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Today, I will learn the formula for finding the area of a rectangle.

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Presentation on theme: "Today, I will learn the formula for finding the area of a rectangle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today, I will learn the formula for finding the area of a rectangle

2 The formula for finding the area of a rectangle is the length times the height. What does that look like? Length= 8 units Width= 4 units Area of the triangle= length x width length = 8 unitswidth=4 units

3 Let’s look at some more rectangles




7 Let’s do one together! 1.Look at the length and the width 2.Remember the formula for the area of a rectangle: A=L x W 3.Plug in the value for each side and then solve 4.5 cm x 3 cm= 15 cm ² 5 cm 3 cm

8 Let’s do another one together! 1.Look at the length and the width 2.Remember the formula for the area of a rectangle: A=L x W 3.Plug in the value for each side and then solve 4.4 cm x 2 cm= 8 cm ² 2 cm 4 cm

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