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Business Rules Execution via Managed Stored Procedures A Data-centric Approach Steve Cavanagh, Software Architect, Ramsey County Balaji Thiagarajan, Independent.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Rules Execution via Managed Stored Procedures A Data-centric Approach Steve Cavanagh, Software Architect, Ramsey County Balaji Thiagarajan, Independent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Rules Execution via Managed Stored Procedures A Data-centric Approach Steve Cavanagh, Software Architect, Ramsey County Balaji Thiagarajan, Independent BizTalk Consultant 1©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan Twin Cities Connected Systems User Group

2 AGENDA Tonight’s presentation is intended to be conversational. Please ask questions. Steve and Balaji Introduction Business Problem Solution Overview Mini Demo of System Code: Managed Stored Procedure & Rules Service Code: Rules Q & A ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan2

3 Tonight’s food provided by ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan3

4 Business Problem ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan4 Create a new health care claiming system to replace a legacy system that is comprised of: A hodgepodge of technologies: VB6, Cobol, Access Business rules embedded in both stored procedures and VB6 code Difficult to troubleshoot Does not contain a good audit trail Valuable business information is not readily accessible

5 Goals ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan5 Create a health care claiming system that is: Accurate Auditable Flexible Maintainable Informative

6 Claiming Solution ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan6

7 Proof of Concept An essential aspect to the project. Steve Reed from Microsoft collaborated on design and provided technical assistance. ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan7

8 AGENDA Introduction Business Problem Solution Overview Mini Demo of System Code: Managed Stored Procedure & Rules Service Code: Rules Q & A ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan8

9 Managed Stored Procedure/Function ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan9

10 10 Rules Engine Server

11 Rules Engine Service ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan11

12 Enable CLR ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan12

13 Managed Function Installation ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan13

14 Rules Overview Static Support – Registry Key Vocabulary Upgrader Unit Testing - BizUnit ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan14

15 Overview of Rules Set of simple rules using Xml facts and Database calls using static method helper components. The helper components do not implement IFactCreator. Enterprise Library 3.1 was used for Logging, Error Handling, Caching and DB Calls. ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan15

16 Static Support- Registry Key ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan16

17 Vocabulary Upgrader Problem : Upgrading to a new version of vocabulary will not automatically upgrade the vocabulary references in Rules. Result: Multiple versions of vocabulary references present in a single version of rule. Solution: Vocabulary Upgrader is now integrated with the Acumen Rule Manager previously available as a stand alone application. ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan17

18 ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan18

19 ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan19 Unit Testing Used BizUnit framework to develop Test Scripts. Used NUnit to run the tests. BizUnit.BizTalkSteps.FactBasedRuleEngineStep – new on latest BizUnit release, not much documentation.

20 Q & A How has Ramsey County benefitted from this new system? –Found $100,000.00 in claims that were “missed” by the old system. –Changes to rules are easier to implement and verify. ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan20

21 Thank you for attending Steve Cavanagh Balaji Thiagarajan ©2009 S. Cavanagh, B. Thiagarajan21

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