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College Station High School FFA Awards Banquet

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1 College Station High School FFA Awards Banquet
May 12, 2015

2 FFA Members, why are we here?
To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities, and to develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should possess.

3 Sponsor Appreciation

4 Member Awards If your last name begins with A through B Please come to the staging area.

5 FFA Degrees Chapter Degree Greenhand Degree Has Greenhand Degree
Enrolled in an Ag Class Attended 4 FFA Meetings Participated in combination of two: LDE CDE SAE FFA Community Service FFA POA Committee Greenhand Degree Enrolled in an Ag Class Attended 3 FFA Meetings Participated in one: LDE CDE SAE FFA Community Service FFA POA Committee

6 Radio LDE 7th at District Forestry CDE Team 1st, 1st Individual
Trew Adams Radio LDE 7th at District Forestry CDE Team 1st, 1st Individual Poultry CDE Lone Star Degree Trew Adams competed on the Radio Broadcast team placing 7th at the District Leadership Development Events. Trew was on the Forestry Team that placed 1st at Area contest and advanced to State. At the area contest, Trew was the 1st place high scoring individual. Trew also competed on the Poultry CDE Team. This summer, Trew will receive his Lone Star degree at Texas FFA Convention.

7 Wildlife Student of the Year Greenhand Degree
Johnathan Armstrong Wildlife Student of the Year Greenhand Degree Johnathan Armstrong was selected as the Wildlife student of the year and will receive his Greenhand degree this evening.

8 Radio LDE 7th at District Market Barrow 2nd in Class Cross BCYLS
Alfredo Bañuelos Radio LDE 7th at District Market Barrow 2nd in Class Cross BCYLS Chapter Historian Alfredo Ban-way-los competed on the Radio Broadcasting team at the district FFA Leadership Development events placing 7th. Alfredo exhibited his market barrow and placed 2nd in class with his cross bred pig at the Brazos County Youth Livestock Show. Alfredo served as this year’s chapter historian.

9 Paige Blackwell Greenhand Degree
Paige Blackwell will receive her Greenhand Degree this evening.

10 Greenhand Sentinel Greenhand Degree
Eric Bob Greenhand Sentinel Greenhand Degree Eric Bob served as this years Greenhand Sentinel and tonight will receive his Greenhand Degree.

11 Megan Bob Public Relations LDE 3rd Floriculture CDE Market Barrow 10th Vice President Chapter Degree Megan Bob placed 3rd in Public Relations LDE She also competed on the Floriculture CDE team placing 27th at Area. Megan exhibited her market barrow cross and placed 10th in her class at the Brazos County Youth Livestock Show. Megan served as this year’s chapter Vice President and will receive her Chapter degree this evening.

12 Wildlife CDE Greenhand Degree
Westin Bomnskie Wildlife CDE Greenhand Degree Westin Bo-mon-ski competed on the Wildlife CDE team placing 24th at Area and will receive his Greenhand Degree this evening.

13 Please come to the staging area.
Member Awards If you received a notice that you will be receiving an award and your last name begins with B through D Please come to the staging area. If your last name begins with B through D Please come to the staging area.

14 GH Quiz LDE 10th Greenhand Degree Greenhand Reporter
Sophie Bullard GH Quiz LDE 10th Greenhand Degree Greenhand Reporter Sophie competed on the Greenhand Quiz team and they placed 10th at the District Leadership Development Events. Sophie served as this years Greenhand Reporter and will receive her Greenhand Degree this evening.

15 GH Quiz LDE 10th Greenhand Degree Greenhand Vice President
Brook Bullington GH Quiz LDE 10th Greenhand Degree Greenhand Vice President Brook competed on the Greenhand Quiz team placing 10th at the District Leadership Development Events. Brook served as this years Greenhand Vice President and will receive her Greenhand Degree this evening.

