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1 I Go to Preschool Created by Rochelle Lentini, USF Adapted 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "1 I Go to Preschool Created by Rochelle Lentini, USF Adapted 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 I Go to Preschool Created by Rochelle Lentini, USF Adapted 2004

2 2 I ride to school in my car seat.

3 3 When I get to school, I can say “Hi” to my teachers.

4 4 I can have fun playing at my school. I can listen to my teachers and have fun. Every one is happy when I listen. I can ask any of my teachers for help. Every one is happy when I ask for help.

5 5 On sunny days, we usually play outside. I like to climb and go down the slide. We stay inside the fence at the playground. It is important to listen to the Teachers and follow the rules so everyone is safe when we play outside.

6 6 Sometimes we play ball. Some days we go to the gym. There is lots to do in the gym. I like to run and climb. I can ride a trike.

7 7 I can go potty like a big kid. Then, I wash and dry my hands.

8 8 We do lots of fun things at school. We sing with the teacher and listen to stories. We play house, dress-up, instruments, and puzzles.

9 9 I can do lots of fun things in the block area. I can build with blocks, legos, and letters. I can also play with trains, cars, and trucks.

10 10 At art, sometimes I play with play-doh. I also like coloring and painting pictures.

11 11 Every day there is snack time. I can look at other children’s food but I only eat my food.

12 12 We have circle time every day.

13 13 All the children wait with the teachers for their moms. I wait with my teachers for my mom. Before I go home I say good-bye to my teachers.

14 14 Everyone is happy when I play and have fun at school!

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