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These poles of a magnet repel. Like poles Poles on a magnet that attract.

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Presentation on theme: "These poles of a magnet repel. Like poles Poles on a magnet that attract."— Presentation transcript:

1 These poles of a magnet repel

2 Like poles

3 Poles on a magnet that attract

4 Unlike or Opposite poles

5 What are the three magnetic metals?

6 Iron, cobalt, and nickel

7 Which pole of a magnet is attracted to the North Pole of the Earth?

8 North Pole (used to be called the “north seeking pole”)

9 What rock is magnetic?

10 Magnetite (or Lodestone)

11 What is the Biggest Magnet?

12 The Earth

13 What is the area of force around magnet called?

14 The magnetic field

15 What do we call all materials that block the flow of electricity?

16 insulators

17 What is a circuit with a break to stop the flow of electricity called?

18 An open circuit

19 The part of an atom that has a negative charge

20 the electron

21 A circuit that skips a resistor is called a:

22 Short Circuit

23 Type of electricity caused by a build up of electrons in one place

24 Static electricity

25 Something that resists or slows down the flow of electricity

26 resistor

27 What items are needed to make an electromagnet?

28 battery wires iron bar switch

29 Something that allows you to start and stop the flow of electricity through a circuit

30 A switch

31 Type of circuit in which the resistors are in a single line- one after the other

32 Series Circuit

33 A circuit with no breaks in it

34 Closed circuit

35 What are the names for the three particles in an atom?

36 Protons Neutrons Electrons

37 A circuit in which the resistors are on separate paths

38 Parallel circuit

39 A material that carries an electrical current

40 Conductor

41 Type of charge an object will have if it loses some electrons

42 Positive

43 A device used to prevent the flow of too much electricity

44 fuse Or circuit breaker

45 What does the atomic number on the periodic chart tell us about the atom?

46 The number of protons in the nucleus (also number of electrons if the atom is neutrally charged )

47 Type of electricity in which charges move in conductors

48 Current Electricity

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