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HOW TO INCREASE YOUR SELF CONFIDENCE A Self- Help workshop presented by Jennifer Percival Nurse, Midwife, Health Visitor and Counsellor.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO INCREASE YOUR SELF CONFIDENCE A Self- Help workshop presented by Jennifer Percival Nurse, Midwife, Health Visitor and Counsellor."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW TO INCREASE YOUR SELF CONFIDENCE A Self- Help workshop presented by Jennifer Percival Nurse, Midwife, Health Visitor and Counsellor

2 Do you hope people will notice you are struggling and offer to help?

3 Do you often feel conflicted??

4 Do you ever worry about what people are thinking about you?

5 Is a past event getting in your way?

6 Do you wish you could just flick a switch to feel more confident?

7 People are not mind readers. They cannot help you if you say want you want from them

8 If you want something to change You have to take action

9 Decide what you want to achieve


11 You need to believe in yourself!! Many people are driven by a fear of being found out that they don’t know enough, are not effective enough, or efficient enough. Negative thoughts can be very undermining and prevent you from recognising your qualities and strengths. Be aware of any internal sabotaging thoughts which leave you feeling bad about yourself.

12 How realistic are your fears?

13 Think of what you realistically want for yourself believe you are fully confident to achieve it. My Goal – I can: …………………………………….. Think through some specific action points and list them. Next draw up a simple timetable: By next week I will By next month I will have …… By three months I will Commit yourself to this plan by sharing your ideas / goals with the person sitting nearest you.


15 Any Questions? With thanks to cartoonist Felix Bennett.

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