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 Combining sentences. Rate and review the vocabulary words with your partner cautioushabitsmarvelous apologizedavoidobserve For this lesson you will.

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Presentation on theme: " Combining sentences. Rate and review the vocabulary words with your partner cautioushabitsmarvelous apologizedavoidobserve For this lesson you will."— Presentation transcript:

1  Combining sentences

2 Rate and review the vocabulary words with your partner cautioushabitsmarvelous apologizedavoidobserve For this lesson you will continue to read Jane Goodall’s 10 Ways to Help Save Wildlife by Jane Goodall. As you read, you will identify facts and opinions in the text. Good readers identify fact and opinions, and how they differ, to better understand the information in expository texts.

3 Why is it important that everyone participates? Think-Pair-Share on the importance of participating. Think-Pair-Share with your team for different ways we can encourage our teammates to participate


5 By Jane Goodall

6 cautious careful You have to be cautious when working with snakes because sometimes they will bite you.

7 habitsroutines It is important to have good habits like brushing your teeth every morning so you will remember to do it everyday.

8 Emily and Susan had a marvelous day at Universal Studios because they got to go on all the rides and eat anything they wanted. marvelouswonderful

9 Ju apologizedSaid sorry Julie apologized to her sister for hitting her too hard with a pillow and making her cry during their pillow fight.

10 You need to avoid the sharks when you are surfing in the ocean. avoidStay away from

11 observewatch Observe how I frost the cake so you will know what to do when you frost your own cake.

12 What is fact and opinion? Why did the author write this article?

13  When we look for the main ideas and supporting details we use the SQRRRL method S – Survey – Glance at text features. Q- Question – ask questions before you read R – Read the text R – restate what you just read R – Review the questions L – Learn : Show what you learned by answer the questions.

14 Pages 30-47 I am going to model using the SQRRRL method using the idea tree. Survey Question Read Restate Review learn

15  Preview Team Talk questions.  Use T-P-S to survey the text  Think of a question you might want to have answered Survey Question Read Restate Review learn

16  Read 219-220 with partners – Clarify unknown words using sticky notes  Restate as you read  Fill in idea tree using SQRRRL method  If you finish ahead of your team reread page 216 for fluency.

17  Discuss and answer numbers 1, 2 and 3 of your Team Talk Questions – do not write any answer until all the questions have been discussed Use the job cards. Pass them around the table every time you begin to answer a new question  Write the answers to 2 and 3 in your journals

18  Let’s celebrate our answers!

19 How can you help animals? Give two ideas in your response. -You answer the question.25 pts -Your answer explains or describes with at least two details25 pts -Your answer makes sense and has part of the questions in it.20 pts -Your answer is written in complete, correct answers20 pts -Your writing has correct capitalization and punctuation.10 pts TOTAL100 PTS

20  Multiple Choice Practice- Choose the correct letter that shows the meaning of the vocabulary word  If you finish early write meaningful sentences.

21  Practice reading page 216  Using the fluency rubric, practice fluency with your partner

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