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Slovenian Qualification Framework developments and ECVET Bled, 17. 9. 2013 Mr Elido Bandelj, director.

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Presentation on theme: "Slovenian Qualification Framework developments and ECVET Bled, 17. 9. 2013 Mr Elido Bandelj, director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slovenian Qualification Framework developments and ECVET Bled, 17. 9. 2013 Mr Elido Bandelj, director

2 Nature and scope of the SQF Philosophy: framework of communication Purpose :  to achieve transparency and recognisability of qualifications in Slovenia and the EU,  to support lifelong learning;  to connect and coordinate Slovenian qualifications subsystems;  To improve accessibility and quality of qualifications with regard to the labour market and civil society. t → builds on former reforms underway since 1996.

3 Starting point and structure Starting points: sectoral legislation, KLASIUS (a mandatory national standard used in the recording, collection, processing, analysis of statistical/analytical data), EQF Structure: comprehensive framework 10 levels & 3 categories of LOs: knowledge, skills and competences (combination of EQF logic & the logic of national educational programmes and qualifications – typical programmes/qualifications were analysed when developing LO descriptors).

4 3 categories of qualifications 1.Educational qualifications: obtained after successfully completing publicly approved formal educational programmes (e.g. school leaving certificate, final examination certificate, general matura certificate, first-cycle diploma…); 2.National vocational qualifications: obtained after assessment and validation (s.c. certification) of vocational competences (NVQ certificates); 3.Supplementary qualifications: obtained after assessment and validation of proffesional or transferable competences that expand person‘s knowledge, skills and competences for life and work (eg. certificate in project management) ..

5 Qualifications in the SQF SQF Levels Qualifications acquired in the formal education system Qualifications acquired outside the formal education system 1 Elementary school leaving certificate (lower educational criteria) / 2 Elementary school leaving certificate NVQ, level 2 3 Final examination certificate (Lower VET) NVQ, level 3 4 Final examination certificate (Secondary VET) NVQ, level 4 5 General and vocational matura certificate NVQ, level 5 6 Higher vocational diploma NVQ, level 6 7 First-cycle diploma (professional & academic) / 8 Second-cycle diploma (professional master) / 9 Magisterij znanosti / 10 Doctorate degree / ..

6 LO in the SQF The SQF links two concepts: a)The traditional 'input concept’ or educational activity/programmes concept tied to legal acts which, for each programme type and associated qualification, define its purpose, objectives and position in the education system, and also rights in the sense of the transitions / employment it enables a)The learning outcomes concept, introduced at the system level by the SQF, defines more transparently the relationships between programmes and qualifications in the sense of their difficulty and complexity ..

7 Learning outcomes in formal and non-formal settings After 1996: a gradual shift to learning outcomes; However: the term learning outcome has not been used; Elementary and general upper secondary education: learning objectives & (minimum and basic) standards of knowledge; integration of key competeneces; Upper secondary and higher VET: occupational standards and learning objectives; integration of key competences; Higher education: learning aims; general and subject- specific competences. ..

8 … KNOWLEDGE: is the result of learning and the assimilation of concepts, principles, theories and practices. Acquisition of knowledge takes place in various settings: in the educational process, at work and in the context of private and social life. SKILLS: the term refers to cognitive skills (e.g. the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and/or practical skills (e.g. manual, creative skills, use of materials, tools and instruments). COMPETENCES: relate to the ability to use and integrate knowledge and skills in educational, professional and personal situations. We distinguish between generic and vocationally specific competences. Competences are classified in the SQF in terms of complexity, autonomy and responsibility. LEVEL DESCRIPTORS – an example:

9 Criteria and procedures for inclusion of qualifications in the SQF i.A proposal for the inclusion of educational qualifications into SQF is prepared by: public institutions competent to propose state-approved education programmes to the Expert Council for adoption (defines the level of SQF for the individual qualification); higher education institutions in application for accreditation of study programmes (QAAHE defines the level of SQF for the individual qualification); ii.A proposal for the inclusion of NVQ into SQF is prepared by the public institutions competent to propose NVQs to the Expert Council for adoption (defines the level of SQF for the individual qualification). Following adoption of the EQ or NVQ, the EQF NCP publishes the details in the register of SQF qualifications. ..

10 … The placing of individual types of qualifications in the SQF is based on two foundations: a)initially, all types of qualifications were placed in the framework in accordance with sectoral legislation and KLASIUS. KLASIUS is a mandatory national standard and is used to classify education and training activities and the results of education and training b)the suitability of the classification was also checked from the point of view of the conformity of qualifications with learning outcomes at individual qualification levels. ..

11 Quality assurance in the SQF Linked to the accreditation and quality assurance processes: ONLY ACCREDITED QUALIFICATIONS WILL BE INCLUDED IN SQF Accreditation procedures currently only exist for two types of qualifications: those obtained within the formal education system (educational qualification); outside the formal education system, these procedures only exist for national vocational qualifications; Procedures for the accreditation of supplementary qualifications are currently being developed and are therefore not included in the framework in this phase.

12 … The quality of the SQF depends on two global factors: 1)on the quality of the procedures and processes that are directly tied to the preparation of the SQF and its application and development; public consultations which involved all key stakeholders participation of foreign and domestic experts preparation of legal basis for SQF (Ministry of Education) register of SQF qualifications (EQF NCP) accredited qualifications in the SQF (Expert Councils, QAAHE) quality assurance institutions (QAAHE, NEI, NIVET, NIAE) 2)on the quality of the national system of education and qualifications itself; dependent on established, high-quality accreditation procedures and systems of quality assurance accreditation procedures and quality assurance systems together provide integrated oversight of the quality of the education system and the quality of its outcomes ..

13 Accreditation procedures and system of QA in Slovenia 1.Input level: legally determined processes of accreditation of: education / training providers, education / training programmes and qualifications, assessors of vocational competences. Formally determined assessment regulations. Broadly defined and outcome oriented curricula (VET: based on occupational standards), defined teachers‘ level of education… 2. The process level: introduction of new programmes is externally supported, The quality of processes and outcomes is regularly monitored ..

14 … 3. The output level:  External national testing is carried out at elementary education and upper secondary education levels  The system of evaluations (tertiary level) and self- evaluation (primary to upper secondary level) is developed: The quality assurance system in VET is structured following Quality Assurance Reference Framework for VET The quality assurance system for HE: Quality aasurance agency for HE follows European standards and guidelines ..

15 Methodology used to link SQF levels to the EQF levels Three-stage methodological analysis 1.Structural comparison of the two frameworks: two frameworks are comparable and similar in structure but some differences between them do exist (10 levels, connection of LO with EA) 2. Conceptual comparison of the two frameworks: the same three concepts in SQF/EQF correspond but within SQF emphasis on national ES and labour market 3. Comparison of SQF and EQF descriptors:  SQF level 1 → EQF level 1  SQF level 2 → EQF level 2 ( SQF is slightly more demanding)  SQF level 3 → EQF level 3  SQF levels 4 and 5 → EQF level 4, best fit principle  SQF level 6 → EQF level 5  SQF level 7 → EQF level 6  SQF level 8 → EQF level 7  SQF level 9 → EQF level 8, best fit principle  SQF level 10 → EQF level 8 ..

16 Referencing SQF levels to EQF SQFEQF 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 9 10 ..

17 Complementarities between EQF and ECVET Communication instruments Based on learning outcomes Centered on qualifications Emphasis on Lifelong Learning Focused on Mobility Transparency oriented

18 Thank you for your attention For more information:

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