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Water Pollution Ch. 20.

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1 Water Pollution Ch. 20

2 APES Put name on water, put on side lab bench (by other water)
Get out GHG & Ozone Graphs of Tables 1 & 2.

3 How to Collect Water Samples

4 What is Water Pollution?
Change in water quality that can harm organisms or make water unfit for human uses Contamination with chemicals Excessive heat

5 Sources of Water Pollution
Point Source Nonpoint Source Located at specific places Easy to identify, monitor & regulate - drain pipes - factories - sewage treatment - underground mines - oil tankers Broad, diffuse areas Difficult to identify & control Expensive to clean up Runoff Croplands Urban streets Feedlots Parking Lots

6 Point Source of Polluted Water in Gargas, France
Figure 20.3: This point-source water pollution flows uncontrolled into a stream near Gargas, France. Fig. 20-3, p. 530

7 Nonpoint Sediment from Unprotected Farmland Flows into Streams
Figure 20.4: Nonpoint sediment pollution eroded from farmland flows into streams and sometimes changes their courses or dams them up. As measured by weight, it is the largest source of water pollution. Question: What do you think the owner of this farm could have done to prevent such sediment pollution? Fig. 20-4, p. 530

8 Point & Nonpoint Sources
Urban streets Suburban development Wastewater treatment plant Rural homes Cropland Factory Animal feedlot POINT SOURCES

9 Major Types of Pollutants
Sewage Disease Agents Sediment Inorganic Plant & Algal Nutrients Organic Compounds Inorganic Compounds Radioactives Thermal Pollution Review Table 20.1!!

10 Major Types of Pollutants

11 Major Types of Pollutants

12 Major Types of Pollutants
Turbidity: cloudiness or haziness of a fluid caused by suspended particles

13 Major Types of Pollutants

14 Major Types of Pollutants

15 Major Types of Pollutants

16 Major Types of Pollutants

17 Major Types of Pollutants

18 Common Diseases Transmitted Through Contaminated Drinking Water
Type of Organism Disease Effects Bacteria Typhoid fever Diarrhea, Severe Vomiting, Enlarged, Spleen, Fatal if untreated Cholera Diarrhea, severe vomiting, fatal if left untreated Bacterial Dysentery Diarrhea, bleeding, rarely fatal except in infants Enteritis Severe Stomach Pain, nausea, vomiting, rarely fatal Viruses Infectious hepatitis Fever, severe headache, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, jaundice, enlarged liver, rarely fatal, but cause liver damage Parasitic Protozoa Amoebic Dysentery Severe diarrhea, headache, abdominal pain, chills, fever, if not treated can cause liver abscess, bowel perforation, & death Giardiasis Diarrhea, abdominal cramps, flatulence, belching fatigue Parasitic Worms Shistosomiasis Abdominal pain, skin rash, anemia, chronic fatigue, chronic general ill health.

19 Leading Causes of Water Pollution
Agriculture activities Sediment eroded from the lands Fertilizers and pesticides Bacteria from livestock and food processing wastes Industrial facilities Mining

20 Effects of YUCK water The World Health Organization (WHO)
1.6 million people die every year, mostly under the age of 5 Diarrhea

21 How do we measure water quality?
Using DO + BOD measurements Using Coliform bacteria: Escherichia Coli tests Using Chemical Analysis Presence/Absence and concentration Using Indicator Species Macroinvertebrates Using Physical Analysis Turbidity – cloudiness Temperature Biochemical Oxygen demand : amt of oxygen taken up by microorgs that decompose organic waste matter in water. It is used to measure amts of pollutant. High BOD indicates large # of microorgs = high level pollution

22 What is Dissolved Oxygen?
Amount of oxygen measured in water Measured in milligrams per Liter (mg/L) OR parts per million (ppm) mg/L = ppm

23 How do we measure water quality?
Measuring the level of Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

24 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) & Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Dissolved Oxygen – Amount of oxygen dissolved in solution BOD- rate at which organisms use up oxygen in water The rate of oxygen consumption in a stream is affected by: temp., pH, microorganisms, type of organic/inorganic material in water BOD directly affects the amount of dissolved oxygen in rivers/streams. The greater the BOD, the more rapidly oxygen is depleted in the stream. Consequences of high BOD = low dissolved organisms