16 Preston Bunner Public Relations LDE 3rd Poultry CDE Forestry CDE 1st at Area Market Barrows 6th & 10th BCYLS Chapter President District Officer Lone Star Degree Preston competed in Public Relations placing 3rd at District Leadership Development Contest. Preston competed on the Poultry Evaluation team. At this years Brazos County Youth Livestock Show, Preston placed 6th and 10th showing his market barrow cross bred pigs. Preston competed in Forestry Career Development placing 1st at Area, advancing to State. Preston served you this year as your chapter president and was nominated by our FFA District to run for Area Office on May 14th. Preston will receive his Lone Star Degree this Summer at Texas FFA Convention.

17 Greenhand Degree Greenhand Historian
Austin Crenshaw Greenhand Degree Greenhand Historian Austin served as this years Greenhand Historian and will receive his Greenhand.

18 Greenhand Quiz LDE 10th Greenhand Degree Greenhand Treasurer
Macy Davidson Greenhand Quiz LDE 10th Greenhand Degree Greenhand Treasurer Macy competed on the Greenhand Quiz team placing 10th at the District Leadership Development Contest. She served as this years Greenhand Treasurer and will receive her Greenhand Degree this evening.

19 Kaitlyn Dyer Wildlife CDE Greenhand Degree Greenhand Student Advisor Texas FFA Chorus Kaitlyn competed on this years Wildlife Career Development Team. She also served as this years Greenhand Student Advisor and will receive her Greenhand Degree this evening.

20 If your last name begins with Please come to the staging area.
Member Awards If your last name begins with G through H Please come to the staging area. If your last name begins with G through H Please come to the staging area.

21 Range Ecology Student of the Year
Jake Georgiades Range Ecology Student of the Year George George-e-aud-us is Student of the year in Range Ecology.

22 Senior Quiz LDE 7th Nursery Landscape CDE 12th
Meghan Griggs Senior Quiz LDE 7th Nursery Landscape CDE 12th Megan Griggs competed on the Senior Quiz team where they placed 7th in competition. Megan competed on the Nursery Landscape Career Development team placing 12th at Area Contest.

23 Floriculture CDE Greenhand Degree
Darian Harris Floriculture CDE Greenhand Degree Darian Harris will receive his Greenhand Degree this evening.

24 Forestry Student of the Year
Christina Hendershot Forestry Student of the Year Christina Hendershot is the Forestry student of the year!

25 Ag Advocacy LDE 6th Greenhand President Greenhand Degree
Brandon Henry Ag Advocacy LDE 6th Greenhand President Greenhand Degree Brandon Henry competed on Ag Advocacy team where they placed 6th in competition at the Leadership Development Contest. Brandon served as this years Greenhand President and will receive his Greenhand Degree this evening.

26 Kasey Hinton Greenhand Degree

27 Samantha Hooter Public Relations LDE 3rd Floraiculture CDE 27th Market Barrows 6th at BCYLS Chapter Degree Samantha placed 3rd in Public Relations team at District Leadership Development Contest. Samantha competed on the Floriculture Career Development Team where they placed 27th out of 62 teams. At this years Brazos County Youth Livestock Show, Samantha placed 6th showing her cross bread pig. Samantha will receive her Chapter Degree this evening.

28 Ag Issues LDE 7th Chapter Degree
Brittany Hurd Ag Issues LDE 7th Chapter Degree Brittany Hurd competed on the Ag Issues team where they placed 7th. Brittany will receive her Chapter Degree this evening.

29 If your last name begins with Please come to the staging area.
Member Awards If your last name begins with J through Mar Please come to the staging area. If your last name begins with J through Mar Please come to the staging area.

30 Ag Issues LDE 7th Widlife CDE FCS at BCYLS Chapter Degree Sentinel
Julie Jordan Ag Issues LDE 7th Widlife CDE FCS at BCYLS Chapter Degree Sentinel July competed on the Ag Issues team where they placed 7th at the Leadership Development Events. Julie also competed on the Wildlife Career Development Team. Julie exhibited several Family & Consumer Science projects at the Brazos County Youth Livestock Show. Julie will receive her Chapter Degree this evening. Julie Jordan served as this years Sentinel.

