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Your next test over genetics will be 10/13(midterm-yes includes all up to now) I have the genetics review up on my page already, it would be wise for you.

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Presentation on theme: "Your next test over genetics will be 10/13(midterm-yes includes all up to now) I have the genetics review up on my page already, it would be wise for you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your next test over genetics will be 10/13(midterm-yes includes all up to now) I have the genetics review up on my page already, it would be wise for you to go ahead and start it 2 nd set of journals due 10/7

2 Incomplete Dominance Codominance Multiple & Sex Linked Traits

3 Incomplete dominance & Codominance 1. Incomplete dominance a. genotype is heterozygous(hybrid) b. phenotype is between the 2 parents c. dominant gene can not fully inhibit recessive Example: white flowers X red flowers = pink flowers

4 2. Codominance a. offspring shows phenotype of neither parent b. both alleles are dominant Example- black chicken x white chicken= checkered chicken + =

5 B. Multiple and Sex-linked Alleles 1. Multiple alleles: more than 2 alleles control a trait Example-blood type in humans a. blood type is determined by presence or absence of proteins on the surface of red blood cells Examples- A, B, AB, & O

6 GenotypePhenotype-blood type AA, AOA blood BB, BOB blood OOO blood ABAB blood

7 To determine the blood types of possible offspring Parents = A blood, O blood A A OOOO A O OOOO Genotypes AA, AO OO AO OO AOOO

8 2. Sex linked alleles: controlled by genes located on sex chromosomes a.usually carried on the X chromosomes b.Females XX, males XY c.If trait is X-linked, males pass the trait on to all their daughters, but none to their sons d.mothers have 50/50 chance of passing it to all their children Examples-colorblindness or hemophilia Written as- X H or X h

9 Quiz #2 Multiple alleles & dominance

10 1.A pink flower is an example of ______. A. multiple allelesB. codominance C. incomplete dominance 2.A checkered chicken is an example of ______. A. codominanceB. multiple alleles C. incomplete dominance 3.Blood type is an example of _____ A. multiple allelesB. codominance C. incomplete dominance 4.True/false: A blood has the genotypes AA and AO. 5.True/false: fathers can pass sex linked traits like color blindness on to their sons.


12 POD In snakes, slithering is dominant over scooting and having a forked tongue is dominant over rounded tongues. Predict the outcome of tongue shape and movement when 2 individuals with the following genotypes combine. SsFf x SsFf

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