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 Please sign in.  You must register for the course to receive PAC.  PAC is valuable for advancing on the salary schedule.

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2  Please sign in.  You must register for the course to receive PAC.  PAC is valuable for advancing on the salary schedule.

3 You will know:  When you should have your PDP written  What PDP is  Why to write a PDP  How to write a PDP And you will begin to write your PDP.

4  Prior to August, 2004 = 6 credits or PDP  After August, 2004 (PI34)= PDP  On a Contract (Not Subbing) for at least 3 years

5 3- Year 4- Year 5- Year Expectations 111 Step I. Reflect. Step II. Decide upon a goal. 2 Step II. Write plan. Initial educators submit for approval. Step III. Write a yearly reflection. 223 Step III. Work on activities in the plan. Write yearly reflection. 334 Step III. Work on activities in the plan. Write yearly reflection. 45 Step IV. Final reflection, documentation. Submit final plan.

6  A description of your work  A goal for your professional growth that will impact student learning.  A multi-year plan for meeting the goal.  Evidence that the plan was completed.  Reflections on growth.

7  Job-embedded  Sustained effort  Verifiable professional growth  Demonstrated effect on student learning

8  Initial Educators submit their goal and plan (Steps I & II) for approval after year 1 and the completed PDP during year 5  Professional Educators submit the completed PDP during year 5  MMSD will arrange for reviewers approve or return for revisions

9  Initial Educators  Peer  Administrator  Institute of Higher Education Representative  Professional Educators  3 Peers

10  Completed PDPs are due January 15 of the final year of the plan. (the year the license expires)  MMSD has 5 review dates –  October  December  February  April  May

11  – staff only

12  Set the context for reviewers.  View it as a time capsule.  All MMSD schools are urban.

13  1 Goal: Where do I want to go?  2-3 Objectives: How do I get there?  Activities to accomplish the objectives and reach the goal.

14  What do you want to be different with your performance in 5 years?  If that happened, what would be different with your students?

15 I will ___________ (my professional learning and growth) so that ________________ (the impact of my learning on student growth.)

16  What is happening now that makes you want to change? Refer to what you learned by your reflection.  Identify which 2 standards will promote your professional growth.

17 What can you collect that will show:  the changes you are making to grow over time?  the effect your professional growth on student learning?

18  Lesson plan changes you have made  Video taken over time  Comparisons of your work over time  Student learning data  Behavioral data  Work samples  Rubrics

19  1 Goal: Where do I want to go?  2-3 Objectives: How do I get there? 1.increase your knowledge and skills 2.implement your new knowledge and skills 3.collect data, analyze, and make revisions

20  1 Goal: Where do I want to go?  2-3 Objectives: How do I get there?  Activities for each objective: What will I do to accomplish the objectives, so that I reach my goal?  Meet with a mentor.  Meet with accomplished people in education.  Shadow / observe others.  Complete a course.  Try a new approach and document the results.  Participate in readings, watch videos, search the web.

21  Use specific dates over at least three years.  May be with peers, college or university representatives, a mentor, etc.  Meeting with a colleague to share notes, get ideas, or gather feedback;  Working with other educators on similar activities and objectives;  Conferencing with a colleague who can provide ongoing feedback.

22  By January 1 of year 2 (for a 5-year plan)  By spring of year 1 (for a 3 or 4-year plan)  MMSD will arrange for reviewers to approve the plan or to return the plan for revisions.

23 I. Reflection II. A personalized plan for professional growth III. Annual review IV. Documentation

24  First year of employment  Self-examination to improve professional practice.  Reflection on teaching standards  Analysis of relationship between student learning and professional practice.  Forms the foundation of the Plan.

25  Description of School Situation  Description of the professional growth goal: “I will ____ so that students will____.”  Rationale for the goal, teaching standards  Plan for assessing and documenting achievement of the goal  Plan to meet the goal

26  Completion dates for objectives and activities.  Reflections of professional growth  Reflections of the impact of professional growth on student learning  Description of any substantial revisions made in the goal, objectives or activities.

27  Professional growth related to the standards  Effect of professional growth on student learning  Collaboration with others

28  3-5 pieces of evidence  Collected throughout the licensing cycle.  Samples of work, surveys  Assessment data  Journal summaries  Curriculum adaptations  Summaries of mentor comments

29  January 15, the year your license expires

30  PACs – you are eligible for up to 6.  LOG BACK IN and submit your verification form to DPI.  Download application form and send it with a check to DPI.

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