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Introduction to Pegasus An Open-Source WBEM implementation March 19 2001 Karl Schopmeyer Chair Enterprise Management Forum

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1 Introduction to Pegasus An Open-Source WBEM implementation March 19 2001 Karl Schopmeyer Chair Enterprise Management Forum

2 Agenda  What is Pegasus?  Introduction to the Technologies  CIM and WBEM  The CIM Manageability Environment  The Pegasus Architecture and Environment  The Pegasus Project  A Challenge for the Future

3 1. Overview

4 What is Pegasus?  Pegasus is an open-source reference implementation of the DMTF WBEM specifications  Pegasus is a work project of the TOG Enterprise Management Forum  Pegasus is a platform for building application management

5 Why Produce Pegasus?  Demonstrate certain manageability concepts.  Provide additional standards for WBEM  Provide a working implementation of WBEM technologies  Provide an effective modular implementation  Support other TOG manageability standards  Base Platform for Open Group Application management Projects

6 Major Objectives of The Project  Create standards and implemented solutions for an open architecture for manageability  Use DMTF WBEM as basis for information and interoperability  Modular and componentized implementation  Wide variety of platforms  Integrate with other TOG standards such as AIC, ARM, etc.  Allow extensibility (pluggability)  New manageability resources, resource providers  New manageability services  Connectibility to wide variety of management systems.

7 The Working Group Philosophy  Manageability not management  The working group’s objective is not to manage systems but to make them manageable by promoting a standard instrumentation environment  The actual management of systems is left to systems management vendors  No standards without implementation  The process of implementation provides a rigorous process for testing the validity of standards  Therefore all standards must be validated by implementation

8 Major Objectives of Pegasus  Standards Based and Compliant  DMTF CIM/WBEM  Interoperable  DMTF cim-xml Interface  Efficient and Lightweight  Implemented in C++  Portable  NT, Linux, and others planned  Modular  Replacable modules for function change and addition  Extensible  Manageabilitys Service extensions

9 2. The Technologies CIM and WBEM CMIP SNMP DMI WBEM CIM-XML CIM 1980s1990s2000 CIM The Progress of Management Standards

10 The Evolution of Management Standards 1980s1990s2000 SNMP CMIP SNMP CMIP DMI Management Applications Management Applications Platforms Platfomrs HW Platfomrs HW Platfomrs Management Applications Management Applications Enterprise Management Consoles Enterprise Management Consoles Instrumentation Agents Instrumentation Agents WBEM XML CIM

11 What is WBEM?  A major initiative of the DMTF  A set of management and internet standard technologies developed to unify the management of enterprise computing environments WBEM CIM-XML CIM

12 What is CIM?  Implementation neutral schema for describing management information  CIM facilitates the common understanding of management data across different management systems  CIM facilitates the integration of management information from different sources  CIM is a data model, not an implementation model  MOF syntax supports sharing of information across management systems  CIM provides models for both instrumentation and management

13 CIM Available today Meta Model MOF Parser & Editor Output HTML SQL Visio ASCII Extension Schema System Device Apps Core CIM Schema v2.5 (853 classes) CIM Specification V2.5 DAP Network User

14 Scope of the various CIM Schemas (total: 16)  Core  Defines generic Managed Object Classes and concepts  Other schemas define extensions by subclassing from Core  Systems & Devices  Define the System, ComputerSystem, OperatingSystem, LogicalDevice and PhysicalElement classes  Network/QoS  Defines parameters for Networks, mechanism for dealing with QoS  Applications  Defines application states, supports distribution, installation, updating, asset tracking, monitoring, configuration, and control of distributed applications

15 Scope Of Schemas (cont)  Distributed Application Performance (DAP) / Metrics  Defines performance metrics of distributed applications  Continues Tivoli/HP work on Application Response Measurement  Users  Service  Policy today

16 Web-based Enterprise Management (WBEM)  Information Model  CIM Schema (Core, System,…)  Communication Model  CIM Operations over HTTP  Transport Encoding  Cim-xml – CIM/XML mapping  Event Model  CIM indications (new in 2.5)  CIM Object Manager (CIMOM)  Today: confined to a single host  Distributed CIMOMs planned  Object Providers  Instrumentation subagents Management Applications cim-xml Transport CIM Object Manager Object Providers CMIP Objects CMI P SNMP MIBs SNMP DMI MIFs RPC CIM Objects Inter net Schema CIM Server

