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 During the third century A.D. all three sources of prosperity that existed during Pax Ramana disappeared.  Trade collasped  Loss of money  Farms.

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Presentation on theme: " During the third century A.D. all three sources of prosperity that existed during Pax Ramana disappeared.  Trade collasped  Loss of money  Farms."— Presentation transcript:


2  During the third century A.D. all three sources of prosperity that existed during Pax Ramana disappeared.  Trade collasped  Loss of money  Farms were falling apart and grain was no longer being produced.

3  Raised taxes to try to get more money  Started minting coins with less silver  Led to inflation -Money value goes down, prices of goods go up

4  Lack of fertility in farms  Farmers begin to abandon farms because of the high taxes  Slave labor discourages the use of technology  Food Shortages  War  Lack of loyalty in the military

5  Discipline and loyalty collapse  Soldiers were no longer loyal to Rome  Government begin to recruit  Mercenaries – foreign Soldiers which fought for money. They accepted little money for their services but were not loyal to Rome.

6  Romans once believed holding a political office was an honor  Fewer Romans chose to serve in the Government  Only the military remained interested in the Government  In a 50 year period, 50 generals served as Emperors of Rome

7 For 200 years Rome hung on with the Help of Reformers Diocletian  Governed as absolute ruler – No Freedoms  Doubled the size of the military  Set fixed prices of goods to stop inflation  Ordered farmers and other workers to stay at their jobs for life  Prosecuted Christians  Divided Rome in half – East and West because he felt Rome was to big to controlConstantine  Gained control of Diocletian western empire  Continued many of Diocletian reforms  In 330 A.D. he moved the Capital east from Rome to the Greek city of Byzantium  The move helped stabilize trade  He renamed the city after himself – Constantinople


9  Germanic tribes were moving away from invading Huns  Fleeing from the Huns the Germanics pushed into Roman territory

10  Fierce Mongol nomads form Central Asia  They began invading the regions of the Rhine Danube Rivers around 370 A.D. destroying all in their path  Attila was the Huns powerful Chieftain

11  Was a 14 Year old boy named Romulus Augustulus  In 476 A.D. He was deposed by a German general named Odoacer (oh-doh-ey-ser )and sent into exile


13 What were the economic and military problems that led to the decline of Rome?

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