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Eating WAPF Style Jessica Kouka, NTP Arise Nutritional Therapy WAPF Salem, OR 1/20/15.

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Presentation on theme: "Eating WAPF Style Jessica Kouka, NTP Arise Nutritional Therapy WAPF Salem, OR 1/20/15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eating WAPF Style Jessica Kouka, NTP Arise Nutritional Therapy WAPF Salem, OR 1/20/15

2 Dr Weston A Price 1870-1948 Dentist in Cleveland, OH Ten-year study of 14 isolated people groups

3 The Travels of Dr Price Samoan boys Native American girls

4 The Travels of Dr Price

5 Weston A. Price Dr Price’s research around the world clearly shows us that the modern diet, with its deficiencies and toxicities, is leading to degeneration and disease. Studying the characteristics of traditional diets provides us with a paradigm for choosing the right foods, foods which have proven their ability to produce healthy populations generation after generation.

6 WAPF Founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston Price. The Foundation is dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism. “an independent, non-profit, nutrition education foundation that provides accurate, science-based information on diet and health”

7 WAPF Supports movements including: ▫Accurate nutrition instruction ▫Organic and biodynamic farming ▫Pasture-feeding of livestock ▫Community-supported farms ▫Honest and informative labeling ▫Prepared parenting ▫Nurturing therapies

8 WAPF Specific goals: ▫Establishment of universal access to clean, certified raw milk ▫Ban on use of soy in infant formulas ▫Establishment of a laboratory to test the nutrient content of foods

9 In small groups with sticky notes… ▫Write down the modern foods found in WAP’s time which led to degeneration. ▫Then write down the modern foods we also have today.

10 On your own paper… ▫Write down as many characteristics of traditional diets which you can think of, the things which the groups WAP studied had in common (ie: raw dairy, no sugar, etc.).

11 Traditional Diets “If civilized man is to survive, he must incorporate the fundamentals of primitive nutritional wisdom into his modern life-style.” ~Weston A Price

12 Resources Price Pottenger Nutrition Foundation ▫Keepers of the copyrights ▫ Weston A. Price Foundation ▫International organization with local chapters ▫ “Nourishing Traditions” cookbook ▫By Sally Fallon, founder of WAPF

13 Traditional Diets… Contain no refined or processed foods ▫No white flour ▫No refined sugar ▫No pasteurized or homogenized milk ▫No refined or hydrogenated vegetable oils ▫No canned foods ▫No protein powders ▫No packaged foods ▫No artificial flavorings, colors, or preservatives ▫No synthetic vitamins ▫No extruded grains

14 Traditional Diets… Are nutrient-dense ▫At least 4x more minerals and 10x more fat soluble vitamins than the average American diet

15 Traditional Diets… Contain a lot of living enzymes ▫Raw dairy ▫Raw fish or meat ▫Raw vegetables ▫Fresh fruits ▫Cultured dairy, meats, and vegetables ▫Raw honey ▫Wine

16 Traditional Diets… Contain some kind of protein and fat from animals ▫Land animals ▫Fowl ▫Fish and seafood ▫Eggs ▫Dairy products ▫Reptiles or insects

17 Traditional Diets… Are never vegan ▫Dr Price wanted to find a vegan society ▫Only special religious people ▫No evidence there has ever been a vegan society which produced healthy children generation after generation

18 Traditional Diets… Include some raw animal products ▫Fish or meat ▫Eggs or dairy ▫Unaltered proteins

19 Traditional Diets… Include the whole animal ▫Flesh (protein) ▫Fat (fatty acids) ▫Bones (minerals) ▫Organs (vitamins)

20 Traditional Diets… Are not low fat ▫Calories from fat varies from 30-80% depending on region (higher fat in cooler climates). ▫Traditional fats include butter and ghee, lard, duck fat, coconut oil, etc. ▫Most of fat is in the form of monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids. ▫Only ~4% of fat from polyunsaturated fatty acids found in grains, nuts, seeds, fish, etc.. ▫Near equal amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids.

21 Fats and Oils Tropical Oils: Coconut, Palm Animal Fats: Lard, Tallow, etc. Butter Other Cold-pressed Oils: Olive, Avocado, Walnut, Flax, Fish, etc.

