part 2: Ability to independently give a word that rhymes with the word given Alliteration: Ability to give two or more words that have the same sound(s) at the beginning of the words Words in a Sentence: Ability to move counters to show how many words are in a sentence Syllabication: Ability to separate a word into its parts Onset-Rime: Ability to blend two parts of a word together when segmented between the beginning consonant(s) and the rest of the word

20 Subtest: Listening Assess the child
Phonological Awareness I am going to say two words. Tell me if they are the same words or not. If you hear ‘car…car,’ you say ‘yes;’ they are the same word. If you hear ‘car…toy,’ you say ‘no;’ they are not the same. Subtest: Listening Assess the child Have the child repeat each word pair prior to indicating if the words are the same or not. Record the response. The teacher prompts are given on the screen and will guide the teacher through the assessment.

21 See a Teacher give this assessment
Phonological Awareness See a Teacher give this assessment Listening

22 subtest: Rhyming Pt. 1 Practice
Phonological Awareness subtest: Rhyming Pt. 1 Practice I am going to say two words, then I would like for you to say the words and tell me if they rhyme. Are you ready? Let’s practice. Teacher: “cat… mat”. Child repeats: “cat… mat”. Teacher: “Do these words rhyme?” Child responds with yes or no. Conduct a practice session and give feedback for both practice items: Correct response: “Good job, _____ rhymes with can.” Incorrect response: “That was a good try, but man is a word that rhymes with can. Let’s try some more.” Note: Nonsense words that rhyme with the target word are acceptable. For each item, have the child repeat the word and then provide the answer.

23 Phonological Awareness
Subtest: Rhyming Pt. 1 Assess the child I am going to say two words, then I would like for you to say the words and tell me if they rhyme. Are you ready? Have the child repeat each word pair prior to indicating if the words rhyme or not. Record the response. The teacher prompts are given on the screen and will guide the teacher through the assessment.

24 See a Teacher give this assessment
Phonological Awareness See a Teacher give this assessment Rhyming 1

25 Section: Rhyming Pt. 2 Practice
Phonological Awareness Section: Rhyming Pt. 2 Practice Now, let’s play another rhyming game. I am going to say a word like frog. Ask the child to repeat the word. You say ‘frog’. Wait for child’s response. “Now I would like for you to name a word that rhymes with ‘frog’”. Conduct a practice session and give feedback for both practice items: Correct response: “Good job, _____ rhymes with can.” Incorrect response: “That was a good try, but man is a word that rhymes with can. Let’s try some more.” Note: Nonsense words that rhyme with the target word are acceptable.

26 Section: Rhyming Pt. 2 assess the child
Phonological Awareness Section: Rhyming Pt. 2 assess the child Now I would like for you to name a word that rhymes with ‘_____________.’ Have the child repeat each word then provide the answer. Record the response. Note: Nonsense words that rhyme with the target word are acceptable.

27 See a Teacher give this assessment
Phonological Awareness See a Teacher give this assessment Rhyming 2

28 Subtest: Alliteration Practice
Phonological Awareness Subtest: Alliteration Practice I am going to say two words. Then, I would like for you to say the words and tell me if they begin with the same sound. Are you ready? “Silly, sun. You say silly, sun.” Child repeats the pair, “silly, sun” Do they begin with the same sound? Conduct a practice session and give feedback for both practice items: Correct response: “Good job, silly and sun begin with the same sound. Let’s try some more. Incorrect response: “That was a good try, but silly and sun begin with the same sound.” Note: Emphasize the /s/ sound only on the practice items. For each item, have the child repeat the word and then provide the answer.

29 Instructions Section: Alliteration Administer
Phonological Awareness Instructions Section: Alliteration Administer I am going to say two words. Then, I would like for you to say the words and tell me if they begin with the same sound. Are you ready? Teacher says words Do they begin with the same sound? Have the child repeat each word pair prior to indicating if the words begin with the same sound or not. Record the response.

