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Click on a category below to begin 2 letter words 3 letter words 4 letter words 5 letter words Question words DaysMonthsColours Number s Longer words.

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Presentation on theme: "Click on a category below to begin 2 letter words 3 letter words 4 letter words 5 letter words Question words DaysMonthsColours Number s Longer words."— Presentation transcript:


2 Click on a category below to begin 2 letter words 3 letter words 4 letter words 5 letter words Question words DaysMonthsColours Number s Longer words

3 an

4 as

5 be

6 by

7 do

8 if

9 or

10 so

11 us Go back to the beginning by pressing the ‘home’ button

12 bed

13 boy

14 but

15 did

16 dig

17 got

18 had

19 has

20 her

21 him

22 his

23 ma n

24 ma y

25 ne w

26 not

27 no w

28 off

29 old

30 our

31 out

32 put

33 ran

34 saw

35 too

36 way Go back to the beginning by pressing the ‘home’ button

37 bac k

38 ball

39 bee n

40 call

41 cam e

42 can’ t

43 don’ t

44 doo r

45 dow n

46 fro m

47 girl

48 goo d

49 half

50 hav e

51 help

52 her e

53 hom e

54 jum p

55 just

56 last

57 live

58 love

59 mad e

60 mak e

61 man y

62 mor e

63 muc h

64 mus t

65 nam e

66 next

67 onc e

68 over

69 pull

70 pus h

71 see n

72 som e

73 take

74 than

75 that

76 the m

77 then

78 time

79 took

80 tree

81 very

82 wan t

83 wer e

84 will

85 with

86 your Go back to the beginning by pressing the ‘home’ button

87 abou t

88 after

89 again

90 could

91 first

92 hous e

93 laugh

94 lived

95 night

96 their

97 there

98 these

99 water

100 woul d Go back to the beginning by pressing the ‘home’ button

101 calle d

102 little

103 peopl e

104 scho ol

105 shoul d

106 sister

107 anothe r

108 becau se

109 brother Go back to the beginning by pressing the ‘home’ button

110 can

111 ho w

112 what

113 whe n

114 wher e

115 which

116 why

117 wh o

118 zero 0

119 one 1

120 two 2

121 thre e 3

122 four 4

123 five 5

124 six 6

125 seve n 7

126 eight 8

127 nine 9

128 ten 10

129 eleve n 11

130 twelv e 12

131 thirtee n 13

132 fourtee n 14

133 fifteen 15

134 sixteen 16

135 sevente en 17

136 eightee n 18

137 ninetee n 19

138 twenty 20 Go back to the beginning by pressing the ‘home’ button

139 Monday

140 Tuesday

141 Wednesd ay

142 Thursda y

143 Friday

144 Saturda y

145 Sunday Go back to the beginning by pressing the ‘home’ button

146 January

147 Februar y

148 March

149 April

150 May

151 June

152 July

153 August

154 Septemb er

155 October

156 Novemb er

157 Decemb er Go back to the beginning by pressing the ‘home’ button

158 red

159 blue

160 yellow

161 green

162 orange

163 pink

164 purple

165 brown

166 grey

167 black

168 white

169 PCS images ©Mayer Johnson Animations and backgrounds available from

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