25 Faster colder water = more DO
Factors affect temp of stream: Time of day (morning vs. evening) Seasons or Time of year Quantity and Velocity of stream flow Human Activities (Thermal Pollution from industry)

26 Pollution of Streams Curve obtained when the concentration of DO in a river into which sewage or some other pollutant has been discharged is plotted against the distance downstream from the sewage outlet. Oxygen sag curve – occurs when bacteria break down biodegradable wastes Presence of sewage reduces oxygen content of water and increases biochemical oxygen demand. BC saprotrophic orgs that decompose organic matter in the sewage use up the oxygen. Successful water clean up – US – Cuyahoga River, Thames River Great Britain Stream pollution developed vs. less developed countries

27 Point source Normal clean water organisms (Trout, perch, bass, mayfly, stonefly) Pollution- tolerant fishes (carp, gar) Fish absent, fungi, sludge worms, bacteria (anaerobic) Pollution- tolerant fishes (carp, gar) Normal clean water organisms (Trout, perch, bass, mayfly, stonefly) 8 ppm Types of organisms Dissolved oxygen (ppm) 8 ppm Figure 20.7: Natural capital. A stream can dilute and decay degradable, oxygen-demanding wastes, and it can also dilute heated water. This figure shows the oxygen sag curve (blue) and the curve of oxygen demand (red). Depending on flow rates and the amount of biodegradable pollutants, streams recover from oxygen-demanding wastes and from the injection of heated water if they are given enough time and are not overloaded (Concept 20-2a). See an animation based on this figure at CengageNOW™. Question: What would be the effect of putting another discharge pipe emitting biodegradable waste to the right of the one in this picture? Biochemical oxygen demand Clean Zone Recovery Zone Septic Zone Decomposition Zone Clean Zone Fig. 20-7, p. 534

28 Why does dissolved oxygen decrease as biological oxygen demand increases?
Dissolved oxygen decreases when organic pollutants enter the water because bacteria uses the oxygen for decomposition.

29 How do we measure water quality?
Presence or Absence of Harmful Pollutants Concentration of Harmful Pollutants Drinking water 0 colonies per 100 ml Swimming water 200 colonies per 100 ml HUMAN CONSUMPTION RECREATION Fecal Coliform Test

30 How do we measure water quality?
Chemical analysis Presence/Absence Concentration Tests pH Alkalinity Carbon Dioxide Hardness (concentrations of Ca & Mg) Nitrates Silicates Phosphates Conductivity – (Cl, N, S, P, NA, etc.)

31 How do we measure water quality?
Indicator Species Macro invertebrates Stonefly larvae

32 How do we measure water quality?
Physical Analysis Turbidity Cloudiness – generally caused by phytoplankton Higher turbidity = higher risk of disease Temperature Affects other parameters DO types of plants/animals

33 APES Turn in GHG & Ozone graphs and analysis
Get out Ch. 20 Water Pollution Notes

34 Pollution of Lakes Less effective at diluting pollutants
Stratified layers Little to no flow More vulnerable

35 Pollution of Lakes Slow Turnover Thermal Stratification
Flushing & changing of water temp. Thermal Stratification Little vertical mixing Biological Magnification Increase in the concentration of chemicals in organisms at successively higher trophic levels of a food chain Eutrophication Natural nutrient enrichment of lakes Lakes less effective at diluting pollutants

36 Biomagnification Water 0.000002 ppm Phytoplankton 0.0025 ppm
Herring gull 124 ppm Phytoplankton ppm Herring gull eggs 124 ppm Zooplankton 0.123 ppm Lake trout 4.83 ppm Rainbow smelt 1.04 ppm

37 Cultural Eutrophication: Too Much of a Good Thing*
Caused by runoff of plant nutrients - nitrates - phosphates


39 Eutrophic Lake Environmental Problems
excess nutrients enter water system increases photosynthetic productivity numbers of algae and cyanobacteria increase water become cloudy (turbid) from population increase populations die off and sink to bottom become food for decomposers decomposers  BOD but DO in waters fish die off other species take root in nutrient rich sediments and begin to fill in waters Nutrient levels are increased from sewage or agricultural runoff

40 Eutrophic Lakes Prevention Clean Up Remove nitrates & phosphates
Diversion of water Clean Up Remove excess weeds Use herbicides & algaecides (downside? ) Pump in air

41 Oligotrophic Lake Low Nutrients Clear Water
Small pop. of aquatic orgs.

42 Reducing Surface Water Pollution
Nonpoint Source Point Sources Reduce Runoff Buffer Zone Vegetation Reduce Soil Erosion Clean Water Act Water Quality Act

43 Groundwater Pollution

44 Groundwater Pollution
It can take hundreds to thousands of years for contaminated groundwater to cleanse itself of degradable wastes. Nondegradable wastes (toxic lead, arsenic, fluoride) are there permanently. Slowly degradable wastes (DDT) are there for decades.

