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Proteomics Informatics – Overview of Mass spectrometry (Week 2)

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1 Proteomics Informatics – Overview of Mass spectrometry (Week 2)
Ion Source Mass Analyzer Detector intensity mass/charge

2 Peptide Fragmentation
Mass Analyzer 1 Frag-mentation Detector Ion Source Mass Analyzer 2 b y

3 Liquid Chromatography (LC)-MS/MS
Ion Source Mass Analyzer 1 Frag-mentation Mass Analyzer 2 Detector intensity mass/charge intensity mass/charge intensity mass/charge intensity mass/charge intensity mass/charge intensity mass/charge intensity mass/charge intensity mass/charge intensity mass/charge intensity mass/charge intensity mass/charge intensity mass/charge intensity mass/charge intensity mass/charge intensity mass/charge Time

4 Ion Sources Ion Source Mass Analyzer Detector intensity mass/charge
MALDI ESI intensity mass/charge

5 Electrospray Mass Analyzer Detector

6 Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization (MALDI)
Mass Analyzer Detector Laser Matrix alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid

7 Detectors Ion Source Mass Analyzer Detector intensity mass/charge
Electron Multiplier Image Current intensity mass/charge

8 Electron Multiplier Detector

9 Image Current Detector

10 Mass Analyzers Ion Source Mass Analyzer Detector intensity mass/charge
Time-of-Flight Magnetic Sector Quadrupole Ion Trap (3D, linear) FTICR Orbitrap intensity mass/charge

11 Mass Spectrometry (MS)

12 Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
Ion Source Mass Analyzer Detector Time-of-Flight Detector Detector Ion mirror

13 Magnetic Sector

14 Quadrupole Mass Filter
y x

15 Ion Trap

16 Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance

17 Orbitrap

18 Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
Ion Source Detector CAD – Collision Activated Dissociation Mass Analyzer 1 Frag-mentation Mass Analyzer 2 Quadrupole Time-of-Flight

19 Triple Quadrupole Ion Source Detector Mass Analyzer 1 Frag-mentation
CAD – Collision Activated Dissociation Mass Analyzer 1 Frag-mentation Mass Analyzer 2 Quadrupole Quadrupole Quadrupole m/z m/z NO m/z time time time intensity m/z m/z YES m/z time time mass/charge time m/z m/z YES m/z time time time Dm/z is constant

20 Linear Ion Trap / Orbitrap
ESI Linear Ion Trap HCD Ion Source Mass Analyzer 1 Frag-mentation CAD ETD Detector Frag-mentation Mass Analyzer 2 Detector Orbitrap Olsen J V et al. Mol Cell Proteomics 2009;8:

21 Data Independent Acquisistion
1. MS 2. MS/MS 1 3. MS/MS 2 4. MS/MS 3 intensity 5. MS 6. MS/MS 1 7. MS/MS 2 8. MS/MS 3 mass/charge intensity 9. MS 10. MS/MS 1 11. MS/MS 2 12. MS/MS 3 mass/charge intensity 13. MS 14. MS/MS 1 15. MS/MS 2 16. MS/MS 3 mass/charge intensity 17. MS 18. MS/MS 1 19. MS/MS 2 20. MS/MS 3 mass/charge intensity 21. MS 22. MS/MS 1 23. MS/MS 2 24. MS/MS 3 mass/charge intensity

22 Data Dependent Acquisistion
MS MS/MS 1 MS/MS 2 MS/MS 3 MS/MS 4 MS/MS 5 MS/MS 6 MS/MS 7 MS/MS 8 MS/MS 9 MS/MS 10 12. MS 13. MS/MS 1 14. MS/MS 2 15. MS/MS 3 16. MS/MS 4 17. MS/MS 5 18. MS/MS 6 19. MS/MS 7 20. MS/MS 8 21. MS/MS 9 22. MS/MS 10 intensity mass/charge mass/charge intensity

23 Vacuum System Ion Source Mass Analyzer Detector Vacuum System

24 Mass Spectrometry Data
Ion Source Mass Analyzer Detector intensity mass/charge

25 Mass Spectrometry Data
Dimensions: Time Peptide m/z Peptide Intensity Petide fragment m/z Peptide fragment intensity ...

