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Part one: What do schools need to do? Demonstrate ‘due regard’ to the need to implement the aims of the general duty Demonstrate ‘due regard’ to the need.

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Presentation on theme: "Part one: What do schools need to do? Demonstrate ‘due regard’ to the need to implement the aims of the general duty Demonstrate ‘due regard’ to the need."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part one: What do schools need to do? Demonstrate ‘due regard’ to the need to implement the aims of the general duty Demonstrate ‘due regard’ to the need to implement the specific duties (Wales).

2 The General Duty In the exercise of their functions, have due regard to: Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a characteristic and those who don’t. Foster good relations between people who share a characteristic and those who don’t.

3 General Duty removing or minimising disadvantages taking steps to meet the needs of people from protected groups where these are different encouraging people to participate in public life or in other activities where their participation is low.

4 Protected characteristics Age Disability Gender reassignment Marriage and civil partnership Pregnancy and maternity Race Religion or belief Sex Sexual orientation

5 Specific Duties What? Equality Objectives Strategic Equality Plans Annual reporting Assessment of impacts Pay differences Staff training Procurement How? Engagement Equality information Employment information Publishing Accessibility Review

6 The Timeline Strategic Equality Plans (SEPs) and objectives: must take place as soon as possible, with the first SEP and objectives being required by 2 April 2012. Annual Reports: 12 months after the SEP. Equality Information: must publish equality information by 2 April 2012 and keep under regular review.

7 What could SWAMWAC do to help? Assist schools by providing and helping them to analyse relevant information Assist schools by co-ordinating or facilitating engagement activity

8 What could SWAMWAC do to help? Assist schools by announcing local and regional priorities to inform their objectives or providing model objectives Assist schools in structuring their Strategic Equality Plans or provide Strategic Equality Plan templates for schools.

9 Relevant Information Listed authorities Must- Make arrangements to identify relevant information it holds, and identify and collect information that it does not hold. Provide a summary of national research and trends? Analyse data held by schools such as those datasets reported to DCELLs and provide schools with ‘intelligence’?

10 Engagement Listed authorities Must- Involve people who it considers representative of one or more of the protected groups and who have an interest in how an authority carries out its functions Identify local/regional contacts whom schools could ‘involve’? Provide guidance on how to engage? Organise ‘involvement’ events or processes?

11 Objectives Listed authorities Must- Publish objectives which demonstrate how they will meet the aims of the general duty. They Must also consider each protected group. Agree and announce local/regional priorities to inform their objectives? Provide model objectives?

12 Strategic Equality Plans Listed authorities Must- Publish Strategic Equality Plans by April 2012 They Must be available in accessible formats Provide guidance to schools on how to structure their Strategic Equality Plans? Provide Strategic Equality Plan templates for schools? Help schools deal with requests for alternative formats?



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