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Wyoming State Family and Children’s Programs May, 26 th 2015.

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1 Wyoming State Family and Children’s Programs May, 26 th 2015

2 Providing Vital Health Care Access Medicaid & the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are important access points for families who traditionally received services from public programs and more recently for families who only need access to medical coverage.

3 These two public health insurance programs serve different people & populations Medicaid & Kid Care CHIP are two entirely separate programs with separate federal and state legislation, rules, and policies. First, we will discuss Medicaid. Second, we will discuss Kid Care CHIP. Then we will look at how they work together.

4 Today, we will discuss the eligibility process for each program in order to explain the differences and show how the programs coordinate.

5 Medicaid provides health care services to many different populations

6 Medicaid Authorization Medicaid Authorization Medicaid is authorized by Title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide medical assistance to low income persons who are age 65 or over, blind, disabled, or members of families with dependent children, qualified pregnant women or children. Within broad Federal rules, each State determines eligible groups.

7 Medicaid provides health care services to many different populations Medicaid currently covers approx. 88,000 Wyoming residents in more than 50 different eligibility groups during a year. The average monthly enrollment is approximately 77,000. Approx. 50,000 of clients are children. Medicaid is a joint federal and state government program that pays for medical care. Medicaid is funded by federal and state dollars (50%/50%) for most programs.

8 Legal Authority Legal Authority Wyoming Department of Health Wyoming Department of Health The Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) is the State Agency designated to administer Medicaid and is responsible for all eligibility policy.

9 Legal Authority Legal Authority WDH also conducts eligibility determinations and case maintenance for individuals throughout the state through the use of a Customer Service Center.

10 For the purposes of today’s discussion, we will focus on the eligibility process for the Medicaid Family and Children’s Programs. Medicaid provides health care services to many different populations

11 The Customers Who are they? Family and Children’s Programs NewbornsChild MAGI 6 – 18Family MAGI Pregnant WomenChild MAGI 0 - 5Foster Care

12 Children Newborn – Baby born to a Medicaid eligible mother until age one Child MAGI– Children 0 through 5 with family income at or below 154% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Children 6 through 18 with family income at or below 133% of the FPL. Foster Care – Children in DFS custody including some who enter subsidized adoption or who age out of foster care Pregnant Women Income at or below 154% FPL Family MAGI Adult(s) caring for a child under the age of 18 with income at or below approximately 55% of the FPL Categories of Eligibility for Family & Children’s Programs

13 Eligibility Requirements Eligibility determination is dependent upon family size, income, tax filer status and family relationships. Eligibility is not tied to Economic Assistance programs, unpaid medical bills or medical diagnosis.

14 Eligibility Details Eligibility for Medicaid begins on the first day of the month of application when a person is found eligible. A person may qualify for up to three months of retroactive coverage if they are found eligible. Once found eligible, a child receives 12 continuous months of Medicaid coverage.

15 Income Guidelines for Kid Care CHIP & EqualityCare Income Range for Families, Children & Pregnant Women

16 What Income Counts? Total tax filer household income and the size of the household are used to determine income eligibility for a program. The income of some household members may not be included if they are not related to or financially responsible for the child or pregnant woman. Some types of income are not counted. Five percent of gross monthly income is deducted when the 5% would make a difference in the eligibility determination.

17 How are families notified? Eligibility is determined within 45 days. Written notices are sent and may include retroactive coverage for up to 90 days. Families then receive a Medicaid card in the mail.

18 Current Eligibility System The Current Eligibility System is called WES (Wyoming Eligibility System) Medicaid eligibility determinations are made by the system which contains the Medicaid and CHIP rules.

19 Interface with Claims Processing An electronic interface is transmitted from WES to MMIS (Fiscal system) on a daily basis. Xerox is the fiscal agent contracted to process claims for Medicaid.