30 See a Teacher give this assessment
Phonological Awareness See a Teacher give this assessment Alliteration

31 Subtest: Words in a Sentence Practice
Phonological Awareness Subtest: Words in a Sentence Practice I am going to say a sentence and I am going to move my counters to show how many words are in the sentence. Teacher moves 3counters while saying: “I like soup.” Child repeats sentence and moves counters with assistance from teacher. Conduct a practice session and give feedback for both practice items: Correct response: “Good job.” Incorrect response: “That was a good try, but there are three words so you need to move 3 counters.” Note: Teachers need to use counters for this subtest. It is acceptable to have the child repeat the task one additional time to reinforce the concept. Sit across from the child and exaggerate the counter movement during practice. For each item, have the child repeat the sentence prior to moving the counters.

32 Subtest: Words in a Sentence assess the child
Phonological Awareness Subtest: Words in a Sentence assess the child Now you are going to try the next one. Listen to this sentence and repeat it With me, “My books are new.” You say it.” Child repeats the sentence. Now move a block for each different word you hear in “My books are new”. Have the child repeat each sentence prior to moving the blocks. Record the response.

33 See a Teacher give this assessment
Phonological Awareness See a Teacher give this assessment Words in Sentence

34 Subtest: Syllabication Practice
Phonological Awareness Subtest: Syllabication Practice We are going to play a clapping game. You can clap the word parts. I will say a word and you will say the word again while clapping it. I will play first while you watch. How many parts do you hear in /cow/ / boy/?” Teacher claps twice. You say ‘cowboy.’ How many parts do you hear in /cow/ / boy/?” Conduct a practice session and give feedback for both practice items: Correct response: “Good job.” Incorrect response: “That was a good try, but there are two parts in “cowboy.” Let’s try some other words. Note: Do not clap the word parts during the assessment task. Have the child repeat the word prior to responding.

35 subtest: Syllabication assess the child
Phonological Awareness subtest: Syllabication assess the child I will say a word and you will say the word again while clapping it. Ready? Have the child repeat each word prior to clapping the syllables. Record the response.

36 See a Teacher give this assessment
Phonological Awareness See a Teacher give this assessment Syllabication

37 Subtest: Onset-Rime Practice
Phonological Awareness Subtest: Onset-Rime Practice “I am going to break up a word into sounds. Repeat these parts and then say the word I am making.” “/m/ /om/”. Conduct a practice session and give feedback for both practice items: Correct response: “Good job. /m/ /om/ makes mom. ” Incorrect response: “That was a good try, but /m/ /om/ makes mom .” Let’s try some other words. Note: Make sure that there is a clean break between word sounds, approximately one second. Have the child repeat the word prior to responding.

38 Subtest: Onset-Rime assess the child
Phonological Awareness Subtest: Onset-Rime assess the child “I am going to break up a word into sounds. Repeat these parts and then say the word I am making.” Have the child repeat each word part prior to saying the whole word. Record the response.

39 See a Teacher give this assessment
Phonological Awareness See a Teacher give this assessment Onset-Rime

40 CIRCLE Assessments Rapid Letter Naming Rapid Vocabulary
Phonological Awareness Book and Print CIRCLE Assessments Math Screener CIRCLE Assessments Book and Print Observable: Early Writing Checklist Observable: Social and Emotional Development

41 Math Screener instructions The Math Screener is designed to diagnose strengths and weaknesses and to help focus instruction on specific areas of the child’s needs. This assessment is not a timed assessment. The test are linked for continuation. This assessment covers seven task to assess a child’s understanding of math skills.

42 The Seven math tasks Math Screener
Rote Counting: student successfully counts to the highest number in consecutive order. Shape Naming: students will identify photos of shapes. Number Recognition: students will identify photos of numbers. Shape Discrimination: student will identify shapes from a group of other shapes. Counting: students will count the number of items displayed on screen, and provide a verbal response. Addition and Subtraction: the students will apply operation skills to respond to the photos displayed on screen.

43 Give the directions to the child Record highest response (up to 99)
Math Screener Let’s play a counting game. When I say “Go,” I want you to start from 1 and count as high as you can. Are you ready? “Go!” task: Rote Counting Give the directions to the child Record highest response (up to 99) Note: Repeat item up to 2x if needed Prompt once if needed: “OK, I will help you get started. 1, 2… what comes next?” “What comes after ____?

