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How to Write Anything 2 nd Edition John J. Ruszkiewicz Jay T. Dolmage ©2012 Bedford/St. Martin’s ISBN-10: 0-312-67490-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-312-67490-8 How.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Write Anything 2 nd Edition John J. Ruszkiewicz Jay T. Dolmage ©2012 Bedford/St. Martin’s ISBN-10: 0-312-67490-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-312-67490-8 How."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Write Anything 2 nd Edition John J. Ruszkiewicz Jay T. Dolmage ©2012 Bedford/St. Martin’s ISBN-10: 0-312-67490-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-312-67490-8 How to Write Anything with Readings 2 nd Edition ISBN-10: 0-312-67490-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-312-67490-8

2 Paper text Bedford e-Book: web-based e- Book accessible only on a computer How to Write Anything 2 nd Ed. ISBN-10: 0-312-67490-2 | ISBN-13: 978-0-312-67490-8 How to Write Anything with Readings 2 nd Ed. ISBN-10: 0-312-67490-2 | ISBN-13: 978-0-312-67490-8 CourseSmart e-Book: downloadable e-Book accessible on a computer or via app on the iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android devices, Kindle Fire, Nook Color, or Nook Tablet Print book e-Books (1/2 the cost of the print book) WHAT TO BUY Required Text Available Formats Spiral-bound text

3 WHERE TO BUY IT From Publisher Campus Bookstore

4 This book includes:  Focused advice for writing common academic and real- world genres  “How To” Visual Tutorials  Readings  Professional models and student writing  Study tools WHY YOU NEED IT You will have assigned homework and we will test from material found in this book. 1. It is required for this course 2. It will help you get a better grade. Period.

5 Student Activity: How do you start writing? Student Activity: How do you start writing? 1. Write down a response to this question: How do you start writing? Think back to the last thing you wrote or how you approach writing in general. What do you do to get started? 2. Tell the class how you start writing. 3. Answer this question: How is your process different when you write something for school versus an email to your boss? Why? How might they be similar?

6 Student Activity: Key Points Student Activity: Key Points There isn’t just one writing process—it’s different for everyone in different situations. What kind of writing strategies work best for you? The best process, materials, and tools can change depending on the project. How to Write Anything 2 nd Edition can help you with any writing process, any genre, anywhere.

7 How to use the book


9 Get access to free online study tools Get access to free online study tools Checklists for writing different genres Links to more models 5 free videos of real writers 3 free tutorials Research and Documentation Online

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