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Helping you to shape your Future H elping C ustomers S ucceed through high quality all-age career management and personal development services.

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Presentation on theme: "Helping you to shape your Future H elping C ustomers S ucceed through high quality all-age career management and personal development services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helping you to shape your Future H elping C ustomers S ucceed through high quality all-age career management and personal development services

2 HCS Careers main activity areas 1.Career Management & Development 2.HCS Financial Services 3.Skills Support for the Unemployed (SSU) 4.Skills Support for Redundancy (SSR) 5.DWP/ESF Families with Multiple Problems (Essex/Cambridgeshire) 6.Vocational Routeways - Specialist provider 7.Apprenticeships & Work Place Learning 8.Learning Centre 9.Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG) StopGap – 2 Centres 10.Work Experience 11.Resources for schools

3 Independent all-age career guidance services – work with individuals/groups within private, public and voluntary sectors Delivery: 7,000+ National Careers Service (NCS) sessions per annum Past 10 years, 500+ contracts to business to 5000+ people 300+ schools Labour market information & future skills requirements at local and national levels Qualified Careers Guidance Professionals Putting the customer first Career Management & Development

4 Developing career & management skills that can be applied throughout life College School Apprentice Work University ‘Working’ life ‘Retired’ life Learning Age: 5 – 100+

5 National Careers Service (NCS) NCS is available free to everyone aged 13 and over throughout England It provides: – information, careers and skills advice – help online including webchat – help with a careers advisers over the phone – for adults only, access to face to face careers advice in the community. Professionally qualified careers advisers

6 What can the National Careers Service (NCS) offer? Free, impartial & confidential Information and Advice session Understanding of the local job market Help to develop CV, improve interview & presentation skills Help to search & apply for jobs Provide a Skills Health Check Action plan to help achieve goals Help to find learning & training find out about funding improve reading, writing and maths Progress in a current job Refer to a suitable organisation for information we are unable to provide (disability, childcare, etc.) Help to open a Lifelong Learning Account

7 What is a Lifelong Learning Account and what are the benefits? Free online service personal, tailored to match circumstances & needs provides range of tools – update & store personal information such as CV, results of a skills health check and course searches – helps to organise learning & career – access qualification results from Personal Learning Record – track financial contributions made towards learning – results stored in a safe and secure, single access point

8 National Careers Service (NCS) 1.Face-to-Face appointment with a careers adviser call 0845 603 1059 2.Phone help, call 0800 100 900 7 days a week between 8am – 10pm 3.Online help: or search online for National Careers

9 Skills Support for Redundancy Skills Support for the Unemployed

10 Programme designed to offer employability skills and pathways to employment via a range of provision including: – Pre-employment support in areas of CV writing, completing application forms, interview techniques, career action planning, job search skills – Soft skills development e.g. communication skills, assertiveness, confidence building, motivation – Sector specific training – Retail, Care, Hospitality, Warehousing / Logistics – where there are opportunities – Enterprise and self-employment skills development – Accredited qualifications or units towards one What is Skills Support for the Unemployed (SSU)?

11 Individuals who are: – Aged 19 or over – Not in employment of 8 hours or more per week – Lawfully resident in the East of England region (Hertfordshire, Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk, Bedfordshire or Cambridgeshire) Priority groups: JSA/IB claimants, lone parents, BME communities, refugees, economic migrants, offenders/ex-offenders, older people, young unemployed, people with disabilities/long term health conditions. Who is eligible for SSU?

12 TCHC has developed a network of delivery partners across the East of England region, to meet the needs of individuals or groups of clients within their locality. Benefits to Learners Training & support tailored to the individual’s specific needs Mentoring & support for people with additional problems e.g. disability, health, motivation Intensive support to find work On going mentoring once in employment How is the Support Delivered?

13 Moving on in Work and Life Are you: looking for a career change? feeling stuck in a rut? looking to return to work after a career break? wanting a new beginning?

14 Moving on in Work and Life Caring for your Future You have more skills than you think Using the Internet to create social relationships and effective Job Searching CVs and how to get that Job Moving on from Redundancy Planning to move into Retirement

15 You have more skills than you think If you are a parent, who has been out of work for a long time and you are thinking of getting back into the work or learning, this is the course for you. It will help you to identify the skills you have and how they can be transferred into work from other aspects of your life e.g. work, home, learning.

16 You have more skills than you think This workshop usually lasts 2 hours. Content: Be aware of the skills you have and that everyday tasks involve a range of skills Identify the skills you are confident about Understand that these skills can be used in a variety of contexts Recognise the skills you have gained through the different roles you have taken on Find out how to present your skills to best effect If looking for employment, identify how you can transfer your skills into a work environment Follow up one to one support session: This could include advice on: CVs, part–time employment or learning, etc.

17 You have more skills than you think “It gave me an opportunity to get some of my confidence back (having children made me lose confidence). You believe again you will have your life back on track and can go back to work.” Hyde Children’s Centre

18 Moving on in Work and Life Caring for your Future You have more skills than you think Using the Internet to create social relationships and effective Job Searching CVs and how to get that Job Moving on from Redundancy Planning to move into Retirement CMD Services, HCS Careers Ltd, Exeter House, 1 Amor Way, Letchworth Garden City, Herts, SG6 1UG  07534 924056  01462 704936  0800 1582455  /

19 Shaun Reason Tel: 01462 705000E: Anne Barker Tel: 01462 704936 E: E: Find out about us

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