22 Fats and Oils Saturated: most heat stable Monounsaturated: somewhat stable Polyunsaturated: sensitive to heat and light None is “good” or “bad” in itself. It’s about quality and method of preparation.

23 Traditional Diets… Include only meat and products from animals raised on pasture or in the wild ▫No grain-fed animals or fish ▫Healthy animals eating natural diet and roaming in sunshine ▫Proper balance of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids

24 Traditional Diets… Cultivate foods organically ▫No chemicals ▫Mineral rich soil

25 Traditional Diets… Consume foods in season

26 Traditional Diets… Preserve foods in ways that retain or enhance the nutrient content ▫Cold storage ▫Drying ▫Freezing ▫Fermenting/culturing

27 Traditional Diets… Take care to properly prepare nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes ▫Soaking or Sprouting or Fermenting ▫Natural leavening ▫Improved digestibility ▫Removal of phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors

28 Grains ▫Contain high levels of phytic acid  Anti-nutrient  Binds to minerals, preventing absorption (zinc, phosphorous, magnesium, and iron) ▫High levels of phytic acid  Lead to poor bone health and tooth decay  Lower metabolism  Cause body to leech calcium  Lead to anemia

29 Properly Prepared Grains ▫Must activate phytase, the enzyme present to break down phytic acid ▫Sprouting, soaking, and souring

30 Legumes Contain high levels of phytic acid  Soak 12-36 hours in warm water, changing water every 12 hours For reduced gassiness, when bringing to a boil skim off all foam that rises. If particularly sensitive, change out water part way through cooking time.

31 Soy Soybeans are very high in phytic acid. This is not broken down in soymilk or tofu, so the minerals in those foods will not be digested. 95% of soybeans grown in US are genetically modified. Soy is high in phyto-estrogens

32 Properly Prepared Soy Most soy products are heavily processed (i.e. soymilk and soy protein). Traditionally, soy was never consumed in this fashion. Stick with tempeh, miso, and naturally fermented soy sauce, eaten in condiment sized portions.

33 Properly Prepared Nuts and Seeds ▫Most contain high levels of enzyme inhibitors  Prevents premature sprouting  Difficult to digest ▫Best method: Soak in filtered water and salt (usually overnight), then dry or dehydrate for crispy nuts ▫Acceptable: Slow roast at 200 degrees (eliminates some of the anti-nutrients but not as digestible as “crispy nuts”) ▫Don’t overdo, especially with nut flours (portion=1/4 cup)

34 Traditional Diets… Use natural salt ▫Containing trace minerals

35 Traditional Diets… Take care to ensure the health of future generations ▫Special diets for couples before marriage ▫Special foods for pregnant and nursing women ▫Breastfeeding babies ▫Special diets for growing children ▫Spacing between pregnancies ▫Instruction to children of the importance of following the traditional ways

36 Traditional Diets… Are accompanied by healthy lifestyles ▫Regular, vigorous exercise through work and play ▫Lots of time outside in the fresh air and sunshine ▫Strong community ties and family bonds

37 Traditional Diets… Produce good health outcomes ▫Healthy children generation after generation ▫Children grow optimally—broad faces, no crowded teeth ▫No tooth decay ▫Vitality and robust health ▫Mental wellness and happiness

38 Benefits of a WAP Philosophy Easy to understand difference between good and bad choices No calorie counting or measuring Delicious, satisfying foods No food groups excluded (meat, grains, carbs, fat, etc.) Avoiding a whole host of health problems! Feeling healthy and happy

39 In small groups… ▫Discuss what you think your family’s ancestors ate. Before coming to America? Even a generation ago? Write down on sticky notes… ▫things that your parents and grandparents ate that you no longer eat.

40 Discuss in small groups… ▫what observations can you make about the decline in the health of your family over the generations?

41 In small groups on sticky notes… ▫What do you think are the most important aspects of a WAP or traditional diet that people need to implement? ▫What do you think are the hardest aspects for people? ▫What is hard about implementing WAP’s findings in today’s world? ▫Are there ways that a WAP dietary philosophy is inadequate for people today?

42 Individually with sticky notes… ▫What are 1-3 things that you want to better implement in your eating habits in 2015?

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