26 Example data – MALDI-TOF Peptide intensity vs m/z

27 Example data – ESI-LC-MS/MS
Peptide intensity vs m/z vs time m/z m/z % Relative Abundance 100 250 500 750 1000 [M+2H]2+ 762 260 389 504 633 875 292 405 534 907 1020 663 778 1080 1022 MS/MS Fragment intensity vs m/z Time

28 Charge-State Distributions
MALDI ESI 1+ 2+ 3+ Peptide intensity intensity 4+ 2+ 1+ mass/charge mass/charge M - molecular mass n - number of charges H – mass of a proton MALDI ESI 2+ 27+ 3+ 1+ Protein 31+ intensity 4+ intensity 5+ mass/charge mass/charge

29 Charge-State Example:
M - molecular mass n - number of charges H – mass of a proton Example: peptide of mass 898 carrying 1 H+ = ( ) / 1 = 899 m/z carrying 2 H+ = ( ) / 2 = 450 m/z carrying 3 H+ = ( ) / 3 = m/z

30 Isotope Distributions
12C 14N 16O 1H 32S +1Da Intensity +2Da +3Da m/z m/z m/z 0.015% 2H 1.11% 13C 0.366% 15N 0.038% 17O, 0.200% 18O, 0.75% 33S, 4.21% 34S, 0.02% 36S Only 12C and 13C: p=0.0111 n is the number of C in the peptide m is the number of 13C in the peptide Tm is the relative intensity of the peptide m 13C 𝑇 𝑚 = 𝑛 𝑚 𝑝 𝑚 (1−𝑝) 𝑛−𝑚

31 Isotope distributions
Intensity ratio Intensity ratio Peptide mass Peptide mass GFP 29kDa monoisotopic mass m/z

32 Resolution M = full width at half maximum (FWHM)
= resolving power M Resolution = minimum peak separation, M, which allows to distinguish two ion species M = full width at half maximum (FWHM) 500 Relative Intensity 50 % I I I I I 499.5 500.0 500.5 501.5 502.0 m/z Resolution = M/M = 500/0.5 = 1000

33 Resolution

34 Resolution M R = = resolving power M What resolution do we need to differentiate a 1600 Da peptide that carries either an acetylation ( ) or trimethylation ( )? R = 1600/ = 43,956

35 Isotope Clusters and Charge State
1+ 1 Intensity m/z 2+ 0.5 Intensity m/z 3+ 0.33 Intensity m/z

36 Isotope Clusters and Charge State
Possible to Determine Charge? Yes Maybe No Intensity m/z

37 What is the Charge State?
between the isotopes is 0.5 Da between the isotopes is 0.33 Da

38 Slice - Scalable Data Sharing for Remote Mass Informatics
Developed by Manor Askenazi Most mass spectrometry data is acquired in discovery mode, meaning that the data is amenable to open-ended analysis as our understanding of the target biochemistry increases. In this sense, mass spectrometry based discovery work is more akin to an astronomical survey, where the full list of object-types being imaged has not yet been fully elucidated, as opposed to e.g. micro-array work, where the list of probes spotted onto the slide is finite and well understood.

39 Example Mass Spectrometry Data Peptide intensity vs time
For m/z which corresponds to 3+ of LGEHNIDVLEGNEQFINAAK

40 Example Mass Spectrometry Data Fragment intensity vs m/z

41 Example Mass Spectrometry Data Fragment intensity vs m/z

42 Example Mass Spectrometry Data Peptide intensity vs m/z
3+ of LGEHNIDVLEGNEQFINAAK Peptide intensity vs m/z

43 Example Mass Spectrometry Data Peptide intensity vs m/z
3+ of LGEHNIDVLEGNEQFINAAK Peptide intensity vs m/z

44 Example Mass Spectrometry Data
Peptide intensity vs m/z Peptide intensity vs time

45 Homework: Explore Mass Spectrometry Data

46 Proteomics Informatics – Overview of Mass spectrometry (Week 2)
Ion Source Mass Analyzer Detector intensity mass/charge

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