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What is Articulate LMS? Greetings everyone! My name is Meg. It is my pleasure to be here today to help the agency to resolve a multitude of problems.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Articulate LMS? Greetings everyone! My name is Meg. It is my pleasure to be here today to help the agency to resolve a multitude of problems."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Articulate LMS? Greetings everyone! My name is Meg. It is my pleasure to be here today to help the agency to resolve a multitude of problems. How you may ask? Please follow me and I will show you! Continue

3 What is Articulate LMS? Continue Among the most articulate critics of the tests are the boycotting students, who complain about narrowing opportunities and shrinking curricula. -Peter Schrag, Atlantic, August 2000

4 What is Articulate LMS? END GOAL Benefits Cost Devices Learning Defined Diversity Sharing Links We’ll start here.

5 Challenge #1 A Learning Management System (LMS) is here to add to your already burdensome work load? I am out of here! I already have enough to do! I am curious as to what this is all about. Besides I really don’t feel like dealing with clients and I am being paid to be here.

6 You will be able to attending meetings from your desk, when you have time, or at a time and place that are most comfortable for you. You’re right! It is worthwhile staying and listening to how a LMS can be helpful to you! Continue

7 Are you sure that you don’t want help to do your work easier and better? Not quite. Start Over

8 Progress Meter Name #1 Learning Management System

9 What is Articulate LMS? END GOAL Benefits Cost Devices Learning Defined Diversity Sharing Links

10 Challenge #2 How can facilitators or trainers communicate with staff within this LMS? By handing out a TON of information to read, sitting for long, periods of time, in uncomfortable meeting rooms and not providing food. Through interesting, fun, and easy to grasp methods.

11 You’re right! Collect your reward and move forward. Continue LMS uses interactive intelligence.

12 Not quite. Start Over That does not sound pleasant..

13 Progress Meter Name #1: Learning Management System#2: Ease and Comfort of Learning

14 What is Articulate LMS? END GOAL Benefits Cost Devices Learning Defined Diversity Sharing Links

15 Challenge #3 Is LMS learning for everyone? Every thing is in English only or words I do not understand are used. Yes, ALL learners!

16 You’re right! Collect your reward and move forward. Continue LMS has adaptive learning capabilities such as Screen reader, and Multilingual Translation support.

17 Not quite. Start Over You do not have to be frustrated by personal learning barriers. LMS is fully adaptable.

18 Progress Meter Name #1: Learning Management System#2: Ease and Comfort of Learning #3: Diversity

19 What is Articulate LMS? END GOAL Benefits Cost Devices Learning Defined Diversity Sharing Links

20 Challenge #4 Why is it so difficult to find and share files? Files get lost, misplaced, or someone moves them. LMS stores all files in one location and uses smart search to locate what you are looking for.

21 You’re right! Collect your reward and move forward. Continue LMS has capabilities for communicating with users and for the organization of content.

22 Not quite. Start Over There are easier ways in LMS to search and retain files.

23 Progress Meter Name #1: Learning Management System#2: Ease and Comfort of Learning #3: Diversity#4: Sharing

24 What is Articulate LMS? END GOAL Benefits Cost Devices Learning Defined Diversity Sharing Links

25 Challenge #5 Is moving around an LMS complicated? Computers are hard to work with and they do not do what I want them to do. LMS has Links to radio buttons, check boxes, and markers.

26 You’re right! Collect your reward and move forward. Continue LMS has fully interactive features.

27 Not quite. Start Over The LMS easily works with a simple click, mouse over objects, hot spots, and has video capability.

28 Progress Meter Name #1: Learning Management System#2: Ease and Comfort of Learning #3: Diversity#4: Sharing #5: Links

29 What is Articulate LMS? END GOAL Benefits Cost Devices Learning Defined Diversity Sharing Links

30 Challenge #6 Can this LMS be used on any device? Most programs have compatibility issues, due to specific abilities and requirements. Articulate LMS has html, flash, mobile player, and i Pad adaptability.

31 You’re right! Collect your reward and move forward. Continue No matter what device or operating system used.

32 Not quite. Start Over Adaptive technologies have improved greatly due to customer demand.

33 Progress Meter Name #1: Learning Management System#2: Ease and Comfort of Learning #3: Diversity#4: Sharing #5: Links #6: Devices

34 What is Articulate LMS? END GOAL Benefits Cost Devices Learning Defined Diversity Sharing Links

35 Challenge #7 What is the cost of the Articulate LMS? Based on everything this LMS can do it will cost a lot of money! Cost is based on need and contracts are negotiable.

36 You’re right! Collect your reward and move forward. Continue Articulate LMS will only provide you with what you need based on your own design.

37 Not quite. Start Over There are many grants for learning technology. LMS is an investment in your staff and your agencies future.

38 Progress Meter Name #1: Learning Management System#2: Ease and Comfort of Learning #3: Diversity#4: Sharing #5: Links #6: Devices#7: Cost

39 What is Articulate LMS? END GOAL Benefits Cost Devices Learning Defined Diversity Sharing Links

40 Challenge #8 What are the benefits of LMS? Having to learn more just seems like a waste of productive work time. The benefits of Articulate LMS are as limitless as the imagination.

41 You’re right! Collect your reward and move forward. Continue Why not try Articulate LMS? You can try it for 30-days for free or with a month to month agreement.

42 Not quite. Start Over Articulate LMS will save time in a work day and money in the long run.

43 Progress Meter Name #1: Learning Management System #2: Ease and Comfort of Learning #3: Diversity #4: Sharing #5: Links #6: Devices #7: Cost #8: Benefits

44 What is Articulate LMS? END GOAL Benefits Cost Devices Learning Defined Diversity Sharing Links CONGRATULATION S! You have successfully completed an Articulate LMS learning module !

45 What is Articulate LMS? References ARTICULATE (n.d.) Retrieved July 5, 2014, from http://www.merriam- Quote - Peter Schrag, Atlantic, August 2000 Harvard Business Review March 2012 article ‘Rethinking Schools’, Sousa, D. (2006). How the brain learns (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press Articulate Online (Articulate) http://www.articulate.c om/products/articulate-online.php

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