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The Hartismere Analysts Analysis Of Andrews Salts.

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1 The Hartismere Analysts Analysis Of Andrews Salts

2 The meaning of …… Effervescence …… Where there is a chemical reaction releasing gases, therefore causing the surface of the liquid to foam and fizz. antacid An antacid is an other word for an alkali. If a certain amount of alkali is added to an acid, the antacid will neutralise (level up) the acid laxative An edible substance which can make go to the toilet more than often.

3 Sodium hydrogen carbonate is antacid Citric acid is not antacid Magnesium sulphate is not antacid Sucrose is slightly antacid Which ingredients are antacid?

4 Which ingredients produce gas? After testing and checking with other groups we found that sodium hydrogen carbonate and citric acid were needed to produce the gas and that they still produced the gas when mixed with other substances. We think this was because bicarb of soda is an alkali and citric acid is an acid (no surprise there) and that they neutralised each other making carbon dioxide.

5 Some bubbles nothing Yes it fizzes nothingYes it fizzes nothing Epsom sodium sucrose citric Salts bicarb acid Epsom Sucrose Sodium Bicarb Citric acid

6 We have concluded that Andrews ingredients have the following jobs Bicarb of soda settles the stomach acids and is antacid Sucrose is a type of sugar Citric acid and bicarb of soda cause effervescence

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