20 The Eligibility process differs for Aged, Blind or Disabled Medicaid programs due to additional eligibility requirements and the need to determine medical necessity. Medicaid provides health care services to many different populations

21 Kid Care CHIP Provides health insurance to children age birth through age 18

22 The Children’s Health Insurance Program is authorized by Title XXI of the Social Security Act to provide health insurance to the children of low-income families. Kid Care CHIP is also governed by Wyoming statute 35-25-101 through 35-25- 108; the Code of Federal Regulations; Wyoming CHIP State Plan and the Kid Care CHIP Rules. There is a CHIP program in every state in the United States. Programs differ by whether the state chose to expand Medicaid, create a separate program (usually partnering with private insurance companies) or do a combination (Medicaid expansion and separate program). Kid Care CHIP is the name for Wyoming’s Children’s Health Insurance Program or CHIP

23 Kid Care CHIP is Wyoming’s Children’s Health Insurance Program  Separate State Program  Recreated as a Public/Private Partnership in 2003 by the Wyoming Legislature Provides health insurance to uninsured children in families with incomes too high to qualify for Medicaid but too low to afford private health insurance Kid Care CHIP is not Medicaid or an entitlement program Funded by federal and state dollars (65%/35%) There are an average of 3,683 children enrolled in Kid Care CHIP over the last 9 months What is Kid Care CHIP?

24 Kid Care CHIP is a Partnership…. The Department of Health has partnered with Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) and Delta Dental of Wyoming to provide the medical, vision and dental coverage to all children enrolled in Kid Care CHIP. Children enrolled receive BCBS and Delta Dental Identification cards.

25 Income Guidelines for Age Up to 133% FPL 134% to 154% FPL 155% to 200% FPL Birth to 5 Kid Care Plan A 6-18 years Kid Care Plan A Kid Care CHIP Medicaid Income Range

26 Eligibility for Kid Care CHIP is determined by the Department of Health, Customer Service Center. Any family applying for Kid Care CHIP, must be screened for eligibility for Medicaid first (Federal Law). This is done within WES. Children eligible for Kid Care CHIP are eligible the first of month following the month the application is received (as long as the application is received by the 25 th of the month). Kid Care CHIP is not retroactive. An eligibility interview is not required. Eligibility Details

27 Kid Care CHIP Eligibility Requirements Kid Care CHIP covers children in families with incomes up to 200% FPL (Family of 4 = $4042 per month/$48,504 yr) To be eligible, a child must be: o Uninsured for 30 days prior to applying (with some exceptions) o A U. S. Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident who has lived in the U.S. for 5 years o A Wyoming resident o Age birth through 18 Once eligible, the child will be on for 12 continuous months unless: o The child moves out of state o Turns 19 o Becomes institutionalized o Enters into Foster Care o Child becomes Medicaid eligible because of a decrease in family income

28 How does the customer apply? Complete an application online at Mail or drop off completed application to/at WDH Customer Service Center 6101 Yellowstone Rd., Suite 259D Cheyenne, WY 82002 Print an application off of the websites at: Call the WDH Customer Service Center at: 1-855-294-2127 Email scanned applications to Fax applications to 1-855-329-5205

29 Enrollment Process Application received via online web portal, mail, phone call, fax, email or walk-in Application electronically or manually entered into WES WES determines eligibility for Medicaid and Kid Care CHIP eligibility and generates a notice to the family If Medicaid eligible, the child and any eligible adults are auto enrolled. If Kid Care CHIP eligible, child is auto enrolled for 12 months

30 How long is someone eligible? 12 months _________________________________________________ After 12 months, a review is completed and eligibility is re-determined This policy is intended to prevent eligible individuals from moving on and off the program (churning), thus reducing administrative costs and improving the likelihood of individuals finding a medical home with continuity of care. Adults can be discontinued before the twelve continuous months if changes in income make them no longer eligible.

31 How the ACA changed Medicaid and Kid Care CHIP Coordination with the Federally Facilitated Marketplace: One application for Medicaid, Kid Care CHIP and Health Insurance subsidies Seamless eligibility determination and referral process Interfaces to share eligibility information Real Time Eligibility—applicants may receive an immediate determination (if interfaces are able to verify eligibility factors) when submitting an application for Medicaid, Kid Care CHIP or Health Insurance subsidies

32 How the ACA changed Medicaid and Kid Care CHIP Presumptive Eligibility—hospitals that are Medicaid providers will be able to determine temporary eligibility for many Medicaid programs in the near future Maintenance of Effort for Children through Sept 30 th, 2019— states are not permitted to have eligibility standards, benefits, cost sharing or procedures that are more restrictive than those in effect on March 23, 2010 Kid Care CHIP has been funded through 2017 and authorized through 2019 Modified Adjusted Gross Income(MAGI)- a new way of calculating income eliminating the use of income disregards

33 THANK YOU… Contacts Heather Gifford Eligibility Program Analyst 307-777-5379 Jeff Oliver Chip Eligibility & Benefits Manager307-777-3590

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