31 Justin Lavador Greenhand Degree
Justin Lavador will receive his Greenhand Degree this evening.

32 Kaytlyn Livingston Ag Advocacy LDE 6th Floriculture CDE 3rd Hamp and 10th Cross BCYLS Chapter Degree Chapter Secretary Kaytlyn Livingston served as this years Chapter Secretary. She competed on the Ag Advocacy and placed 6th at the District Leadership Development contests.. At this years Brazos Valley Youth Livestock Show, Kaytlyn placed 3rd with her Hampshire barrow and 10th with her Cross breed pig at the Brazos County Youth Livestock Show. Kaytlyn will receive her Chapter Degree this evening.

33 Greenhand Creed LDE 10th Entomology CDE 21st Greenhand Degree
Kana Loehr Greenhand Creed LDE 10th Entomology CDE 21st Greenhand Degree Kana Loehr competed on both the Greenhand Creed Team Leadership Development Team placing 10th at District and the Entomology Team where they placed 21st at the Area Career Development Contest. Kana will receive her Greenhand Degree this evening.

34 Chandler Martin Entomology CDE 21st
Chandler Martin competed on the Entomology Team where they placed 21st in competition.

35 If your last name begins with Please come to the staging area.
Member Awards If your last name begins with Mc through Mur Please come to the staging area. If your last name begins with Mc through Mur Please come to the staging area.

36 Entomology CDE 21st Greenhand Degree
Devyn McBride Entomology CDE 21st Greenhand Degree Devyn McBride competed on the Entomology Team where they placed 21st at the Area Career Development Contest. Devyn will receive his Greenhand Degree this evening.

37 Kassidy McCabe Floriculture CDE 27th Area Individual: 42nd at Area, 17th at Klein, 12th at HLSR Greenhand Degree Kassidy McCabe competed this year on the Floral Team placing 27th , Kassidy was a top placing individual at every contest she attended. Kassidy was the 42nd high placing individual at Area, 12th top placing individual at the Houston Livestock Show judging contest, and 17th placing individual at the Klein invitation contest. Kassidy will receive her Greenhand Degree this evening.

38 Ag Advocacy LDE 6th Chapter Degree
Courtney McGee Ag Advocacy LDE 6th Chapter Degree Courtney McGee competed on the Ag Advocacy team where they placed 6th in competition at the District Leadership Development contest. Courtney will receive her Chapter Degree this evening.

39 Landscape Design Student of the Year
Lupedaleen Mendiola Landscape Design Student of the Year Lou – pay Men-de-ola is the Landscape Design student of the year!

40 Greenhand Quiz LDE 10th Greenhand Degree Greenhand Secretary
Krista Menn Greenhand Quiz LDE 10th Greenhand Degree Greenhand Secretary Krista competed on the Greenhand Quiz team where they placed 10th place in competition. Krista will be receiving her Greenhand Degree this evening. Krista Menn served as this years Greenhand Secretary.

41 Brooklynne Miller Market Rabbits BCYLS
Brooklyn Miller exhibited a pen of market rabbits at the Brazos County Youth Livestock Show.

42 Ashlyn Miller Public Relations LDE 3rd Floriculture CDE 27th BCYLS Princess FCS at BCYLS 43rd & 60th Market Rabbits BCYLS Chapter Reporter Lone Star Degree Ashlyn competed on the Public Relations team where they placed 3rd in competition at the District Leadership Development Contest. Ashlyn competed on the Floriculture Career Development team placing 27th at Area contest. She served as Princess at this years Brazos County Youth Livestock Show. Ashlyn exhibited multiple Family & Consumer Science Projects at BCYLS. Additionally, Ashlyn placed 43rd and 60th with her pens of Market Rabbits at the Brazos County Youth Livestock Show. Ashlyn Miller served as this years Chapter Reporter. Ashlyn will receive her Lone Star Degree this Summer at Texas FFA Convention.

