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Seksjon for Faststoff-elektrokjemi (FASE) Section for Solid-state electrochemistry Truls Norby & Reidar Haugsrud FASE Research group at Department of Chemistry.

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Presentation on theme: "Seksjon for Faststoff-elektrokjemi (FASE) Section for Solid-state electrochemistry Truls Norby & Reidar Haugsrud FASE Research group at Department of Chemistry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seksjon for Faststoff-elektrokjemi (FASE) Section for Solid-state electrochemistry Truls Norby & Reidar Haugsrud FASE Research group at Department of Chemistry FERMiO Functional Energy Related Materials in Oslo Top-tier group at SMN/MN faculty SMNCentre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology Centre at the MN faculty

2 Section for Solid-State Electrochemistry (FASE) Our research in solid-state electrochemistry has elements of ◦ Inorganic chemistry ◦ Physical chemistry ◦ Materials chemistry ◦ Nanotechnology ◦ Computational materials science Typical applications of our research comprise ◦ Clean and efficient energy conversion technologies  Renewable energy harvesting and storage  Hydrogen technologies  Carbon capture and better uses of fossil fuels  Catalysis and photocatalysis ◦ Materials synthesis, fabrication, use, and degradation/corrosion

3 FASE Professor Truls Norby Assoc. professor Reidar Haugsrud 1 technical 1 administrator 6 post-docs 12 PhD-students 6 Master-students Visiting researchers Exchange, project, and internship students Total ca 30 Located in Oslo Innovation Centre (Forskningsparken)

4 FASE Technologies Functional energy related materials CO 2 -free fossil energy ◦ Gas separation membranes ◦ Fuel cells Hydrogen technology ◦ Fuel cells ◦ Steam electrolysis ◦ Photo-electrochemical splitting of water High temperature corrosion Sensors for extreme conditions ◦ High temperature, corrosive environments, Space, Nuclear power, Energy processes Clean water and air – photocatalysis Thermoelectric materials ◦ Solar and waste heat utilisation

5 FASE Science Defects in crystals ◦ Defect chemistry ◦ Transport ◦ Emphasis on oxides and hydrogen Solid state reactions Electrode reactions Relation between structure, composition, and functional properties Design, make, characterize, and model new materials Questions: ◦ H + in oxides? H in oxides? H - in oxides? ◦ N 3- in oxides? ◦ Cation diffusion in oxides? Lifetime of devices? ◦ Novel solid-state proton conductors? ◦ Charge transfer mechanisms in electrodes? ◦ Why do grain boundaries behave so differently? ◦ How does a photocatalyst work?

6 6 FASE Methods Synthesis Sample preparation Structure: XRD Microstructure: SEM Measurements of concentration and transport of defects –Thermogravimetry –Reaction rates –Diffusion –Permeability –Electrical properties Electrochemical studies –Fuel cell tests –Electrode kinetics –Photoelectrochemistry Further characterization, often in collaboration: –TEM, XPS, SIMS, ND… Computational simulations of structure and defects

7 Examples of current FASE project possibilities Pulsed Laser Deposited (PLD) films for fuel cells, electrolysers, and gas separation membranes Proton conducting oxides for fuel cells and electrolysers; measurements and computational approaches Electrodes for H + -conducting fuel cells and electroysers New proton-electron mixed conductors for gas separation membranes Water splitting or CO 2 -to-fuel generation by solid-state photoelectrochemistry Pure water by photocatalysis – is it possible? Thermoelectric oxides – from heat to electricity Grain boundaries and interfaces; TEM and properties Diffusion and surface kinetics – use of isotopes and ToF-SIMS Nitrogen defects in oxides Combined computational and experimental studies and more; depends on what is hot when you start, and your interests…

8 Where do FASE MSc and PhD students go?

9 Science in focus …. but not only…

10 Take your Master of Science in FASE! Chemistry ◦ Materials chemistry ◦ Inorganic chemistry ◦ Physical chemistry MENA ◦ Materials, energy and nanotechnology Requirements ◦ KJM or MENA bachelor or similar Recommended courses ◦ None in particular Supervisors: ◦ Truls Norbytruls.norby@kjemi.uio.no22840654 99257611 ◦ Reidar Haugsrud reidar.haugsrud@smn.uio.no22840659 ◦ + one PhD or post-doc co-supervisor

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