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Presentation on theme: "BIOBUILDING (ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING)."— Presentation transcript:


2 ITIS La casa, che è lo strumento indispensabile per la sopravvivenza dell’uomo, la si può rendere amica della terra. Who wouldn’t like to own a beautiful house? But what if it should respect environment too?

3 This is possible… And we are not talking about a hut in the jungle!

4 To build environmentally friendly houses, it is possible to use a lot of materials that are not dangerous for environment… For example…

5 The window frame in this photo is not a common one… It is made of 3 layers of glass, one of whose components is argon, a gas that avoids thermal exchanges between the inside and the outside of the house… It can be fixed instead of traditional windows: so it is possible to get an energy saving...

6 This brick is composed of natural materials, mainly by recycled ones, and thanks to its composition it acts as a thermal and acoustic insulator, with no need to use other insulating materials… In this way the eco-brick reduces heating and conditioning costs, and thanks to its natural composition it allows a natural wall transpiration. Besides it is cheaper than a normal brick…

7 This is a water container that, if laid underground, collects rain- water and, through house- connected pipes, uses it again for everyday use. There are different models of these water containers: their capacity has a range from 3000 to 6000 litres. Besides it has a pressure switch, which works sending water into the pipes or, if necessary, absorbing it again. This water container is made up of different materials, e.g. polyethylene, cast iron etc. This is a very useful product, because it allows to spare water, which unfortunately is an exhaustible resource, essential for life.

8 Credits Presentation arranged by Enrico Bianchi & Nicola Gabbricci – Itis “Pascal” – Cesena –Italy (2008-009) Thanks to the teachers: A.M. Ravazzi (Biology) – A. Tortora (English) and to the Technical Assistant: F. Fiori Images taken from: ville-riccione-P11606PZ.jpg Casa_sugli_alberi,Giungla_di_Tekkadi.jpg Beppe Grillo Show (Delirio Tour) 2008-2009


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