43 Meats CDE 5th Chapter Degree
Austin Mincher Meats CDE 5th Chapter Degree Austin Mincher compete on the Meats Evaluation Career Development Team, They placed 5th at Area, advancing to State. Austin will receive his Chapter Degree this evening.

44 Nursery Landscape 12th Greenhand Degree
Hannah Murphy Nursery Landscape 12th Greenhand Degree Hannah Murphy competed on the Nursery Landscape Team, they took 12th place in competition. Hannah will receive her Greenhand Degree this evening.

45 If your last name begins with Please come to the staging area.
Member Awards If your last name begins with P through R Please come to the staging area. If your last name begins with P through R Please come to the staging area.

46 Floral Design Student of the Year
Hanna Polen Floral Design Student of the Year Hanna Polen is the Floral Design student of the Year!

47 Ag Issues LDE 7th Wildlife CDE Greenhand Degree
Logan Praytor Ag Issues LDE 7th Wildlife CDE Greenhand Degree Logan Praytor compete on the Ag Issues Team leadership development team placing 7th at District LDE contest. Logan also competed on the Wildlife Career Development team. Tonight, Logan will receive his greenhand Degree. Benjamin O Davis High School

48 Michael Rios Greenhand Degree
Michael Rios will receive his Greenhand Degree this evening.

49 Alyssa Roach Meats CDE 5th 5th High Individual at Area Sr. Prepared Public Speaker 2nd Horticulture Student of the Year Chapter Degree Chapter Treasurer Alyssa Roach competed on the Meats Evaluation Team placing 5th place at Area contest and advancing to State. Alyssa also placed 5th High Scoring Individual at the Area CDE Contest. Alyssa placed 2nd at the District Speaking contest in the Animal Science division with her speech titled “What’s the Beef” about hormone use in cattle for human consumption. Alyssa will compete on Friday at the Area contest with this speech. Alyssa is the Horticulture Science Student of the Year! Alyssa will receive her Chapter Degree this evening. Alyssa Roach served as this years Chapter Treasurer.

50 Meats CDE 5th 11h High Individual at Area Greenhand Degree
Lindsey Rogers Meats CDE 5th 11h High Individual at Area Greenhand Degree Lindsey Rogers competed on the Meats Judging Team where the team took 5th place advancing to State. Lindsey also placed 11th High Scoring Individual at Area. Lindsey will receive her Greenhand Degree this evening.

51 If your last name begins with Please come to the staging area.
Member Awards If your last name begins with S through Smi Please come to the staging area. If your last name begins with S through Smi Please come to the staging area.

52 Juan Sanchez Greenhand Degree
Juan Sanchez will receive his Greenhand Degree this evening.

53 Keaton Schrank Senior Quiz LDE 7th Nursery Landscape CDE 12th 19th High Individual FCS at BCYLS Problems & Solutions Student of the Year Keaton Schrank competed on the Senior Quiz Leadership Development Team where they placed 7th in competition. Keaton also competed on the Nursery Landscape Team where they took 12th place in competition and Keaton placed 19th High Scoring Individual. Keaton exhibited a beautiful horticulture project in the FCS division at the Brazos County Youth Livestock Show. Keaton is the Problems & Solutions in Agriculture Science Student of the Year!

54 Ag Issue LDE 7th Greenhand Degree
Elizabeth Schroeder Ag Issue LDE 7th Greenhand Degree Elizabeth Schroeder competed on the Ag Issue leadership development team placing 7th at the District LDE contest. Elizabeth will receive her Greenhand Degree this evening.

55 Senior Creed LDE 9th Chapter Degree
Dylan Schulze Senior Creed LDE 9th Chapter Degree Dyland Schulze was our Senior Creed speaker at thee District LDE contest, she placed 9th. Dylan will receive her Chapter Degree this evening.