17 Managed Object Format (MOF)

18 CIMOM Capabilities  Respond to Operations defined in “CIM Operations” spec.  Create, Modify, Delete operations on  Class, Instance, Property, Qualifier  Handle Provider Registration  Forward Requests to Providers, repositories, etc.  Read/Write access to Management Information  Maintain Class/Instance Information  Traversal of Associations  Use of WBEM Query Language  Syntax/Semantic checking (by means of Qualifiers)  Available Implementations  Microsoft (in Windows2000), Sun WBEM SDK, SNIA, TOG MSB

19 3. Pegasus 3. Pegasus Architecture and Design

20 Pegasus Architecture Consumers Clients CIM Server Consumers Providers CIM/HTTP Interoperable* CIM/HTTP In-Process Services Standard Interfaces

21 The CIM Operations Consumers Clients CIM Server Consumers Providers CIM/HTTP Interoperable* CIM/HTTP In-Process Services Standard Interfaces Repository CIM Operations CIM Operations Repository Indicators

22 Key Interoperability Interfaces CIM Object Manager CIM Object Manager CIM Providers Application Manageability to Manager Multiple management systems Common open manageability Object Manager / Providers Multiple Providers Encourage common providers Management System Enterprise Management Console Enterprise Management Console Application Provider / Resource Interface Protect Applications Make application management easy

23 Key Characteristics  Open source  Available Today  Portable  Designed to build and run on wide variety of platforms  C++ core  C++ CIM Objects  C++ Operation/Provider/Service/Respsitory interfaces  Modular and extensible  Modular components to extend the core  Manageability service extensions to extend functionality  Light weight

24 Modularity and Extensibility  Providers  Grow with DMTF provider concepts  Protocol Adapters (connectors)  Client - Xml-cim today (Soap, etc. in future)  Provider, service, repository, etc.  Modules  Modularize core so it can be extended and modified through attachable modules  Manageability Service Extensions  Think super providers

25 Building A Manageability Environmnent Core Object Broker Core Object Broker XML-CIM Module Connector Provider Connector Provider Connector CIM Client Connector... Resources Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Repository Undefined CIM Client Repository Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension

26 Management System Connector Management System Connector Pegasus Manageability Environment CIM Object Broker Broker) Provider Registration Service Registration Request Routing Securiy CIM Object Broker Broker) Provider Registration Service Registration Request Routing Securiy Consumers Providers AIC Provider AIC Provider AppsOSEtc. ARM Provider ARM Provider Resource Providers Broker Consumers Gateways Apps XML/CIM Connector XML/CIM Connector Management System Connector Management System Connector Application Consumer Application Consumer Class Repository Class Repository Services core*** additional Interface For Spec CIMOM Management System... SNMP Provider SNMP Provider Management System Application Consumer Application Consumer Application Consumer Application Consumer Instance Repository Instance Repository

27 Provider Interoperability  In the classical architecture, interoperability is only supported between the client and server.  In addition, the Pegasus architecture aims to support provider/server interoperability.  Goal  Write a provider once and run it under any CIM server implementation.  Provider/Server Interoperability will be achieved in three ways:  Participating in efforts to standardize the Provider/Server protocol.  Proposing provider API standards.  Writing adapters enabling Pegasus providers to run under other CIM servers.

28 In-Process and Out-of-process Providers  It will be possible to develop a provider and compile it once and then configure it dynamically to run in-process (within the server process) or out of process (communicates with the server using either IPC or CIM/HTTP).

29 Modules  The core server components are organized into loadable modules.  Standard APIs are defined for each module.  Alternative implementations can be provided later without recompiling the Pegasus server.

30 Core Modules  Authentication module  Thread module  Traffic Encryption module

31 Thread Module Example  There will be a thread service:  Pegasus will provide a thread service based on ACE wrappers.  Alternative thread services can be implemented and plugged in.

32 Manageability Service Extensions  Super Providers  Access to the Core Broker

33 Example Services  Event service.  Query engine service.  Class repository service.  Instance repository service.  Repository

34 Repository Service Example  One example of a core service is the repository.  Pegasus provides a simple repository implementation (based on disk files).  An alternative repository based on a commercial database may be implemented later.

