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 And how to fix them… Chapter 55.  In the past – deciduous forests have been impacted  Today, it is more a problem in the tropics  Subsistence agriculture.

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Presentation on theme: " And how to fix them… Chapter 55.  In the past – deciduous forests have been impacted  Today, it is more a problem in the tropics  Subsistence agriculture."— Presentation transcript:

1  And how to fix them… Chapter 55

2  In the past – deciduous forests have been impacted  Today, it is more a problem in the tropics  Subsistence agriculture – a family produces just enough food to feed itself o Practice slash-and-burn agriculture: tropical soils are infertile and cannot be used to grow crops for more than one season o Provide range land for cattle: overgrazing can cause desertification

3  Increases soil erosion  decreases fertility, increases sedimentation of waterways  Loss of biodiversity – for both native species and migratory ones  Increases risk of flooding in low lying areas  Reduces transpiration  impacts hydrological cycle  Reduces photosynthesis  impacts global warming

4  Greenhouse gases: CO2, methane, surface ozone…  Greenhouse effect: Solar energy passes through, heat energy cannot pass out; this is necessary for life on Earth  Enhanced greenhouse effect: additional warming due to addition of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere

5  Rise of sea level  Changes in precipitation patterns  Changes in the range of organisms  Impact on human health  Impact on agriculture

6  The ozone layer helps protect Earth from much of the sun’s UV radiation  There has been a thinning of this layer due to the use of certain chemicals  CFCs = chlorofluorocarbons and other industrial chemicals which destroy ozone

7  More UV radiation will reach surface  Human health: o Skin cancer, cataracts  Photosynthesis impacts

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