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The Council on Undergraduate Research ProVisions September 17, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "The Council on Undergraduate Research ProVisions September 17, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Council on Undergraduate Research ProVisions September 17, 2013

2 CUR’s Mission The mission of the Council on Undergraduate Research is to support and promote high-quality undergraduate student-faculty collaborative research and scholarship. What are the Benefits of Undergraduate Research? Enhances student learning through mentoring relationships with faculty Increases retention Increases enrollment in graduate education and provides effective career preparation Develops critical thinking, creativity, problem solving and intellectual independence Develops an understanding of research methodology Promotes an innovation-oriented culture

3 CUR’s Impact Founded in 1978 Today, members include nearly 10,000 individuals and over 650 colleges and universities.

4 Division Structure Arts & Humanities Biology Chemistry Engineering Geosciences Health Sciences Mathematics and Computer Science Physics and Astronomy Psychology Social Sciences Division for Undergraduate Research Program Directors At-Large division for administrators and other disciplines

5 CUR’s Activities Publications Workshops Conferences

6 CUR Publications A Practical Handbook for Supporting Community-Based Research with Undergraduate Students Advancing Undergraduate Research: Marketing, Communications, and Fundraising Broadening Participation in Undergraduate Research: Fostering Excellence and Enhancing the Impact Characteristics of Excellence in Undergraduate Research Creative Inquiry in the Arts & Humanities: Models of Undergraduate Research

7 CUR Publications Developing and Sustaining a Research-Supportive Curriculum: A Compendium of Successful Practices Faculty Support and Undergraduate Research: Innovations in Faculty Role Definition, Workload, and Reward Reading, Writing, & Research: Undergraduate Students as Scholars in Literary Studies Science in Solution: The Impact of Undergraduate Research on Student Learning

8 CUR Publications How To Series How To Develop and Administer Institutional Undergraduate Research Programs How To Get A Tenure-Track Position At A Predominantly Undergraduate Institution How To Get Started in Research How to Get Started in STEM Research with Undergraduates How To Mentor Undergraduate Researchers How to Start an Undergraduate Research Journal

9 CUR Publications CUR Quarterly Fall 2013 - Undergraduate Research as a Pathway to Innovation Summer 2013 - Building Undergraduate Research Experiences into General Education Spring 2013 - Student Voices in Undergraduate Research Winter 2012 - Connecting Undergraduate Research to Federal and State Legislators

10 CUR Workshops Institutes Beginning a Research Program in the Natural Sciences at a Predominantly Undergraduate Institution Creative Inquiry in the Arts and Humanities Initiating and Sustaining Undergraduate Research Programs Institutionalizing Undergraduate Research Proposal Writing Undergraduate Research in the Social Sciences

11 CUR Workshops CUR Dialogues Annual Workshop in Washington, DC Workshops and plenary sessions: tell participants about grant opportunities in research and education, both new and ongoing; assist faculty in learning how to find new funding opportunities; assist faculty in developing grant proposal writing skills. Participants: meet in small groups and talk with program officers and grants management officers -- NSF, NIH, NEH, NEA, HHMI, Dept. of Energy, Dept. of Ed. and more; take the opportunity to communicate directly with program officers and grants administrators concerning grant requirements and funders’ priorities; share ideas with colleagues.

12 CUR Biennial Conference

13 CUR National Conference 2014 CUR invites proposals that address the following themes in any discipline: ● Undergraduate Research for the Public Good ● Undergraduate Research for All! Ensuring Access to High Quality Opportunities ● Undergraduate Research for High-impact Learning: Scaling Up and Scaffolding ● Undergraduate Research for Transformation: Assessing the Impact ● Undergraduate Research for Mentors: Support and Sustenance ● Funding for Undergraduate Research: Finding and Leveraging Resources ● Undergraduate Research for the Future: Exploring New Directions

14 National Conference on Undergraduate Research

15 Services of CUR Consulting Program Reviews Mentoring Advocacy

16 Posters on the Hill Annual event at Capitol Hill (submission deadline for 2014 event is November 4, 2013) Characteristics of Excellence in Undergraduate Research (COEUR)

17 COEUR Document Campus mission and culture Administrative support Research infrastructure Faculty professional development opportunities Recognition External funding Dissemination Student-centered issues Curriculum Summer research programs Assessment activities Strategic Planning

18 Take Advantage of CUR Resources Utilize their publications Attend their workshops and conferences Consider becoming a divisional councilor (nominations due November 8, 2013)

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