45 Groundwater Pollution
Source of drinking water Common pollutants Fertilizers & Pesticides Gasoline Organic Solvents Pollutants dispersed in a widening plume Pollutants fill porous rock, sand, bedrock, like water saturates a sponge

46 Contaminant plume moves with the groundwater
Leaking tank Aquifer Water table Bedrock Figure 21.8 Natural capital degradation: groundwater contamination from a leaking gasoline tank. As the contaminated water spreads from its source in a widening plume, it can be extracted by wells used to provide water for drinking and irrigation. Groundwater flow Free gasoline dissolves in groundwater (dissolved phase) Gasoline leakage plume (liquid phase) Migrating vapor phase Water well Contaminant plume moves with the groundwater Fig. 21-8, p. 502

47 Groundwater Cannot Cleanse Itself Very Well
Slow Flow: Contaminants not diluted Less Dissolved Oxygen Fewer decomposing bacteria Low Temps.

48 Groundwater Pollution Sources Leakage from faulty casing
Polluted air Hazardous waste injection well Pesticides and fertilizers Coal strip mine runoff Deicing road salt Buried gasoline and solvent tanks Cesspool, septic tank Pumping well Gasoline station Water pumping well Waste lagoon Sewer Landfill Accidental spills Leakage from faulty casing Figure 20.13: Natural capital degradation. These are the principal sources of groundwater contamination in the United States (Concept 20-3a). Another source in coastal areas is saltwater intrusion from excessive groundwater withdrawal. (Figure is not drawn to scale.) Question: What are three sources shown in this picture that might be affecting groundwater in your area? Discharge Freshwater aquifer Freshwater aquifer Freshwater aquifer Groundwater flow Fig , p. 540

49 Pollution Prevention = Only Effective Way to Protect Groundwater!
Cleanup = expensive & time consuming

50 Groundwater Pollution PREVENTION
Monitoring aquifers Leak detection systems Use toxic chemical substitutes Strict regulation – hazardous waste disposal Storing hazardous wastes materials above ground

51 Water Pollution & Oceans
2006: State of the Marine Environment 80% of marine pollution originates on land Sewage Coastal areas most affected Deeper ocean waters Dilution Dispersion Degradation State of Marine by UN Envioronment Programme UNEP Coastline of less developed countries a lot of municipal sewage Maybe safer to dump sewage in middle of ocean

52 Industry Nitrogen oxides from autos and smokestacks, toxic chemicals, and heavy metals in effluents flow into bays and estuaries. Cities Toxic metals and oil from streets and parking lots pollute waters; sewage adds nitrogen and phosphorus. Urban sprawl Bacteria and viruses from sewers and septic tanks contaminate shellfish beds and close beaches; runoff of fertilizer from lawns adds nitrogen and phosphorus. Construction sites Sediments are washed into waterways, choking fish and plants, clouding waters, and blocking sunlight. Farms Runoff of pesticides, manure, and fertilizers adds toxins and excess nitrogen and phosphorus. Red tides Excess nitrogen causes explosive growth of toxic microscopic algae, poisoning fish and marine mammals. Closed shellfish beds Closed beach Oxygen-depleted zone Figure 20.16: Natural capital degradation. Residential areas, factories, and farms all contribute to the pollution of coastal waters. According to the UN Environment Programme, coastal water pollution costs the world more than $30,000 a minute, primarily for health problems and premature deaths. Questions: What do you think are the three worst pollution problems shown here? For each one, how does it affect two or more of the ecological and economic services listed in Figure 8-5 (p. 172)? Toxic sediments Chemicals and toxic metals contaminate shellfish beds, kill spawning fish, and accumulate in the tissues of bottom feeders. Oxygen-depleted zone Sedimentation and algae overgrowth reduce sunlight, kill beneficial sea grasses, use up oxygen, and degrade habitat. Healthy zone Clear, oxygen-rich waters promote growth of plankton and sea grasses, and support fish. Fig , p. 545

