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What is The Knowledge Network? The Knowledge Network ? ? ? ? ? ?

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Presentation on theme: "What is The Knowledge Network? The Knowledge Network ? ? ? ? ? ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is The Knowledge Network? The Knowledge Network ? ? ? ? ? ?

2 Simplest, most straightforward description : a website A very BIG website Information and tools useful to people working in NHS and Social Services in Scotland

3 The Knowledge Network A big website of collections of electronic “stuff” Book Journal article Website Book Website Book Journal article Journal Image Database

4 The Knowledge Network An organised big website of collections of electronic “stuff” Online library Links to databases Links to journals Links to training opportunities Communities Portals and Topics Mobile apps Staying current : tools and services Electronic Stuff

5 Contents The Knowledge Network has… Online Library

6 The Knowledge Network hosts… Communities A community

7 The Knowledge Network hosts… Portals and Topics Books Journal articles Journals Images Links to websites Event information News items A portal or topic

8 The Knowledge Network links to… Mobile Apps

9 The Knowledge Network helps you… Stay current RSS Feeds The Knowledge Network newsfeeds library

10 The Knowledge Network includes… Help and Training Links

11 The Knowledge Network has… Even more support! For those new to The Knowledge Network For those new to information searching For those looking for journal articles For online training sessions in a variety of subjects For when you get ‘stuck’ doing something

12 The Knowledge Network is… Clearer now? Contact us with questions, suggestions, comments –

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