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ET-DARE, ET-CDMS – Joint Session Bruce Bannerman Australian Bureau of Meteorology Denis Stuber MeteoFrance.

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Presentation on theme: "ET-DARE, ET-CDMS – Joint Session Bruce Bannerman Australian Bureau of Meteorology Denis Stuber MeteoFrance."— Presentation transcript:

1 ET-DARE, ET-CDMS – Joint Session Bruce Bannerman Australian Bureau of Meteorology e-mail: Denis Stuber MeteoFrance e-mail: Co-Chairs Expert Team – Climate Data Management Systems, Commission for Climatology ET-CDMS, Geneva, 04-07 November 2014 Data Rescue Relevant sections

2 CDMS Specifications Document Defines requirements for Climate Data Management Systems

3 WMO CDMS specifications

4 a Component approach Each main component is splitted into sub-components Each main component and sub- component are assigned with:  Explanation  Classification :  Required  Recommended  Optional  References (WMO & others) WMO CDMS specifications

5 Climate Data Management 5

6 Data Rescue > Imaging > Document Imaging 6 This component supports the functionality required to digitally capture a physical document and store the resultant file and associated discovery metadata, perhaps within the climate database. Some examples of the types of documents to be digitally captured are:  Scanned paper observation forms  Scanned microfiche/microfilm  Relevant observations metadata documents such as instrument calibration reports  Technical manuals  Site location plans and sections For more information, see: Guidelines on Climate Data Rescue (WMO/TD-No. 1210), WCDMP- 55 Recommended

7 Data Rescue > Imaging > Optical Character Recognition 7 This component provides the functionality required to digitally capture data stored in scanned documents such as hand written and/or typed meteorological observation form Optional

8 Data Rescue > Imaging > Chart Digitization 8 Optional This component refers to the capacity to digitize data from recording cards such as those used with a Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder, thermograph, barograph or other meteorological instrument. The typical functionality required for this component would be to:  Scan a physical recording chart (or card) using the Document imaging component (  Analyse the image of the chart.  Extract numeric points from the chart.  Calculate a value for those points.  Store the resultant data in the climate database.

9 Data Rescue > Monitoring> Data Rescue Metric 9 Recommended This component maintains metrics relating to the capture of historical observations data. These may contain:  Name and brief description of data rescue project  Countries where activity is taking place  Contact person for project  Types of data rescued  Summary and per cent digitized  Summary and per cent scanned  Summary and per cent scanned but not digitized  Summary and per cent undigitized

10 Data Rescue : Data Entry 10

11 Questions / Discussion Forgotten specifications for Data Rescue in the CDMS Specifications document? How to work together?  Governance : a Data Rescue policy as a Climatology policy (Security: Data storage, Disaster Recovery)?  Is there any WMO Technical Regulations on Data Rescue?

12 CDMS Governance 12

13 Time-series Climate Data 13

14 Climate Data Management 14

15 Climate Data Analysis 15

16 Climate Data Delivery 16

17 Climate Data Presentation 17

18 Underlying IT Infrastructure 18

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