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Sustainable Development as the Global Framework

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1 Enhancing Capabilities Through Education : A Contribution to Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development as the Global Framework The Role of Capabilities for a Sustainable Development Sustainability and the Process of Education Jean-Luc Dubois, UNESCO, 29 March 2004

Basic definition … …and Main Characteristics The Social Dimension of Sustainable Development

3 Basic Definition …. A concept popularised by the Brundtland Report: “Our Common Future”, 1989 “A sustainable development is able to answer the needs of the present generation without compromising the capacity of future generations to satisfy their own needs” It is a development : it aims at improving the well-being and the quality of life for all It has conditions for sustainability : this implies to protect the existing resources (i.e. economic, social, natural…) which may be required by the future generations to maintain a standard of living at least as good as our

4 … and Main Characteristics
Three main operational characteristics: A multidimensional aspect. There are several interrelated dimensions (economic, social and ecological, …). They have to be taken into account together for any analytical and decision process Linkages between generations. This raises the issues of (i) impact on the next generation, (ii) transmission between the generations, and (iii) intra and inter-generational equity A focus on people’s capacity. This brings : (i) the issue of participation, through stakeholders, in the decision making process, (ii) the inclusion of everybody within a society, (iii) the importance of the capacity

5 The Social Dimension of Sustainable Development
Greater focus at Johannesburg World Summit (2002) The social dimension is twofold: The social sectors : education, health, culture... The social links : networks, social cohesion, exclusion… The main objective is the reduction of poverty : Income and consumption, access to goods and services (education), assets and potentialities, capabilities Other issues are also related to poverty : inequality, inequity, vulnerability, social exclusion. Reducing poverty may not be enough: the issue becomes that of social sustainability (in the human development)

Concepts and Definitions Ensuring Social Sustainability The Strengthening of Capabilities The Transmission of Capabilities

7 Concepts and Definitions
The capability is “the capacity of doing and being”: i.e. a capability to function (A.Sen) It requires potentialities (assets), individual ability of conversion, social opportunities and the ability of agency (act, think, communicate with others) This leads to achieved functionings and well-being: to have the means to live the life which is expected A list of central human functional capabilities in 10 items was proposed (M.Nussbaum) It is based on the person (reasonable in a social network) and not on the individual (rationality)

8 Ensuring Social Sustainability
In this context ensuring social sustainability means : an improvement in the people’s capability of well-being, equity in the distribution of capabilities (assets, rights, skills) within the current generation equity in the transmission of capability between generations One may note that : Poverty traps and social exclusion makes the inter-generational transmission of capabilities extremely difficult Inequality prevents the reduction of poverty and inequity jeopardizes the social capabilities (social cohesion) Vulnerability can be reduced with the strengthening of capabilities The various forms of sustainability are inter-related All these aspects have be taken into account for sustainable poverty reduction policies

9 The Strengthening of Capabilities
Improving the people’s capability for a better quality of life implies a development which focuses on the strengthening of the persons’ capabilities (sustainable human development) It differs from a development focussing on the individual’s income (growth), even if the two may be interrelated (well-being, quality of life) It should reduce the capability poverty: lack of capability which implies other forms of poverty This implies appropriate policies : education plays the major role through it four pillars (learning to know, to be, to live together, to do)

10 The Transmission of Capabilities
Protecting and transmitting human and social capabilities (human and social capital) from one generation to the others is a condition for sustainability It implies the transmission of potentiality (assets), ability, knowledge, rights… (If not…, e.g. HIV/AIDS) An intergenerational transmission which has to be equitable E.g. this implies a low impact of armed conflicts, protection of natural resources, improvement in the quality of education… But it also requires equity in the present generation to avoid social exclusion, to suppress poverty traps, etc. A double gender dimension in the transmission process : The role of women for children’s education within the family Their vulnerability due to gender inequalities and the risk of poverty

Informing on Sustainable Development Strengthening People’s Capabilities Ensuring Social Sustainability Facilitating the Transmission of Capabilities

12 Informing on Sustainable Development
Education is the best way to teach the people: On the world current situation (both for economic, social, environment issue) and the consequences for future generations On how to behave for saving protected resources, avoiding pollution and waste, relating with the others… This could be done through specific modules in all forms of education, formal, non-formal and informal, and towards the various population groups Training of the teachers and decision-makers on the content and objectives of human sustainable development is essential. The support of the medias is needed. Adapted training materials (books, pictures, videos) to the public and the local context are required

13 Strengthening People’s Capabilities
Enhancing the person’s capabilities is the basis of Education for All programs The four pillars of Dakar Framework for Action Learning to know (cognitive skills): reasoning Learning to be (personal skills): dignity Learning to live together (social skills): social capital Learning to do (practical skills): know-how to act Acquiring these skills helps to convert potentialities into capabilities and to achieve functionings Through all forms of education: primary, secondary, technical and vocational, higher, lifelong learning…

14 Ensuring Social Sustainability
A key issue nowadays: Poverty reduction objective: going out of poverty traps, avoiding social exclusion, eradicating destitution, ensuring access… Living peacefully together: social and cultural diversity, gender sensitivity, children acceptance… The guarantee of quality education for all brings a answer to the first point For the second, the role of psycho-social abilities: to enhance personal skills (self-esteem, coping) and social skills (cooperation, empathy, negotiation). The objectives of learning to be and learning to live together. Other specific values and capabilities are to teach: the sense of justice, equity, responsibility, sharing with others... This could complement the senses of freedom and liberty

15 Facilitating the Transmission of Capabilities
By definition, education aims at transmitting any form of knowledge from one person to another For sustainable development, the issue is to ensure that the future generations receive, in an equitable way, both the potentialities and the skills they need to build their capability of improving the quality of life (well-being) There is a complex chain of transmission: the teachers, the parents, the pupils, the trainees, people in the medias At this level, the quality for education is fundamental: it guarantees the quality of what will be transmitted to the next generation

16 Conclusion Using education to enhance the people’s capabilities in equitable terms, i.e. by ensuring access to quality teachings for all, is the best way to maintain social sustainability Using education to transmit such capabilities from one generation to the next, in equitable terms, is the best way to ensure a sustainable human development The four pillars of EFA, i.e. learning to do, to know, to be, to live together, through their corresponding practical and psycho-social skills, give a framework for the design of appropriate policies

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