35 Connectors  Functions  Adapt to different protocols  Adapt to other languages  Some Examples  Xml-cim  SUN Java  C adapter  Other Object Models  WMI

36 Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Service Extension Repository Pegasus Interfaces  Common Interface base for  Clients, providers, services, connectors  Based on CIM Operations over HTTP  Additional functions for each interface  Interfaces separated from implementation Core Object Broker Core Object Broker Provider Connector CIM Client Connector

37 4. The Pegasus Project

38 Overview of the Project  Active project of the Enterprise Management Forum of the Open Group  Produce  Pegasus open-source Implementation  Core, clients, providers, repositories  SDKs (Provider and Client)  Documentation for use and development  Specifications for major Interfaces  Continue support and growth of Pegasus  Portability  New functions  New Standards requirements  New Providers  Tools

39 Pegasus Status Today  Phase 1 of 4+ Phases  Effectively 0.8 release  Source Code available today  Licenses with MIT open-source license  Preliminary documentation available  Multiple users evaluating today  Tested on Windows platforms and Linux

40 Pegasus Project Phases  Phase 1 (March 2001)  Goals  Model Validation  Client and Provider development  Basic Environment  Core model  Cim-xml Operations  Class and instance repositories  Providers  Phase 2 (May 2001)  Goals  Production Code  Additions  Threaded model  Configuration  Security  Service Extensions  Query Language  Phase 3 (June 2001)  Events Extensions  Remote Providers  Phase 4 (Unsure)  Other extensions including other Language Interfaces (ex. Java connector)

41 Participants  The Open Group  BMC  IBM  Tvioli  CA  Hermes Softlab  SIAC  The Open Group Research Institute  Focal Point

42 Additional Activities  Providers  Clients  Growth of functionality with DMTF  Discovery  Provider standardization (registration, interfaces)  Next generation interoperability

43 Pegasus Manageability Environment CIM Object Broker Broker) Provider Registration Service Registration Request Routing CIM Object Broker Broker) Provider Registration Service Registration Request Routing ARM Provider ARM Provider Resource Providers Broker Consumers Gateways Apps XML/CIM Connector XML/CIM Connector Class Repository Class Repository Service extensions Security Interface For Spec... AIC Provider AIC Provider Apps Object Browser Editor Object Browser Editor Instance Repository Instance Repository SecurityEvents Provider SDK Remote Provider Remote Provider Provider SDK Queuing Client SDK MOF Compiler

44 Pegasus and Other Manageability Projects  AIC – Application and Control  AIC as a Pegasus Provider  ARM – Applications Response Measurement  ARM and DMTF DAP Information as Pegasus Provider  Other possible Providers  JMX (Java)

45 4. A Challenge for all of us

46 CIMOMs - Basic Concepts  Tool to create Management Interoperability  Tool to create manageability interoperability  Infrastructure for manageability  Manageability interoperability  Xml-cim today, ??? Tomorrow  Instrumentation Interoperability  Many providers, few CIMOMs  Lots of applications – limited numbers of providers

47 However  We do not make money off of infrastructure  If we don’t have common interfaces we will not have interoperability.  CIM is not Easy. Creating complete and Correct CIM environments is not easy  There is a lot of work to do with a common environment and much more with many different envrionments

48 The Alternatives  Creating a common interoperability environment  Management – Manageability – xmp-cim  Providers – APIs and protocols  Provider building – Common object implementations  The choice  Build a common structure with contributions  Everybody does their own thing. (Many incompatible and incomplete WBEM Implentations

49 openWBEM  Consortium to create common WBEM manageability  In fomative stages today  About 10 involved organizations today  Sun, Compaq,IBM, Tivoli, Open Group, SNIA, Caldera, Novell, Nokia, Intel  Open Group Proposing to host

50 openWBEM Objectives Create commonality between implementations and integrate different implementations. Create common interfaces and APIs Create a library of providers and tools Create an environment of open- source WBEM implementations Create an environment of conformance openWBEM

51 The Challenge!!!  Can we create a common WBEM infrastructure?  OR  do we all go our own way?

52 Where to Get More Information  Pegasus is public   Pegasus WEB Site  Source Code  Builds on Linux and Windows  Snapshots and CVS  Binary Release (end of March)  Documentation  Pegasus Working Group Contributors and Users of the Code are Welcome

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