44 Give the directions to the child Ask the question
Math Screener I am going to show you some shapes and ask you to name them. task: Shape Naming Give the directions to the child Ask the question Click correct or incorrect button

45 Give the directions to the child Ask the question
Math Screener Look at these pictures. Which one is a number? task: Number Naming Give the directions to the child Ask the question Click correct or incorrect button

46 Give the directions to the child Ask the question
Math Screener Now I am going to show you some numbers and see if you know their names. What number is this? Task: Number Naming Give the directions to the child Ask the question Click correct or incorrect button

47 task: Shape discrimination
Math Screener Now I am going to show you some shapes. Point to all of the ________ task: Shape discrimination Give the directions to the child Ask the question Click correct or incorrect button Note: If the child points to 1 or 2 _______, teachers can use the following prompt one time: “Is that all of them?”

48 Give the directions to the child Ask the question
Math Screener Now I am going to show you some pictures. Count these ________ and tell me how many there are. task: set counting Give the directions to the child Ask the question Click correct or incorrect button Note: If the child just counts (e.g., 1, 2, 3), prompt for the cardinal value by saying, “How many are there?”

49 Give the directions to the child Ask the question
Math Screener Now I am going to show you some more pictures. If you took away one drink how many would be left? task: Operations Give the directions to the child Ask the question Click correct or incorrect button Note: during any of the items, allow the child to touch the page or screen.

50 See a Teacher give this assessment
Math Screener See a Teacher give this assessment Math

51 CIRCLE Assessments Rapid Letter Naming Rapid Vocabulary
Phonological Awareness Book and Print CIRCLE Assessments Math Screener CIRCLE Assessments Book and Print Observable: Early Writing Checklist Observable: Social and Emotional Development

52 instructions Assessment materials: Book and Print
The Book and Print Assessment was designed to evaluate a child’s understanding of books and print. Assessment materials: Select a book that preferably has these features: Print on every page At least one page with multiple lines of print No more than three lines of print on each page Print that moves from left to right

53 Mark each item as correct or incorrect as you observe the student.
Book and Print assess the child Topic Directive to Child Author Role Tell me what the author does. Illustrator Role Tell me what an illustrator does. Book Facing Up/Forward Show me the right way to hold this book. Front Cover Show me the front of this book. Etc. Mark each item as correct or incorrect as you observe the student.

54 See a Teacher give this assessment
Book and Print See a Teacher give this assessment Book & Print Awareness

55 CIRCLE Assessments Rapid Letter Naming Rapid Vocabulary
Phonological Awareness Book and Print CIRCLE Assessments Math Screener CIRCLE Assessments Book and Print Observable: Early Writing Checklist Observable: Social and Emotional Development

56 Complete the checklist
Early Writing Checklist Complete the checklist Observables Understands that what you say can be written down Draws pictures and people Makes letter-like symbols Writes recognizable, age-appropriate letters Etc. Mark each item as you observe the behaviors using the following criteria: Emerging: The child never or rarely demonstrates the behavior Developing: The child sometimes demonstrates Proficient: The child consistently demonstrates

57 CIRCLE Assessments Rapid Letter Naming Rapid Vocabulary
Phonological Awareness Book and Print CIRCLE Assessments Math Screener CIRCLE Assessments Book and Print Observable: Early Writing Checklist Observable: Social and Emotional Development

58 Social and Emotional Checklist
instructions The Social and Emotional Development Assessment was designed to evaluate a child’s ability to interact with others in the environment and produce behaviors that indicate age-appropriate social and emotional development. Use ongoing, systematic observations of a child’s behavior to complete the social and emotional development checklist.

59 Complete the checklist
Social and Emotional Checklist Complete the checklist Observables Talks to and interacts positively with adults Talks to and interacts positively with peers Initiates conversation and activities with peers Participates cooperatively in group activities Etc. Mark each item as you observe the behaviors using the following criteria: Emerging: The child never or rarely demonstrates the behavior Developing: The child sometimes demonstrates Proficient: The child consistently demonstrates

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