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Presentation on theme: "21 ST CENTURY MARKETING NOVEMBER 20, 2013 DAVE MAHONEY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda The Delicate Balance: Strategic vs. Tactical Five case studies of 21 st Century Marketing  The new way to use Database Marketing – for email acquisition  Retargeted emails on site abandonment – with no PII  Dynamic site presentment based on customer attributes  Technology & Marketing team mash-up – to drive extraordinary new customer growth  Multi-channel marketing clarified – how you can do a lot without losing the big picture When we 21 st Century Marketers fail, why is it? A very cool President to wrap it up

3 The Delicate Balance: Set Your strategy, and get to the tactical quickly The foundation: Good Strategy – Don’t start executing without it  There are 20 good marketing ideas in your org right now  Hard: Carefully set Strategy, but don’t dwell on it  Harder: How do you focus on the 3 – 5 that are 80% of the long-term benefit?  Hardest: How do you convince your colleagues (boss!) to do the same? Within those 3 – 5 activities:  Confirm your numbers first…..will it scale? Do you have budget and time?  Get internal buy-in from everyone up, down, and sideways as needed  Run as many test-and-learns as needed, but no more, to prove practicality and scalability  Maniacally rollout proven tests….and change the business

4 21CM Tip #1: Combine old and new technologies for extraordinary results Database Marketing in the 21 st Century  Start with a couple good databases  Find overlap and mailing groups  Execute across a struggling acquisition platform such as Email

5 21CM Tip #2: Turn your ‘what ifs’ into reality – such as retargeted emails on acquisition

6 First party cookies can be used to dynamically change site presentment, in an a/b split test environment, based on customers attributes as they enter your site 21CM Tip #3: Use marketing technology to dynamically present online offers in real time

7 21CM Tip #4: Partner with Technology colleagues – they are a critical ally Marketing without Technology these days is usually a dead end Technology without Marketing……ditto Soooo, who is more likely to reach out to whom? Bill Me Later may have made $1 Billion on this relationship So what are your next steps? A - Wait for them to make the first move – you’re far too busy! B - Surprise them with buy-in from their VP on your next project! C - Reach out to them yourself (coffee, lunch, client meeting, bi-weekly check-in, LinkedIn invites, FB friends, yada yada)

8 Gold Star time! How to take ‘cross-channel marketing’ from hyperbole to real sales…. 21CM Tip #5: Pulling it all together - Use Marketing ‘Surround Sound’, but keep the 80/20 as your focus Contractors work on: Social Ads (Facebook Right Hand Column, FB Newsfeed, LinkedIn) Display Retargeting (Google, Facebook Exchange, YouTube pre-roll & search click) Affiliate (Linkshare, Commission Junction, Pepperjam) Email (direct & partner) Google TV Core Marketing Team works on: Direct Mail Paid Search (Google AdWords, Bing, Yahoo) Channel Partner Deals SEO Weekly SEO/SEM/ SMM meeting to share what’s working

9 Why Marketers Underperform (imo) We don’t set Strategy and execute on the 3 – 5 leveraged initiatives We don’t build relationships and use good vision-based persuasion We don’t execute – rather, we overly ideate We don’t work across experiences/generations to drive new platforms We insist on digital-only…..or non-digital-only….rather than blending old & new You lose!

10 Calvin Coolidge’s Secret to 21 st Century Marketing Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” ― Calvin Coolidge, 30 th President of the U.S.Calvin Coolidge “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.

11 Summary The Five Keys to 21 st Century Marketing: 1.Persistence & embracing digital change 2.Set strategy, leading to 3 – 5 main tactical initiatives (the 80/20), link old & new worlds 3.Test and Learn to gauge scale, then roll out 4.Do things no one asked you to do 5.Persistence

12 21 st Century Marketing Questions?


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