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C WRITING A 5-PART PARAGRAPH. Part I: What is a Well-Written Paragraph? A well-written paragraph contains 3 elements: 1. The topic sentence (1 sentence)

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Presentation on theme: "C WRITING A 5-PART PARAGRAPH. Part I: What is a Well-Written Paragraph? A well-written paragraph contains 3 elements: 1. The topic sentence (1 sentence)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Part I: What is a Well-Written Paragraph? A well-written paragraph contains 3 elements: 1. The topic sentence (1 sentence) The topic sentence (also called a thesis statement) gives the readers a preview of what you are going to tell them. The rest of the information in the paragraph should support the topic sentence. 2. The body (3-4 sentences) These sentences are supporting details. They are statements or examples. Each detail must be relevant to the topic sentence. 3. The concluding sentence (1 sentence) This last sentence ties your thoughts together.

3 Try this! Read the paragraph below. There is one sentence that does not belong. Can you identify which one it is? Highlight it. Then choose a more appropriate supporting detail from the choices listed. New York City is a wonderful and exciting place to visit because it has so much to offer. For example, there are many parks, including the famous Central Park. There are nine million residents in New York City. Of course, you cannot forget about all of the world-renown museums like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Guggenheim, and Museum of Natural History. If you visit New York City, you will never run out of places to see or things to do.

4 Which would be a better choice for a supporting detail in place of the sentence that does not belong? a) People come from all over the world to visit New York City. b) There are also many diverse and delicious restaurants to eat at. c) Anytime of year is a great time to visit. d) There are a few options for mass transportation to help you get to your destinations within the city.

5 Part II: Identifying and Sequencing Parts of a Paragraph

6 Directions: Determine which sentence makes the best topic sentence and put a T next to it. Sequence the supporting details. Write SD1, SD2, and SD3 next to the first, second, and third supporting details. Put a C next to the concluding sentence. ______ Apples are used to make tasty apple pies. ______ Apples are a favorite fruit of many because of the delicious recipes that they can be used in. ______ The possibilities are endless which is why apples are one of the best fruits to have on hand in the kitchen. ______ Apples can be used to make sweet apple cider. ______ Apples can be used to make homemade applesauce.

7 Part III: Create Your Own Topic Sentence, Supporting Details, and Concluding Sentence

8 Directions: For one of the topics below, write a topic sentence, three or four supporting details, and a concluding sentence. 1. Topic: Your favorite hobby 2. Topic: Your favorite food 3. Topic: Your favorite place 4. Topic: Your favorite game


10 Part IV: Transition Words Transition words are an important part of a well- written paragraph. They help sentences flow together and make the paragraph sound better. These two steps can help you determine the types of transition words to use.

11 Step 1: Think about the purpose of the sentence to which you plan to add a transition word. Ask yourself, is the purpose to: Give or indicate more information? Give an example of something? Show a reason, purpose, or result? Compare or contrast? Summarize or conclude? Show time or a shift in time?

12 Step 2: Once you have established the purpose of your sentence, you can choose a transition word that best fits in. Here are a few examples of transition words for each purpose. Remember, each word will not always work for a sentence in that category. You need to try it out and see if it sounds correct in context.


14 Paragraph WITHOUT Transition Words… Being part of a team has many benefits. On a team people learn how to work with others to achieve a goal. On a team people are able to spend time with others who share a mutual interest. Being part of a team teaches commitment and responsibility. It seems that many people should be a part of a team to experience all its benefits.

15 Paragraph WITH Transition Words… Being part of a team has many benefits. For example, one benefit is learning how to work with others to achieve a goal. Another benefit is being able to spend time with others who share a mutual interest. Furthermore, being part of a team teaches commitment and responsibility. Given this information, it seems that many people should be part of a team to experience all its benefits.

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