53 Water Pollution & Oceans
Cruise line pollution: what is being dumped? U.S. coastal waters Raw sewage Sewage and agricultural runoff: NO3- and PO43- Harmful algal blooms Oxygen-depleted zones Huge mass of plastic in North Pacific Ocean Oxygen depleted zones due to algal blooms – incorrectly called deadzones – lots of bacteria! Oxygen depleted zones caused by nitrates and phosphates from agricultural runoff Great Pacific Garbage Patch

54 Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Loose free floating dump 2X size of texas

55 Rubber Duckies Lost at Sea
1992 Shipping container lost 28,000 duckies at sea (and turtles and frogs). Duckies still washing ashore today

56 Where have the duckies traveled?

57 Ocean Pollution From Oil
1989: Exxon Valdez, oil tanker Rleased 41 million liters (11 mill. gallons) Alaska’s Prince William Sound 2010: BP explosion in the Gulf of Mexico Sank rig 11 crewmembers killed Court battle over paying damages. 20 yrs later exxon says no ecological damages – Exxon Valdez oil spill trustee council says still affects 2010 deep water horizon drilling platform Contaminated ecologically vital ecosystems

58 Deepwater Horizon Blowout in the Gulf of Mexico, April 20, 2010
Figure 20.18: On April 20, 2010 oil and natural gas escaping from an oil-well borehole ignited and caused an explosion on the British Petroleum (BP) Deepwater Horizon drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico. The accident sank the rig and killed 11 of its crewmembers. The ruptured wellhead released massive amounts of crude oil that contaminated ecologically vital coastal marshes (Figure 8-8, p. 174), mangroves (Figure 8-10, p. 175), sea-grass beds (Figure 8-9, p. 174) and deep ocean aquatic life. It also disrupted the livelihoods of people depending on the gulf’s coastal fisheries and caused large economic losses for the gulf’s tourism business. This disaster was caused by a combination of equipment failure, human error, failure by BP to prepare for a major oil release, and inadequate government regulation of oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Fig , p. 547

59 How do we purify water? Reservoir & purification plant
Process sewer water to drinking water Expose clear plastic containers to sunlight (UV) The lifestraw PUR: Chlorine & iron sulfate powder Sewer -> drinking = EXPENSIVE User empties packet of PUR into large container of dirty water, stirs and lets sit for 20 minutes. Pour through clean cloth = ready to drink

60 Laws & Water Quality 1974: U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act
Amended 1986 & 1996 1996 amendment required discoloser to citizens of contaminated water Sets max. contamination levels for any pollutants that affect human health EPA determined MCLs (Maximum Contaminant Levels) Health Scientists: STRENGTHEN law Water-polluting Companies: WEAKEN law

61 Laws & Water Quality 1977 Clean Water Act Amended 1981 & 1987
Formerly – Water Pollution Control Act (1972) Two Main Goals eliminate discharge of pollutants attain water quality for safe fishing and swimming

62 Laws & Water Quality 1977 Clean Water Act
CWA effective at improving water quality at point sources Point source discharges must obtain NPDES permits (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) to release untreated wastewater into waterways Nonpoint Source discharges very difficult to control 1987 NPDES permit needed for nonpoint source discharges CWA not as effective at monitoring these discharges due to lack of cooperation/coordination between govt, citizens, and industry

63 Discharge Trading Policy
Experiment – permits for water pollution

64 Laws & Water Quality Easier to control/regulate point source pollution rather than nonpoint source. Govts regulate either by imposing penalty on polluter OR by taxing polluters for cleanup costs.

65 2 million plastic bottles, dumped every 5 minutes.
Is Bottled Water the Answer? 2 million plastic bottles, dumped every 5 minutes.

66 Is Bottled Water the Answer?
Some bottled water is not as pure as tap water and costs much more. 1.4 million metric tons of plastic bottles are thrown away. Fossil fuels are used to make plastic bottles. The oil used to produce plastic bottles in the U.S. each year would fuel 100,000 cars.

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