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Process of communication 1 Dr. Rawhia Dogham. 2 1.List importance of communication in health care 2.Discuss the process of communication 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Process of communication 1 Dr. Rawhia Dogham. 2 1.List importance of communication in health care 2.Discuss the process of communication 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Process of communication 1 Dr. Rawhia Dogham

2 2

3 1.List importance of communication in health care 2.Discuss the process of communication 3

4 1.Importance of communication in health care 2.Process of communication 4

5 Importance of Communication 5

6 6 Communication is considered as one of the most important soft skills that individuals should have. Poor communication has significant impact on productivity. 14% of each workweek is wasted on poor communication.

7 Communication is also an integral for any relationship, be it at home, with friends, or at work. Research has shown consistently that a deficiency in this skill can completely loss relationships. 7

8 It is necessary to achieve a positive relationship with patients and healthcare providers To gather information from the patient Interact with the healthcare team The importance of Communication in healthcare

9 To communicate the patient’s care between the healthcare members To improve patient safety and quality of care To provide effective health education

10 To facilitate Interaction between the healthcare team To communicate problems and solutions To change behavior The importance of Communication in healthcare

11 Communication process 11 It is the steps we take in order to achieve a successful communication It consists of several components :

12 12 Components of Communication process 1.Sender: is the person who is sending the message 2.Message: is the information that you want to communicate

13 13 Components of Communication process 3. Encoding: The process of translating a message into understandable symbols or language. It requires knowing your audience and ensuring that your message provides all the information that they need.

14 14 Components of Communication process 4. Channel: is the method of communication that you choose such as fact – to – face, by telephone, electronic transmission through emails, text messages and faxes and even nonverbal communication.


16 16 Components of Communication process 5. Decoding: is the process of receiving the message accurately. It requires that your audience has the means to understand the information that you are sharing.

17 17 Components of Communication process 6. Receiver: The receiver is simply the person receiving the message, understanding and translating it into meaning

18 18 Components of Communication process 7. Feedback: It is the way of judging the effectiveness of the message. It can be a verbal or nonverbal reaction or response. Without feedback, there would be no way of knowing if meaning had been shared or if understanding had taken place.

19 19 Components of Communication process 8. Noise: is anything that interferes with the transmission and decoding of a message from its sender to its receive

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21 21 Components of Communication process 9. Context : involves things such as your relationship with your audience, the culture of your organization and your general environment

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23 23 Put all these components together to build a model of the communication process: 1.A sender encodes information 2.The sender selects a channel of communication by which to send the message 3.The receiver receives the message 4.The receiver decodes the message 5.The receiver may provide feedback to the sender

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