56 Josh Scott Greenhand Degree
Josh Scott will receive his Greenhand Degree this evening.

57 Ag Issues LDE 7th Texas FFA Chorus
Lea Shoemake Ag Issues LDE 7th Texas FFA Chorus Lea Shoemake was on the Ag Issues team placing 7th at the District Leadership Development Contest. Lea also represents CSHS FFA at the Texas FFA convention by singing in the chorus.

58 Meat CDE 5th 21st High Individual Forestry CDE 1st Chapter Degree
Bailey Simmons Meat CDE 5th 21st High Individual Forestry CDE 1st Chapter Degree Bailey Simmons competed on the Meat Evaluation Team where they took 5th place advancing to State. Bailey was the 21st high scoring Invididual at the Area Meats contest. Bailey was on the Foresty Career Development team that placed 1st at Area and Advanced to State. Bailey will receive his Chapter Degree this evening.

59 Courtnie Simpson 4th Cross at BCYLS
Courtnie Simpson exhibited a cross bred market barrow and placed 4th in her class at this years Brazos County Youth Livestock Show.

60 Arrott Smith Senior Quiz LDE 7th
Arrot Smith competed on the Senior Quiz team and placed 7th at the District Leadership Development contest.

61 Senior Quiz LDE 7th Radio LDE 7th Lone Star Degree
Tori Smith Senior Quiz LDE 7th Radio LDE 7th Lone Star Degree Tori Smith competed on the Senior Quiz Team placing 7th at the Leadership Devleopment Contest. Tori also competed on the Radio Broadcast team where they placed 7th at the District Leadership Development Events. This Summer, Tori will receive her Lone Star Degree at the Texas FFA Convention.

62 If your last name begins with Please come to the staging area.
Member Awards If your last name begins with V through W Please come to the staging area. If your last name begins with V through W Please come to the staging area.

63 Kayla VanDeFlier Ag Issues LDE 7th
Kayla Van De Flier competed on the Ag Issues Leadership Development Team placing 7th at the District LDE contest.

64 Keelie Wendt Ag Advocacy LDE 6th SR. Prepared Public Speaking 1st Leadership in Agriculture Student of the Year Chapter Student Advisor Chapter Degree Keelie Wendt competed on the Agriculture Advocacy Team placing 6th at the District Leadership Development Contest. Keelie placed 1st in the Agricultural Business division with her speech titled “Genetically Modified Outlook” about using GMOs to feed our growing population. Keelie Wendt is the Leadership in Agriculture student of the year! Keelie served this year as the Student Advisor and will receive her greenhand degree this evening.

65 Amber Wisdom Greenhand Degree
Amber Wisdom will receive her Greenhand Degree this evening.

66 Alyssa Wisdom Greenhand Degree
Alyssa Wisdom will receive her Greenhand Degree this evening.

67 Melissa Wood Entomology CDE 21st Introduction to Agriculture Science Student of the Year Greenhand Degree Melissa Wood competed on the Entomology Team where they placed 21st in competition. Melissa is the Introduction to Agriculture Science Student of the Year! Melissa will receive her Greenhand Degree this evening.

68 Market Barrows 6th and 9th BCYLS
Garret Wilson Market Barrows 6th and 9th BCYLS Market Rabbits BCYLS Greenhand Degree Garret Wilson competed at this years Brazos County Youth Livestock Show where he placed 6th and 9th in with his cross bred market barrows. Garret also exhibited a pen of Market Rabbits at the Brazos County Youth Livestock Show. Garret will receive his Greenhand Degree this evening.

69 Outstanding Chapter Officer

70 Honorary Chapter Degrees

71 Greenhand Degrees

72 Chapter Degrees

73 College Station FFA Alumni/Parent Organization

74 Past President Award

75 Outstanding Member Awards

76 2015-2016 Officer Installation

77 Thank you for a great year!

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