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Wisconsin Fast Plants Lesson 5.

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1 Wisconsin Fast Plants Lesson 5


3 1. General Information Life cycle lasts 35-40 days
Cycle is from seedling to new generation seedling Let us take a look at the 1st 28 days of the fast plant cycle Needs a constant source of bright light The tips must be within 5 cm of the light source to be effective.


5 2. Flowering Occurs 13 days after germination
Germination: process in which a seed or spore emerges from a period of dormancy – it sprouts Seeds are harvested days after pollination Harvested: full growth


7 3. Genetics Anthocyanin: purple pigment of fast plant
Color seen in the leaves and stems Triggered by sunlight Dominant genetic trait Dominant: capital letter; ex “P” – means you see the trait Recessive: lowercase letter; ex “p” – means you do not see the trait



10 4. Seeds Monocots Grasses (corn, rye) & grains (rice, wheat)
Protective seed coat 1 cotyledon: seed leaf in embryo Endosperm surrounds embryo Endosperm – food storing tissue Cotyledon stays below ground when seed sprouts Absorbs nutrients from endosperm Transports nutrients to seedling



13 B. Dicots Beans, peanuts, peas, apples, broccoli; shrubs; trees
Protected by seed coat 2 cotyledons At full growth, cotyledons emerge from soil Seeds separate into two halves; monocots do not

14 5. Roots Monocots: fibrous roots - spread and branch out under ground
Anchor plant Dicots: 1 long, thick root (taproot) Small, secondary roots grow from taproot


16 6. Stems Tubes that carry food downward and water and nutrients upward in a plant Monocots: scattered throughout stems no pattern Dicots: tubes arranged in a ring around center of stem


18 7. Leaves Monocots: parallel veins
Dicots: veins intersect forming branching pattern



21 8. Flowers Monocots: flower parts in multiples of 3
Ex: 3 pedals, 3 sepals, 6 stamens Ex: Lilies, Spiderwort, Dayflower, Bamboo Dicots: Flower parts varied; multiples of 2, 4 or 5 Ex: Rose, Bellflower, Fast Plant, Calendula Plant




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