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Ecology …the study of how organisms interact with each other and their environments …the study of …….. OUR house…..

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology …the study of how organisms interact with each other and their environments …the study of …….. OUR house….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology …the study of how organisms interact with each other and their environments …the study of …….. OUR house…..



4 The water cycle

5 Water Cycle really is so much more… Plants and animals need water to live So water is placed into and released from living organisms as well as from bodies of water or from the ground (groundwater)


7 Nitrogen plays an important role in making life on Earth possible. The atmosphere is 79% nitrogen gas (N 2 ), and nitrogen is a basic element needed for all living things to grow. It is required for proteins and nucleic acids Nitrogen cycle Why is that important?


9 The Carbon Cycle

10 Photosynthesis Plants use CO 2 from the atmosphere to make high-energy carbon molecules THEN……Organisms use these high energy carbon molecules for growth

11 Cellular Respiration CO 2 is released through aerobic respiration (breathing, for example)

12 When organisms die and decay, the carbon molecules in them enter the soil. Microorganisms break down some of the molecules, releasing CO 2 Rest of the carbon stays in the soil – often for millions of years….



15 Remains of dead organisms are converted into fossil fuels (over millions of years!) Why are these good for fuels??

16 ENERGY in the BONDS!! And LOTS of bonds Combustion of fossil fuels affects the carbon cycle by releasing CO 2 in amounts a lot higher than before coal/oil was ‘discovered’

17 The carbon cycle with and without humans In 1750, WITHOUT industry & vehicles, there was ~ 280 CO 2 molecules in every million air molecules In 2007, there is now 380 CO 2 molecules in every million air molecules (35% increase) Plants Animals Industry & Vehicles Organic Material Fossil Fuels Atmosphere Photosynthesis Respiration Decomposition Burning Pumping Plants Animals Organic Material Atmosphere Respiration Decomposition Photosynthesis Fossil Fuels



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